CRUP | Proposta de fecho de cursos "é ataque ao interior da país"
'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013
quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2013
quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2013
Cursos com menos de 10 inscritos não vão abrir - Portugal - DN
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No flaming June, just a damp squib | The Times
Monday 10 June—Sunday 23 June
Are we about to see summer's arrival?
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terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013
Verão de 2013 pode ser o mais frio dos últimos 200 anos | Económico
Bahh who cares??? Let's roll, & rock it!

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French MPs vote bill for lectures in English at French universities - France - RFI
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Nb. Mais pas ici, voyons. Nous sommes ''tugas', 'lusitanos tres mechants', !! On n'aura pas d'anglais dans les salles de classe. If faut preserver le 'tuga'-culture!!
Erhhh, hhmmm pourquoi pas?
([sotto voce] Actually, we have no ''means'' (here and there, somewhere, mostly, ...) to achieve such target...; in a realistic timeframe)
Crato vai reduzir vagas e cursos no ensino superior já este ano | Económico..., sobretudo no interior do País
Estas foram algumas das orientações transmitidas aos membros do Conselho de Reitores (CRUP) e do Conselho Coordenador dos Politécnicos (CCISP) durante as reuniões que decorreram no final da semana passada com o secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior, João Queiró. "Houve uma reunião de auscultação para abordar essa questão", revelou um responsável de uma instituição, dizendo que algumas destas regras serão agora negociadas com a tutela.
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Ps: been sharing herein, yours truly, that univ1, univ2, politecs 1 2 3 ->''UNIV''s an (an...) answer...
segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2013
Mountain climbing??? Fine, I'm game...
Readers' 'secrets' to canine longevity
Jornal Público (@Publico) tweetou às 10:29 PM on seg, Mai 27, 2013: Universidade de Coimbra mantém actualização das propinas indexada à inflação ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em
Edging a cut. Expenses. Edging an advantage. Budget.
A degree too close to home? Call for price cut if students go local
Iggy. Seems it is making a difference. Must know your English, though...
It’s a ‘like’: The IGGY networking site for smart pupils is a hit
Reversing decades of brain drain - University World News: key factor is a major, long-term public funded and centralised programme of research grants for doctoral and post-doctoral projects, based on independent national evaluations of individual proposals and independent of any university or research institution
Foreign PhDs urged to stay during strong expansion - University World News
Ou as quintas emergenets no post D.Joao II e muita asneira, aqui e ali remendada (eg, a pre-E Politecnica, etc). ME&C com perfil\praxis' 'estrangeirado' precisa-se. URGENTE!!
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Science shops tackle community concerns at a low cost - University World News
Ahhh e depois o D.Manuel I et al sacked all those Spinoza's et al from here... Toca o hino!
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Put the kettle on? When tea drinkers were viewed as irresponsible as whiskey drinkers
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BBC News - Almost human: Lab treats trauma with virtual therapy
or then... why not, check w\Lucy
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Dr Jones, are you in there?
Seeing the larger picture:
Survey finds today's university students are anxious to find ...
"Why is the Moon synchronously rotating?" model of the universe
Sponge Cake...
NYT Food & Drink
These 31 charts will destroy your faith in humanity - from the WPO
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You want to get an Eton scholarship?
Hairy indeed! MeoowwwGroooooaarrrhhhh!
Errors and omissions: How a wrong translation became the great Berlin bake-off
Crab & chilli. Grab it!
Meoowww want that thing...
Mars. Red?
sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2013
quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013
"quantum microscope" takes a new look at quantum wavefunctions of hydrogen
odd ODE-solvers... or not so.
Viewpoints: Higher fees and value-for-money degrees (BBC)
EU university ranking may ‘harm’ higher education
can you estimate a minimum size of the Universe given bounds on the curvature paramter Omega_K and compare the result to the Hubble radius?

Jose Mourinho obeys laws of physics
Hamilton , quaternions , 1843
The Beatles' lyrics manuscripts ....
The goal is in sight: students, who have been protesting against tuition fees since they were introduced eight years ago, are pleased that they will soon be history in Germany
#DarkMatter and MOOCs
Calculate Y-O-U-R inflation rate. YOURS!!!!
ESO - eso1322pt - O Very Large Telescope do ESO celebra 15 anos de sucesso
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(Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco GCI UBI)
[1302.6897] The AD775 cosmic event revisited: the Sun is to blame
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terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013
segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2013
Smithsonian (@smithsonian) tweetou às 8:40 PM on seg, Mai 20, 2013: RT @smithsonianmag: How a young Edwin Hubble demolished old ideas about the universe: ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em
Feynman's double-slit experiment preserved
"Einstein's Planet" --New Method Using Theory of Relativity Detects Its First Alien Planet
Ser ou não ser. Devemos enfrentar os desafios ou resignarmo-nos? Devemos viver e tentar mudar ou vegetar ao sabor...
Have archaeologists discovered the mysterious lost city of Ciudad Blanca?
ESO - eso1321pt - A flamejante fita escondida de Orion
Nb. Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco (GCI UBI)