'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013
Beware the long due book... :-):-):-):-)
Professor spared £8,557 fine on library book overdue by 47 years http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/professor-spared-8557-fine-on-library-book-overdue-by-47-years-8817984.html
World’s first ethical smartphone unveiled – and the pre-orders flood in http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/worlds-first-ethical-smartphone-unveiled--and-the-preorders-flood-in-8816946.html
Interesting. Even if you are not into geriatrics
Therapaws: Can animals help to revive memories in the elderly? http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/therapaws-can-animals-help-to-revive-memories-in-the-elderly-8812093.html
Thai food.
Thai beef salad http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/recipes/thai-beef-salad-8812110.html
Down south. Quite south.
Cruise Report: Follow Shackleton to the great White Continent http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/cruise-report-follow-shackleton-to-the-great-white-continent-8816783.html
Out there. Something...
Pode haver vida nas luas de Júpiter e Saturno, segundo investigadora portuguesa
Leia mais em http://o3y.57.sl.pt
Conhece a app Banca Jornais? Faz o download desta e de outras apps em http://mobile.sapo.pt/apps
sábado, 14 de setembro de 2013
Is there any body out there.......?
Voyager is out of here.... http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24195
Rankings and a system of endless competition - University World News
Rankings and a system of endless competition - University World News: "Rankings and a system of endless competition"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Is Europe missing out on foreign talent? - University World News
Is Europe missing out on foreign talent? - University World News: "Is Europe missing out on foreign talent?"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Spanish universities launch 'adopt a student' scheme - University World News
Spanish universities launch 'adopt a student' scheme - University World News: "Spanish universities launch 'adopt a student' scheme"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013
O amendoim no coração da nossa Galáxia | ESO Portugal
O amendoim no coração da nossa Galáxia | ESO Portugal

The Honourable Schoolboy
Nb. Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco (GRP) pelo envio
The Honourable Schoolboy
Nb. Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco (GRP) pelo envio
terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013
segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013
Alinhamento estranho de nebulosas planetárias | ESO Portugal
Alinhamento estranho de nebulosas planetárias | ESO Portugal

The Honourable Schoolboy
Nb. Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco (GRP-UBI) pelo envio
The Honourable Schoolboy
Nb. Obrigado Dra Graça Castelo Branco (GRP-UBI) pelo envio
quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2013
terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013
domingo, 1 de setembro de 2013
Inc sardines...
What I did on my holiday: Bill Granger recreates his favourite Spanish dishes http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/features/what-i-did-on-my-holiday-bill-granger-recreates-his-favourite-spanish-dishes-8788680.html
Another worthy oktoberfest...
Portugal's Ria Formosa: Spot the exotic visitors as they fly in http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/europe/portugals-ria-formosa-spot-the-exotic-visitors-as-they-fly-in-8792930.html
Diwali & more for about 3,000 € :-):-):-)
Great getaways: Morocco September sun, upmarket India and Swiss bliss http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/great-getaways-morocco-september-sun-upmarket-india-and-swiss-bliss-8792890.html
Whither the Europe of Knowledge? - University World News
Whither the Europe of Knowledge? - University World News: "‘One step forwards, two steps back and sideways’"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
University access eases for undocumented students - University World News
University access eases for undocumented students - University World News: "UNITED STATES
University access eases for undocumented students"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Less than 1% of students opt for research-oriented courses - University World News
Less than 1% of students opt for research-oriented courses - University World News: "
Less than 1% of students opt for research-oriented courses
Press Trust of India"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Higher education enrolment to reach 30% by 2020 - University World News
Higher education enrolment to reach 30% by 2020 - University World News: "
Higher education enrolment to reach 30% by 2020"
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Universities take affirmative action - University World News
Universities take affirmative action - University World News: "Ten years ago affirmative action gradually started being adopted in both state and federally funded Brazilian universities, in an attempt to give underprivileged Brazilians better chances of getting free higher education – and thus access to better jobs. "
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
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