sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

Open your SME to new markets. Join Eurostars. One week left to apply. Eurostars funds and supports international innovative project led by research and development performing small and medium sized | LinkedIn

Open your SME to new markets. Join Eurostars. One week left to apply. Eurostars funds and supports international innovative project led by research and development performing small and medium sized | LinkedIn: "

Open your SME to new markets. Join Eurostars. One week left to apply. Eurostars funds and supports international innovative project led by research and development performing small and medium sized Frédéric Bouyges Online Communication Officer chez EUREKA Secretariat enterprises (R&D-performing SMEs). With its business knows approach, it supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services. EUROSTARS - Home Eurostars, helping SMEs to innovate and compete internationally."

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quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015

We won't get more engineering students by lowering tuition fees | Higher Education Network | The Guardian

We won't get more engineering students by lowering tuition fees | Higher Education Network | The Guardian:

Engineering students

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SciVal - Trends. A Webinar about to start in about 5 min...

The Honourable Schoolboy

 Dig deeper to analyze trends

Olhando para o Universo profundo a 3D | ESO Portugal

Olhando para o Universo profundo a 3D | ESO Portugal:

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The Jewish woman who escaped the Nazis by hiding in the heart of Berlin | The Times

The Jewish woman who escaped the Nazis by hiding in the heart of Berlin | The Times:

A fascinating story, indeed.

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Universities told to double intake of poor students | The Times

Universities told to double intake of poor students | The Times: "Universities told to double intake of poor students"

 A man walks through Clare College in Cambridge
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APOD: 2015 February 25 - The Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen and Oxygen

APOD: 2015 February 25 - The Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen and Oxygen:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

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quarta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2015

CRUP | Justino defende alteração nas regras de acesso ao Superior

CRUP | Justino defende alteração nas regras de acesso ao Superior: "O ex-ministro da Educação e actual presidente do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE), David Justino, defende que as notas dos exames nacionais do secundário não devem ser a porta de entrada nas universidades e politécnicos."


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terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

Viaje pelos “céus do Portugal” - Renascença

Viaje pelos “céus do Portugal” - Renascença:

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Physics in fast-forward | symmetry magazine

Physics in fast-forward | symmetry magazine:

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20 March 2015 — Total Solar Eclipse

20 March 2015 — Total Solar Eclipse:

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Eclipse solar a 20 de março vai pôr à prova redes elétricas europeias - Ciência - DN

Eclipse solar a 20 de março vai pôr à prova redes elétricas europeias - Ciência - DN: "Eclipse solar a 20 de março vai pôr à prova redes elétricas europeias"

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Physics - Pulling on a Cell’s Strings

Physics - Pulling on a Cell’s Strings: "Kinesin-8 Motors Improve Nuclear Centering by Promoting Microtubule Catastrophe Matko Glunčić, Nicola Maghelli, Alexander Krull, Vladimir Krstić, Damien Ramunno-Johnson, Nenad Pavin, and Iva M. Tolić Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 078103 (2015) Published February 18, 2015"

Synopsis Image

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APOD: 2015 February 23 - The Milky Way Over the Arizona Toadstools

APOD: 2015 February 23 - The Milky Way Over the Arizona Toadstools:

See Explanation.
Moving the cursor over the image will bring up an annotated version.
Clicking on the image will bring up the highest resolution version

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segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015

Investimento de 350 mil euros em ciência dá direito a vistos gold -

Investimento de 350 mil euros em ciência dá direito a vistos gold - "Investimento de 350 mil euros em ciência dá direito a vistos gold"

discriminação positiva para os investimentos que se encontrem em territórios de baixa densidade, ou seja, NUT III com menos de 100 habitantes por quilómetro quadrado ou um PIB [Produto Interno Bruto] 'per capita' [por habitante] inferior a 75% da média nacional

Ler mais:

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Applications are now open for these 2015-2016 MIT Portugal graduate programs

The Honourable Schoolboy

Applications are now open for these 2015-2016 MIT Portugal graduate programs

MIT Portugal Program, a Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) initiative, is a strategic partnership between Portuguese Universities and Research Centers, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and partners from industry and government. Launched by the Portuguese government in 2006 and renewed in 2013, its goal is to strengthen the country’s knowledge base and international competitiveness through a strategic investment in people, knowledge and ideas in innovative technology sectors.
MIT Portugal Program provides world-class training – including real-world preparation for future employment – in leading-edge areas of engineering, management and policy to top students who seek to become leaders in technological innovation.
Within this context, MIT Portugal and FCT launch the call for 40 PhD Scholarships, taking place in Portugal and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US (MIT), under the terms of the following international PhD Programs:
  • Bioengineering Systems
  • Leaders for Technical Industries
  • Sustainable Energy Systems
  • Transportation Systems 
Applications are also open for the following advanced courses:
  • Bio Engineering Systems (Advanced Studies)
  • Sustainable Energy Systems (Executive Masters and Diploma of Advanced Education)
  • Technology Management Enterprise (Executive Masters)
  • Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems (MSc)
For students with an international outlook seeking to develop a systems approach to their research and career development, these programs offer a special opportunity to engage with the best that MIT and Portugal have to offer.
Deadline for applying to the Programs:
  • Doctoral Programs: April 15th 2015, 5pm GMT;
  • Advanced Courses: June 15th 2015, 5pm GMT.
For full details on the MIT Portugal Program and on application procedures, please visit our website or download our brochure.

Trends, a new module in our SciVal analytical tool

The Honourable Schoolboy

attend an informational webinar to introduce Trends, a new module in our SciVal analytical tool. Learn how the Trends module includes anonymous usage data from ScienceDirect and Scopus to give an early indication of research visibility and how it can help you spot research trends.
The SciVal Trends module can help institutions like yours drill deeper into custom research areas to see who is currently active and who the fastest growing contributors are, so you can discover the top performers and rising stars.
Register for one of the free SciVal Trends module webinars:
Asia Pacific & Europe time zones:
February 26th (Thur), 09:30-10:15 CET

Europe & Americas time zones:
February 26th (Thur), 16:30-17:15 CET
San Francisco


Next month, results will be out. Meanwhile, the doc\guideline to follow and read from is available...from the U-multiranking site.

CRUP | Entrevista a José Ferreira Gomes

CRUP | Entrevista a José Ferreira Gomes: "ENTREVISTA A JOSÉ FERREIRA GOMES Diário Económico    12 Fevereiro 2015 Para o Secretário de Estado do Ensino Superior, a nova fórmula de financiamento das universidades e politécnicos é "realista" e "garante a estabilidade financeira das instituições". Em declarações ao Económico, José Ferreira Gomes revelou que quer avançar com um projecto-piloto para medir a transferência do conhecimento produzido pelas universidades para a sociedade. O governante diz ainda que tem a expectativa de avançar com uma "proposta mais madura" no próximo mês e não fecha a porta a que no futuro, os estudantes de doutoramento sejam incluídos no financiamento das instituições."


Quais são os traços gerais da nova fórmula de financiamento? A nova fórmula é realista e pode ser aplicada. A anterior, de 2009, foi aplicada de forma parcial com um peso de 15% sendo os restantes 85% o histórico das instituições. Tinha um efeito muito limitado. Esta nova fórmula vai ser proporcional ao número de alunos e assumimos um compromisso e objectivos com cada instituição, tendo em conta a quebra demográfica de alunos e de acordo com um intervalo fixado. Mas nenhuma instituição vai perder financiamento se perder dez ou 20 alunos. Estão previstos mecanismos de adaptação complexos que garantem a estabilidade financeira das instituições.
Que indicadores de qualidade vão ser tidos em conta? Os indicadores de qualidade [publicação de trabalhos científicos. investigação, transferência de conhecimento para a sociedade] nunca foram desenhados e a sua criação é muito importante. Mas nesta área é difícil criar objectivos que sejam realistas. Hoje estamos a desenhar indicadores de qualidade da produção de conhecimento, a publicação de trabalhos científicos ('pappers'). Para avaliar o impacto deste indicador apresentei uma proposta às instituições para avançarmos com um projecto-piloto que permita avaliar a transferência de conhecimento para a sociedade.
Como vai funcionar esse projecto-piloto? Estamos ainda a dialogar com as universidades sobre o assunto. Este projecto-piloto vai permitir às universidades ajudarem a sociedade no que mais precisam e vai permitir que o país veja o benefício que traz o ensino superior.
Quando vai avançar com o projecto-piloto? Espero fechar a proposta nas próximas semanas.
Porque não foram incluídos no financiamento os alunos de doutoramento? É desejável que os alunos sejam considerados. Também fazem parte do processo educativo. Mas esses alunos sempre foram financiados pela ciência, pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Com os fundos comunitários, vai haver muito financiamento para a ciência. Por isso, seria mais justo manter o que é tradição. Mas é uma medida que pode evoluir no sentido de incluir esses alunos.
Quando prevê fechar a proposta final do financiamento? Espero que no próximo mês tenhamos uma proposta mais madura.

Cf. SviVal (ou equiv) como ferramenta útil (to say the least...)

SciVal Trends

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CRUP | Universidades do centro do país vão juntar-se num consórcio

CRUP | Universidades do centro do país vão juntar-se num consórcio: "UNIVERSIDADES DO CENTRO DO PAÍS VÃO JUNTAR-SE NUM CONSÓRCIO Antena 1    20 Fevereiro 2015 As universidades do centro do país, Coimbra, Aveiro e Covilhã, vão juntar-se num consórcio, à semelhança do que já fizeram as do norte. Otimizar recursos, aproveitar melhor os fundos comunitários, internacionalizar as instituições, captar alunos estrangeiros são as grandes metas a atingir. Comentários de Manuel António Assunção, Reitor da Universidade de Aveiro. Ouvir áudio (a partir do minuto 14.00)."

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BBC - Capital - How to beat jet lag on business

BBC - Capital - How to beat jet lag on business: "Hamsters given just a single very small dose of sildenafil, the active chemical compound in Viagra, adjusted up to 50% faster to the equivalent of a six-hour phase shift in their environment"

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BBC News - The Mexican immigrant who set up a global drone firm

BBC News - The Mexican immigrant who set up a global drone firm: "'Google PhDs'"

Jordi Munoz and a colleague in the workshop

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BBC - Travel - As rugged as Hollywood gets

BBC - Travel - As rugged as Hollywood gets:

Trotternish, Quiraing, Isle of Skye, Scotland (Credit: VWB/Getty)

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BBC - Earth - Arabia was once a lush paradise of grass and woodlands

BBC - Earth - Arabia was once a lush paradise of grass and woodlands:

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Interstellar: Visual Effects - Winner - Oscars 2015

Interstellar: Visual Effects - Winner - Oscars 2015:

Read more in CGG+:

Paul Franklin, Andrew Lockley, Ian Hunter and Scott Fisher

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The Multiverse’s ‘Measure Problem’ | Quanta Magazine

The Multiverse’s ‘Measure Problem’ | Quanta Magazine:

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On The Theory of Everything (the movie...)

Movie review of The Theory of Everything by Eric Poisson | CQG+:

I share my colleague's E Poisson appraisal. Namely, the following paragraph:

While the movie does well with its depiction of Stephen’s personal life, I am disappointed with its failure to present him as an active scientist. I can understand that a mass audience will be much more interested in the personal details, but given that the main character is the most famous scientist of our times, I expected to see more of the scientist. I wanted to see Stephen struggle with equations, discuss with colleagues, mentor graduate students. There is almost none of this in the movie: Stephen never does any work, and seems to arrive at his pronouncements through divine illumination. This incomplete portrayal can strongly mislead the audience; science is not done this way, even by a genius.

And as E Poisson writes:

... I still recommend the movie. I may not have learned any science from it, I may not even have learned much new about Stephen’s life, but I was moved by Eddie Redmayne’s superb performance.

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APOD: 2015 February 22 - The Dark River to Antares

APOD: 2015 February 22 - The Dark River to Antares:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

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domingo, 22 de fevereiro de 2015

The Voynich Manuscript



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Servidores da Meo têm casa nova na Covilhã

wanna be a rock 'star'!

BBC News - Google adds medical information to its search results

BBC News - Google adds medical information to its search results:

Google health advice

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APOD: 2015 February 12 - Exploring the Antennae

APOD: 2015 February 12 - Exploring the Antennae:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

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APOD: 2015 February 11 - M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy

APOD: 2015 February 11 - M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

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APOD: 2015 February 8 - Carina Nebula Dust Pillar

APOD: 2015 February 8 - Carina Nebula Dust Pillar:

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

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Synthesis of Programmable Reaction-Diffusion Fronts Using DNA Catalyzers Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 068301 – Published 9 February 2015

Postinflationary Higgs Relaxation and the Origin of Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry

Neutral Naturalness from Orbifold Higgs Models

Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole

Christopher Nolan's science fiction movie Interstellar offers a variety of opportunities for students in elementary courses on general relativity theory. This paper describes such opportunities, including: (i) At the motivational level, the manner in which elementary relativity concepts underlie the wormhole visualizations seen in the movie. (ii) At the briefest computational level, instructive calculations with simple but intriguing wormhole metrics, including, e.g., constructing embedding diagrams for the three-parameter wormhole that was used by our visual effects team and Christopher Nolan in scoping out possible wormhole geometries for the movie. (iii) Combining the proper reference frame of a camera with solutions of the geodesic equation, to construct a light-ray-tracing map backward in time from a camera's local sky to a wormhole's two celestial spheres. (iv) Implementing this map, for example in Mathematica, Maple or Matlab, and using that implementation to construct images of what a camera sees when near or inside a wormhole. (v) With the student's implementation, exploring how the wormhole's three parameters influence what the camera sees---which is precisely how Christopher Nolan, using our implementation, chose the parameters for \emph{Interstellar}'s wormhole. (vi) Using the student's implementation, exploring the wormhole's Einstein ring, and particularly the peculiar motions of star images near the ring; and exploring what it looks like to travel through a wormhole.

Sculptures cast shadows from the fourth dimension

Sculptures cast shadows from the fourth dimension

Google Street View maps Greenland

Google Street View maps Greenland


Newsletter 4 2015

Newsletter 4 2015:


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Quem somos | Bluepharma:

A very very interesting talk, attended yesterday at FCS UBI, from Sergio Simoes, from Bluepharma
(a Portuguese capital pharmaceutical company, based in Coimbra).

Very useful as well: I learned quit a lot how research in the ( CICS-area is different in terms of resources, timing & teaming. from applied maths or t-physics, e.g..

Nb. Bluepharma invests in graduates ( This is to be saluted and commended. And broadly: there is one person in the administration who is a graduate in ''Filologia Germanica''.

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Google science fair.

Resultado de imagem para google pictures

9ª edição do Prémio de Jornalismo Económico com inscrições abertas

9ª edição do Prémio de Jornalismo Económico com inscrições abertas:

Foto: Divulgação

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Mark Hix recipes: Our chef enhances soups, stews and cheese boards with seasonal celery - Features - Food and Drink - The Independent

Mark Hix recipes: Our chef enhances soups, stews and cheese boards with seasonal celery - Features - Food and Drink - The Independent:

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Best London pubs: let's support our finest tourist attractions - Food and Drink - Life and Style - The Independent

Best London pubs: let's support our finest tourist attractions - Food and Drink - Life and Style - The Independent:

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Physics - Particle Weighing in the Early Universe

Physics - Particle Weighing in the Early Universe: "Certain models predict that the dark energy that accelerates the Universe’s expansion is a field that evolves over cosmological times. This could mean that certain fundamental quantities related to forces and masses were different long ago. However, a new analysis of the spectrum from a very distant quasar finds no evidence of deviation in molecular lines produced 12 billion years ago, thus implying no change in the mass ratio of the proton to the electron. One possible explanation for dark energy is that it comes from an all-pervasive scalar field, similar to the Higgs field. Such a field would likely interact with other particles, and these interactions could influence fundamental quantities, causing them to change as the scalar field evolves over time. To check for such evolution, scientists often study distant astrophysical bodies, whose light was emitted billions of years ago. For the proton-electron mass ratio, astronomers look for unexpected shifts in the wavelengths at which molecules absorb light. Most molecules can only be seen in relatively nearby objects, but the hydrogen molecule (H2) is abundant enough to be observed at great distances. Wim Ubachs of VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and his colleagues analyzed the spectrum of a very distant quasar (J1443+2724) and identified H2 absorption lines from a galaxy in front of the quasar. This absorption signal was etched into the spectrum when the Universe was just 1.5 billion years old. The lines showed no shift (beyond the normal redshift) compared to values measured on Earth, allowing the authors to place an upper bound of a few parts per million on a varying proton-electron mass ratio. The results imply that a dark energy scalar field—if it exists—has evolved very little over 90% the age of the Universe."

Synopsis Image

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Google genetics...

Google-backed genetic test approved


Scientists Plan to Hunt for Alien Life on Europa

Scientists Plan to Hunt for Alien Life on Europa: "Jupiter's icy moon is a candidate for harboring alien life—but would we know life if we found it?"

Picture of Europa

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Quantum mechanics on the wall...

John Stewart Bell

Times Books - To Explain the World - 9780241196625

Times Books - To Explain the World - 9780241196625:

To Explain the World; The Discovery of Modern Science. Click to see more details.

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Times Books - Birth of a Theorem - 9781847922526

Times Books - Birth of a Theorem - 9781847922526:

Birth of a Theorem; A Mathematical Adventure. Click to see more details.

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The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro | The Sunday Times

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro | The Sunday Times: "It’s 10 years since Kazuo Ishiguro published a novel, and this one, set in a semi-legendary post-Roman Britain, could not be more surprising"

A dragon from the Queen Mary Psalter, c1310-1320

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The Honourable Schoolboy

Jodrell Bank II to capture the dawn of time | The Sunday Times

Jodrell Bank II to capture the dawn of time | The Sunday Times:

Click to enlarge

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