sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

Nb1. If only @ ipg bob dylan was a must listen poet of the change Nb2. Why oh mighty Lord thou allow poor Ludwig B to be misunderstood...?

CRUP | Proposta de fecho de cursos "é ataque ao interior da país"

Closing the picture with few pixels ie assembling intelligence data from the few allowed spots

CRUP | Cinco cursos da Universidade dos Açores em risco de fechar

Experiment investigates how classical physics may emerge from quantum physics

New mathematical model links space-time theories

Macau raises the stakes: The exclusive Galaxy Sky 32 casino is only for gamblers who risk £1 million

quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2013

String theory may limit space brain threat - New Scientist - New Scientist

Quantum gravity takes singularity out of black holes - New Scientist - New Scientist

Cursos com menos de 10 inscritos não vão abrir - Portugal - DN

Cursos com menos de 10 inscritos não vão abrir - Portugal - DN:

O impedimento da abertura dos primeiros anos dos cursos nesta situação, a partir do próximo ano letivo, consta de uma proposta de regulamentação do número de vagas e determinação das condições para a sua criação, hoje enviada pelo gabinete do secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior, João Queiró, ao Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) e ao Conselho Coordenador dos Institutos Superiores Politécnicos (CCISP).
Na proposta de despacho orientador para o ano letivo de 2013-2014, o Governo inclui ainda a possibilidade de as universidades e politécnicos poderem abrir vagas para os cursos, com uma média de inscrições nos dois últimos anos letivos igual ou superior a 10, ou inferior a 40, nos últimos três anos letivos, mas ressalvando que essas serão "vagas sem financiamento das novas admissões".
O Estado só financia novas admissões nos cursos que tenham, nos dois últimos anos letivos, uma média de inscritos no 1.º ano igual ou superior a 20 alunos.
Atualmente, a legislação em vigor permite que sejam abertas vagas nos cursos com menos de 10 alunos inscritos, sendo 10 o limite a partir do qual o Estado financia novas admissões.
O documento propõe ainda que a fixação de vagas nos cursos fique dependente da empregabilidade dos cursos, devendo haver uma redução de 10% nas vagas dos cursos cuja taxa de desemprego seja superior ao nível de desemprego geral.
A proposta de despacho orientador destaca ainda dois cursos específicos: o de medicina, para o qual o Governo propõe a manutenção do número de vagas fixadas para o ano letivo de 2012-2013, e a licenciatura em Educação Básica, que deve sofrer uma redução de 20% no total de vagas disponíveis, mas, precisa o documento, sempre que essa redução se traduzir num número de vagas inferior a 20, o total de vagas aberto deve, ainda assim, ser fixado em vinte.
A proposta de despacho recomenda ainda às instituições do ensino superior que, "sem prejuízo das regras fixadas" no documento, procedam ao aumento da oferta em áreas como ciências da vida, ciências físicas, matemática e estatística, informática e engenharias.
O Governo define ainda na sua proposta quais as áreas de coordenação regional para a oferta ao nível dos cursos superiores e os princípios inerentes a essa coordenação, que passam pela gestão conjunta do total de vagas disponíveis e das ofertas formativas, pela não duplicação da oferta, pela diferenciação dos cursos ministrados em instituições do ensino superior fisicamente próximas entre si.
Ouvido pela agência Lusa, o presidente do CCISP, Joaquim Mourato, disse que o essencial da proposta "não satisfaz" os politécnicos, ainda que a atual versão represente um progresso em relação a uma proposta anterior, que determinava, por exemplo, que os cursos não abririam vagas para o 1.º ano se o total de inscrições no ano letivo de 2012-2013 fosse inferior a 12, ao invés da fórmula agora sugerida.
Mourato escusou-se a fazer mais comentários por ainda não ter um conhecimento mais aprofundado do documento.
A Lusa tentou contactar o presidente do CRUP, António Rendas, mas não obteve resposta em tempo útil

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Lisa Randall’s Guide to the Galaxy | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Lisa Randall’s Guide to the Galaxy | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine:

Lisa Randall

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Philosophy isn't dead yet | Raymond Tallis | Comment is free | The Guardian

Philosophy isn't dead yet | Raymond Tallis | Comment is free | The Guardian:

philosophy and metaphysics

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No flaming June, just a damp squib | The Times

No flaming June, just a damp squib | The Times:

mais p\rir... '' 
Monday 10 June—Sunday 23 June
Are we about to see summer's arrival?
At this early stage it is looking like high pressure stays close to the UK which would continue to 
bring a cool flow over the UK with
further spells of unsettled weather.

Temperatures should continue to feel cooler than average for June, with parts of the east feeling extremely disappointing. But it will still feel pleasant in sunnier interludes given how strong and high the sun is at this time of year. '' :

A couple shelter under ‘I love London’ umbrellas on Westminster bridge

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terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

More details. Actually sort of "predicted" in posts chez this blog...

Cursos com procura "muito reduzida" não abrem vagas no próximo ano - PÚBLICO



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QS Latin American University Rankings 2013 | Top Universities

QS Latin American University Rankings 2013 | Top Universities:

Top Universities- Worldwide University rankings, guides & events

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CMS hunts for low-mass dark matter - CERN Courier

CMS hunts for low-mass dark matter - CERN Courier:

CMS 90% CL upper limits on the χ–nucleon cross-section as a function of χ mass for spin-independent (left) and spin-dependent scattering (right). Also shown are limits from other experiments, and the 68% and 90% contours for the candidate events from CDMS (arXiv:1304.4279 [hep-ex]).

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Verão de 2013 pode ser o mais frio dos últimos 200 anos | Económico

Verão de 2013 pode ser o mais frio dos últimos 200 anos | Económico:

Bahh who cares??? Let's roll, & rock it!

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French MPs vote bill for lectures in English at French universities - France - RFI

French MPs vote bill for lectures in English at French universities - France - RFI:

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Nb. Mais pas ici, voyons. Nous sommes ''tugas', 'lusitanos tres mechants', !! On n'aura pas d'anglais dans les salles de classe. If faut preserver le 'tuga'-culture!!

Erhhh, hhmmm pourquoi pas?

([sotto voce] Actually, we have no ''means'' (here and there, somewhere, mostly, ...) to achieve such target...; in a realistic timeframe)


The Honourable Schoolboy

Crato vai reduzir vagas e cursos no ensino superior já este ano | Económico..., sobretudo no interior do País

Crato vai reduzir vagas e cursos no ensino superior já este ano | Económico:

Presidentes dos politécnicos e reitores estimam que “um terço da oferta formativa” está em risco de encerrar, sobretudo no interior do País.
O Ministério da Educação (MEC) vai reduzir o número de vagas de acesso ao ensino superior, encerrar as licenciaturas com menos de 20 alunos e criar consórcios entre universidades e politécnicos públicos para os cursos com poucos alunos. Medidas que vão estar inscritas no despacho que regulamenta a fixação das vagas para o superior, que "está a ser ultimado" - assegura o MEC - e deverá ser publicado ainda esta semana para entrar em vigor já no próximo ano lectivo, apurou o Diário Económico junto de reitores e presidentes dos politécnicos.

Estas foram algumas das orientações transmitidas aos membros do Conselho de Reitores (CRUP) e do Conselho Coordenador dos Politécnicos (CCISP) durante as reuniões que decorreram no final da semana passada com o secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior, João Queiró. "Houve uma reunião de auscultação para abordar essa questão", revelou um responsável de uma instituição, dizendo que algumas destas regras serão agora negociadas com a tutela.

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Ps: been sharing herein, yours truly, that univ1, univ2, politecs 1 2 3 ->''UNIV''s an (an...) answer...

segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2013

Mountain climbing??? Fine, I'm game...

Readers' 'secrets' to canine longevity


Stroke stem-cell trial shows promise


Jornal Público (@Publico) tweetou às 10:29 PM on seg, Mai 27, 2013: Universidade de Coimbra mantém actualização das propinas indexada à inflação ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Hear hear...

Contratação de doutorados merece ser estimulada com «crédito fiscal» - TSF

Edging a cut. Expenses. Edging an advantage. Budget.

A degree too close to home? Call for price cut if students go local

Iggy. Seems it is making a difference. Must know your English, though...

It’s a ‘like’: The IGGY networking site for smart pupils is a hit

A Guide for Scientists on Giving Comments to Journalists – Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocket Science

A Guide for Scientists on Giving Comments to Journalists – Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocket Science:

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Moon dust gathered by Neil Armstrong discovered in warehouse after 40 years | Cutting Edge - CNET News

Moon dust gathered by Neil Armstrong discovered in warehouse after 40 years | Cutting Edge - CNET News:

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Reversing decades of brain drain - University World News: key factor is a major, long-term public funded and centralised programme of research grants for doctoral and post-doctoral projects, based on independent national evaluations of individual proposals and independent of any university or research institution

Reversing decades of brain drain - University World News:

Ficheiro:Flag of Portugal.svg

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New view of the Ring Nebula

New view of the Ring Nebula:

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Degree mobility + loans doesn’t work - University World News

Degree mobility + loans doesn’t work - University World News:

MOOCs – The door to higher education privatisation

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Foreign PhDs urged to stay during strong expansion - University World News

Foreign PhDs urged to stay during strong expansion - University World News:

Ou as quintas emergenets no post D.Joao II e muita asneira, aqui e ali remendada (eg, a pre-E Politecnica, etc).  ME&C com perfil\praxis' 'estrangeirado' precisa-se. URGENTE!! 

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Science shops tackle community concerns at a low cost - University World News

Science shops tackle community concerns at a low cost - University World News:

Ahhh e depois o D.Manuel I et al sacked all those Spinoza's et al from here... Toca o hino!

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Put the kettle on? When tea drinkers were viewed as irresponsible as whiskey drinkers

Put the kettle on? When tea drinkers were viewed as irresponsible as whiskey drinkers: "Put the kettle on? When tea drinkers were viewed as irresponsible as whiskey drinkers"

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BBC News - Almost human: Lab treats trauma with virtual therapy

BBC News - Almost human: Lab treats trauma with virtual therapy:

or then... why not, check w\Lucy


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Caught in Words: Eight Literary Things To Do in and Around London

Caught in Words: Eight Literary Things To Do in and Around London:

British library

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Russell Group chair weighs in against tuition fee cap | News | Times Higher Education

Russell Group chair weighs in against tuition fee cap | News | Times Higher Education:


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Dr Jones, are you in there?

Archaeologists uncover nearly 5,000 cave paintings in Burgos, Mexico

Mexican National Institute of Anthropology

Seeing the larger picture:

Seeing the larger picture: Inspiring images of space

Survey finds today's university students are anxious to find ...

Survey finds today's university students are anxious to find alternative social activities that do not involve drinking

"Why is the Moon synchronously rotating?"

Harold Geller (@AstroBioProf) tweetou às 3:02 PM on sex, Mai 24, 2013: "Why is the Moon synchronously rotating?" See ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Moon images: full moon night model of the universe

Institute of Physics (@PhysicsNews) tweetou às 3:03 PM on sex, Mai 24, 2013: Lee Smolin describes a new model of the universe ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Sponge Cake...

NYT Food & Drink (@nytimesfood) tweetou às 7:54 PM on sex, Mai 24, 2013: Sponge Cake, a Vehicle for Summer Fruit ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

NYT Food & Drink

NYT Food & Drink (@nytimesfood) tweetou às 7:54 PM on sex, Mai 24, 2013: A Good Appetite: Strawberry Shortcake Forever ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

These 31 charts will destroy your faith in humanity - from the WPO

These 31 charts will destroy your faith in humanity: "These 31 charts will destroy your faith in humanity"

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You want to get an Eton scholarship?

You want to get an Eton scholarship? All you need to do is answer four (not so simple) questions


Lack of fresh water could hit half the world’s population by 2050

Hairy indeed! MeoowwwGroooooaarrrhhhh!

Hairy moment for tiger Ty as football-sized furball is removed from his stomach

Errors and omissions: How a wrong translation became the great Berlin bake-off

Errors and omissions: How a wrong translation became the great Berlin bake-off

Crab & chilli. Grab it!

A cracking good dish: Mark Hix cooks with crab

Meoowww want that thing...

Top gadgets for pets

Mars. Red?

Viewpoint: Mars - what we've learnt in five years

Water ice, Mars

Roll over Einstein? 14-D now? ... meet Weinstein | Alok Jha

Roll over Einstein: meet Weinstein | Alok Jha:

Dark matter

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'Echoes' of the Big Bang Misinterpreted? : Discovery News

'Echoes' of the Big Bang Misinterpreted? : Discovery News:

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Big Bang... Plank telescope data doesn't fit 'theory' o...

The Honourable Schoolboy

quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

Estudantes e colaboradores da Universidade do Porto com descontos no comércio tradicional - PÚBLICO

Estudantes e colaboradores da Universidade do Porto com descontos no comércio tradicional - PÚBLICO:

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Physics - At the Heart of a Black Hole

Physics - At the Heart of a Black Hole:

Synopsis Image

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Kunal K. Das: Quantum Mechanics of Love

Kunal K. Das: Quantum Mechanics of Love:

quantum 1

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Physics - Measuring Nothing

Physics - Measuring Nothing:

Synopsis Image

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"quantum microscope" takes a new look at quantum wavefunctions of hydrogen

APS Physics Editors (@APSPhysicsEd) tweetou às 2:20 PM on ter, Mai 21, 2013: "quantum microscope" takes a new look at quantum wavefunctions of hydrogen ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Figure 1

odd ODE-solvers... or not so.

Differential Eqns (@diff_eq) tweetou às 2:22 PM on ter, Mai 21, 2013: Why not evaluate integrals using ODE-solvers? ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em


The EPJ journals (@EPJscience) tweetou às 10:01 AM on ter, Mai 21, 2013: The Speed of Light May Be Less Constant Than We Thought. Blog on 2 EPJD papers #surprisingphysics #atomicphysics ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Viewpoints: Higher fees and value-for-money degrees (BBC)

Martin Hughes (@universityboy) tweetou às 9:52 AM on qua, Mai 22, 2013: Viewpoints: Higher fees and value-for-money degrees (BBC) ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Students revising outside

EU university ranking may ‘harm’ higher education

Martin Hughes (@universityboy) tweetou às 10:08 AM on qua, Mai 22, 2013: EU university ranking may ‘harm’ higher education (@uniworldnews) #unirankings ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

can you estimate a minimum size of the Universe given bounds on the curvature paramter Omega_K and compare the result to the Hubble radius?

Cosmo Qst OfTheWeek (@CosmoQW) tweetou às 10:13 AM on qua, Mai 22, 2013: can you estimate a minimum size of the Universe given bounds on the curvature paramter Omega_K and compare the result to the Hubble radius? ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Cosmology Question of the Week

Jose Mourinho obeys laws of physics

Physics Tweet (@PhysicsTweet) tweetou às 6:02 PM on qua, Mai 22, 2013: Jose Mourinho obeys laws of physics, leaves Real Madrid - Montreal Gazette (blog) ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Jose Mourinho 001 Jose Mourinho obeys laws of physics, leaves Real Madrid

Hamilton , quaternions , 1843

Algebra Fact (@AlgebraFact) tweetou às 7:32 PM on qua, Mai 22, 2013: Hamilton discovered quaternions in 1843. ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

The Beatles' lyrics manuscripts ....

The Beatles' lyrics manuscripts and other Fab Four rarities donated to British Library under new scheme

The goal is in sight: students, who have been protesting against tuition fees since they were introduced eight years ago, are pleased that they will soon be history in Germany

TimesHigherEducation (@timeshighered) tweetou às 11:20 AM on qui, Mai 23, 2013: Unbridled success: Germany’s fee foes claim victory: ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

German student standing on statue

#DarkMatter and MOOCs

MultiDark (@MultiDark) tweetou às 10:55 AM on qui, Mai 23, 2013: #DarkMatter and MOOCs #physics #astrophysics ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Calculate Y-O-U-R inflation rate. YOURS!!!!

Calculate your inflation rate

Basket of goods with a calculator in

ESO - eso1322pt - O Very Large Telescope do ESO celebra 15 anos de sucesso

ESO - eso1322pt - O Very Large Telescope do ESO celebra 15 anos de sucesso:

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(Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco GCI UBI)

[1302.6897] The AD775 cosmic event revisited: the Sun is to blame

[1302.6897] The AD775 cosmic event revisited: the Sun is to blame: "The AD775 cosmic event revisited: the Sun is to blame"

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segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2013


Smithsonian (@smithsonian) tweetou às 8:40 PM on seg, Mai 20, 2013: RT @smithsonianmag: How a young Edwin Hubble demolished old ideas about the universe: ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Brazilian Science, Open to the World

Brazilian Science, Open to the World:

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Antarctic Neutrino Observatory Detects Unexplained High-Energy Particles: Scientific American

Antarctic Neutrino Observatory Detects Unexplained High-Energy Particles: Scientific American:

Neutrino event in IceCube detector

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Growing criticism towards German university alliances? « Hedda – Higher Education Development Association

Growing criticism towards German university alliances? « Hedda – Higher Education Development Association:

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MOOCs – Past, present and future - University World News

MOOCs – Past, present and future - University World News:

Not so ‘disposable academics’ head North

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Yitang Zhang Proves 'Landmark' Theorem in Distribution of Prime Numbers | Simons Foundation

Yitang Zhang Proves 'Landmark' Theorem in Distribution of Prime Numbers | Simons Foundation:

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

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Feynman's double-slit experiment preserved

Mitch Hobish (@MitchHobish) tweetou às 8:49 PM on seg, Mai 13, 2013: Feynman's double-slit experiment preserved ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Build-up of quantum interference. a–e, Selected frames from a false-colour movie recorded with an Andor iXon 885 low-light EMCCD camera showing the build-up of the quantum interference pattern for PcH2 molecules. Images were recorded before deposition of the molecules (a) and 2 min (b), 20 min (c), 40 min (d) and 90 min (e) after deposition. Scale bars, 20 micrometers (a–e). The colour bar ranges from 25 to 120 photons in a–d and from 220 to 650 photons in e. The arrow pointing downwards indicates the direction of the gravitational acceleration g.

"Einstein's Planet" --New Method Using Theory of Relativity Detects Its First Alien Planet

Mitch Hobish (@MitchHobish) tweetou às 8:50 PM on seg, Mai 13, 2013: "Einstein's Planet" --New Method Using Theory of Relativity Detects Its First Alien Planet ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Ser ou não ser. Devemos enfrentar os desafios ou resignarmo-nos? Devemos viver e tentar mudar ou vegetar ao sabor...

Citador (@citador) tweetou às 9:18 PM on seg, Mai 13, 2013: Ser ou não ser. Devemos enfrentar os desafios ou resignarmo-nos? Devemos viver e tentar mudar ou vegetar ao sabor... ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

William Shakespeare

Have archaeologists discovered the mysterious lost city of Ciudad Blanca?

Have archaeologists discovered the mysterious lost city of Ciudad Blanca?

ESO - eso1321pt - A flamejante fita escondida de Orion

ESO - eso1321pt - A flamejante fita escondida de Orion The Honourable Schoolboy

Nb. Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco (GCI UBI)