segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014

All universities now free of charge - University World News

All universities now free of charge - University World News: "All universities now free of charge"

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Employment prospects rosier for Erasmus graduates - University World News

Employment prospects rosier for Erasmus graduates - University World News:

International visiting scholars are underused

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To fee or not to fee in Erasmus Mundus collaborations? - University World News

To fee or not to fee in Erasmus Mundus collaborations? - University World News:

International collaboration boosts research in Poland

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Student success a priority, but HE has funding fears - University World News

Student success a priority, but HE has funding fears - University World News:

Little awareness of new professional PhDs

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Huge growth in eLearning in Asia, market report says - University World News

Huge growth in eLearning in Asia, market report says - University World News:

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APOD: 2014 September 26 - MAVEN at Mars

APOD: 2014 September 26 - MAVEN at Mars:

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quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Your Citizen Science Idea Could Fly to Mars and Win You $20,000 from NASA! - Citizen Science Salon | : Citizen Science Salon

Your Citizen Science Idea Could Fly to Mars and Win You $20,000 from NASA! - Citizen Science Salon | : Citizen Science Salon:

mars balance challenge

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When research worlds collide | symmetry magazine

When research worlds collide | symmetry magazine:

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Detetada presença de vapor de água em planeta extrassolar do tamanho de Neptuno - Observador

Detetada presença de vapor de água em planeta extrassolar do tamanho de Neptuno - Observador:

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APOD: 2014 September 24 - The Lagoon Nebula in Stars Dust and Gas

APOD: 2014 September 24 - The Lagoon Nebula in Stars Dust and Gas:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

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terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2014

Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control

IOP Conferences:

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Cambridge endowment charity linked to China government - University World News

Cambridge endowment charity linked to China government - University World News: " UNITED KINGDOM Cambridge endowment charity linked to China government"

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Higher education, the Tea Party’s unlikely farm team - University World News

Higher education, the Tea Party’s unlikely farm team - University World News:

Will universities make way for development in Beijing?

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Technology will create higher education’s future – IAUP - University World News

Technology will create higher education’s future – IAUP - University World News:

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Major reform as 600 universities become polytechnics - University World News

Major reform as 600 universities become polytechnics - University World News:

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Portugal pode duplicar estudantes internacionais até 2020 -

Portugal pode duplicar estudantes internacionais até 2020 -

A Universidade do Porto é uma das mais procuradas por alunos Erasmus

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CRUP! | Grande Lisboa lidera pedidos de bolsa para o interior

CRUP! | Grande Lisboa lidera pedidos de bolsa para o interior:


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Portal de Comunicação da Universidade do Minho

Portal de Comunicação da Universidade do Minho: "Ensino superior vs casa dos segredos segunda-feira, 22-09-2014 Diário Económico / Emprego & Universidades"

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Mais aulas em inglês e consórcios de instituições para atrair estudantes internacionais - PÚBLICO

Mais aulas em inglês e consórcios de instituições para atrair estudantes internacionais - PÚBLICO:

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Nova sonda chega a Marte. À descoberta de sinais de vida -

Nova sonda chega a Marte. À descoberta de sinais de vida -

Visão artística da sonda robótica Maven, da NASA, a aproximar-se de Marte, onde vai estudar a alta atmosfera para descobrir eventuais indícios de vida.

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segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014

Lisbon Mini Maker Faire

Lisbon Mini Maker Faire:

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Cost-cutting makes sense for universities and colleges - University World News

Cost-cutting makes sense for universities and colleges - University World News:

Cost-cutting needed at US universities and colleges

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MOOC on MOOCs? A novel yet pragmatic approach - University World News

MOOC on MOOCs? A novel yet pragmatic approach - University World News:

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Education at a Glance – Attainment and employment - University World News

Education at a Glance – Attainment and employment - University World News:

Cost-cutting needed at US universities and colleges

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The shifting sands of international student mobility - University World News

The shifting sands of international student mobility - University World News:

Australian HE must leverage Asian alumni to forge more links

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Educational upward mobility slowing – OECD report - University World News

Educational upward mobility slowing – OECD report - University World News:

Richard Holmes ranks U-Multirank

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800 moutons quittent leur résidence d'été...

The Honourable Schoolboy

highly multidisciplinary platform for physicists, biologists and mathematicians to come together

IOP Conferences:

The aim is again to provide a highly multidisciplinary platform for physicists, biologists and mathematicians to come together to discuss experimental and theoretical approaches for studying emergent behaviour in living systems. We aim at a broad selection of topics, spanning a wide range of organisms and scales.

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U-Multirank – A university ranking evaluation - University World News

U-Multirank – A university ranking evaluation - University World News:

Altbach, Rumbley on local and global HE inter-nationalisation

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APOD: 2014 September 14 - M27: The Dumbbell Nebula

APOD: 2014 September 14 - M27: The Dumbbell Nebula:

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domingo, 14 de setembro de 2014

Bestseller reveals don’s life with ‘filthy’ English | The Sunday Times

Bestseller reveals don’s life with ‘filthy’ English | The Sunday Times:

Joao Magueijo reviles the drunken culture of a ‘rotten society’

well one eg João can be (deeply) wrong... the beer is nice (some...) and I was there too, actually ''sharing'' buildings ...,  it was a old building but quite clean.

Of course, one cannot compare

English food gets a battering in the professor’s book


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Rosetta probe finds basics of life on comet | The Sunday Times

Rosetta probe finds basics of life on comet | The Sunday Times:

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The skies have it | The Sunday Times

The skies have it | The Sunday Times: "Did he anticipate modernism, or had he gone mad? Tate Britain’s show of Turner’s late works doesn’t give us the answer we expect"

Focused strategy: Turner was without peer at creating dramatic atmospheric effects

a must go to London reason before 25th Jan ....

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Estudos Gerais é um curso para curiosos inquietos - PÚBLICO

Estudos Gerais é um curso para curiosos inquietos - PÚBLICO: ""As pessoas estão na universidade não para arranjar emprego mas para serem educadas, para terem uma educação formal, no sentido do conhecimento, do saber, estruturado e organizado, de alta exigência e que as equipa, lhes dá a capacidade de serem autónomas, conhecedoras e poderem habitar uma democracia de uma forma mais séria", diz António Feijó, um dos mentores deste novo curso. A Revista 2 foi conhecer alunos recém licenciados e os "pais" dos Estudos Gerais para saber por que este não é um curso como os outros."

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