'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2019
Kate Bush - Pi
Not aware of this song...Just been shared with me (https://cidadedopi.wordpress.com/). Reminds a comment I've heard here at the CMS ''... some tribes of pure maths people have not yet seen the daylight for weeks!!''...[presumably searching in their offices for ideas, deep diving in a dark ocean, sort of Nash's anxiety drive and thrive]. Presumably, should I be gradually approaching them...? (S)QC does emerge rather 'messy' as one ventures further and further...
Kate Bush - Pi - YouTube
Sweet and gentle sensitive man
With an obsessive nature and deep fascination
For numbers
And a complete infatuation with the calculation
Oh he love, he love, he love
He does love his numbers
And they run, they run, they run him
In a great big circle
In a circle of infinity
3.1415926535 897932
3846 264 338 3279
Oh he love, he love, he love
He does love his numbers
And they run, they run, they run him
In a great big circle
In a circle of infinity
But he must, he must, he must
Put a number to it
50288419 716939937510
582319749 44 59230781
6406286208 821 4808651 32
Oh he love, he love, he love
He does love his numbers
And they run, they run, they run him
In a great big circle
In a circle of infinity
Songwriters: Kate Bush
Pi lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
The Honourable Schoolboy
sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2019
2019 fct calls
Fundação Para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. http://www.fct.pt/noticias/index.phtml.pt?id=407&/2019/1/FCT_in_2018_-_highlights_of_an_year_of_achievements
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Updated on 18/01/2019
Schedule of FCT funding schemes - 2019
On this page FCT provides the schedule for funding calls planned for the present year. The information on this page is regularly updated, to accurately reflect any changes to the funding schemes themselves or to the scheduled dates of the calls.
(English version available soon)
ConcursoDatasEmprego CiêntíficoCEEC Individual 2018Aviso de Abertura: Dez 2018
Submissão candidaturas: 17 Jan - 20 FevCEEC Individual 2019Aviso de Abertura: Dez 2019Formação AvançadaBD 2019Aviso de Abertura: Jan 2019
Submissão candidaturas: 28 Fev - 28 MarEstágios CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL4º trimestre 2019Estágios NASA4º trimestre 2019Projetos I&DPrevenção e Combate de Incêndios Florestais
(2ª edição)Aviso de Abertura: Dez 2018
Submissão candidaturas: Dez 2018 - 26 Fev 2019Iniciativa Ibérica de Investigação e Inovação Biomédicas i4b, com Fundação ‘La Caixa’
(2ª edição)Aviso Abertura: la Caixa
Submissão candidaturas: Dez 2018 - 15 Jan 2019Go Portugal (MIT, CMU, UTA - Portugal)Fev 2019Ciência dos Dados e Inteligência Artificial na Administração Pública (2ª edição)Aviso de Abertura: Fev 2019
Submissão de candidaturas: 1 Mar - 15 AbrCircum-navegação (V Centenário)Aviso de Abertura: 24 Jan 2019
Submissão de candidaturas: Mar – Abr 2019Arquitetura de Álvaro Siza VieiraAviso de Abertura: Mar 2019
Submissão de candidaturas: Mar – Maio 2019Projetos no âmbito da cooperação com CERNSubmissão de candidaturas: Jun-Jul 2019Todos os domínios científicosAviso de Abertura: Nov 2019Prevenção e Combate de Incêndios Florestais
(3ª edição)Aviso de Abertura: Dez 2019Unidades de I&DVisitas a unidades (painéis em falta)1º semestre 2019CoLABAtribuição do títuloAberto em permanênciaFinanciamento a CoLAB constituídosSubmissão candidaturas: Dez 2018 - Jun 2019Prémios (financiados pela FCT)Prémio Internacional Fernando Gil 2019 em Filosofia da CiênciaPropostas: Dez 2018 - 15 Fev 2019Prémio Arquivo.pt 2019 (2ª edição)Submissão candidaturas: 5 Dez 2018 - 3 Maio 2019Prémio Pulido Valente CiênciaSubmissão de candidaturas: Jun-Set 2019
Nota: Todos os concursos são anunciados em www.fct.pt. Poderão existir outros concursos específicos/temáticos não incluídos nesta lista. Para informação sobre os concursos da FCT abertos consultar www.fct.pt/concursos.
Career Development
Studentships and Fellowships
Scientific Community Support Fund
Research Infrastructures
Project Grants
R&D Institutions
Transnational Cooperation
Space Programme
Ocean Programme
Technology Office
PhD Programmes
Other support
©2019 · Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
funding (PhD and Post Doc grant opportunities)
quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2019
About 10x more "power". Will SUSY be there? Surely to invest in SUSY[qc] a bit more?!
quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2019
quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2019
Calling Mr. Holmes...

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2019
Applications for the second edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus will run until 20 February 2019
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018 --- see links herein, specifically above
Applications for the second edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus will run until 20 February 2019. This call envisages the hiring of 300 researchers, in four contract levels – junior researcher, assistant researcher, principal researcher and coordinating researcher.PhD holders in all scientific fields can apply to carry out their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal, integrated in R&D units funded by FCT. In their submission, researchers are required to indicate their host institution. The host institution must confirm the application by 6 March 2019 – only upon confirmation will applications be considered complete.
The evaluation is carried out by an international panel of recognised merit. The candidate's scientific path, with emphasis on the last 5 years, makes up 70% of the evaluation, and the proposed research plan corresponds to the remaining 30%. The research plan should be framed within the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The selected researchers are hired by the host institution, through FCT funding.
The Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018 is one of the funding mechanisms provided for in the Scientific Employment Regulation, launched by FCT in 2017 with the aim of supporting the systematic strengthening of scientific employment in the SCTN, increasing the employment opportunities for PhD holders and turning scientific employment into a reality after doctoral studies. Through a diversified framework of support to scientific employment, the precariousness of jobs in research, the rejuvenation of institutions and the attractiveness of the national territory for science and technology will be ensured.
This is the second call of the CEEC Individual. In its first edition, in 2017, 500 research positions have been recommended for funding. The analysis of the preliminary hearing of the call is underway, and the evaluation of more than two thirds of the claims presented has been completed. The final results of the CEEC Individual 2017 will be published before the end of the application period of the CEEC Individual 2018.
FCT also supports other mechanisms of Scientific Employment, such as the 2018 Stimulus of Scientific Employment Institutional Call, under which institutions are currently opening 400 calls for tenders for contracts funded by FCT; the transitional rule of Decree-Law no. 57/2016, amended by Law no. 57/2017, under which around 2,000 work contracts will be funded; the latest edition of the call for projects in all scientific fields, under which 1,600 PhD researchers will be funded; and the 2017/2018 Evaluation process of R&D Units, which will include 400 work contracts for researchers.
more info:
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018
(English version available soon)Documentos Importantes
Aviso de Abertura
- Guião de Avaliação
(em breve) -
Guião de Ética
(em inglês)
Regulamento do Emprego Científico
- Formulário de Candidatura
(em breve)
Datas Importantes
- Período de candidaturas: de 17 de janeiro a 20 de fevereiro de 2019 às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa)
Os candidatos identificam previamente a instituição de acolhimento onde irão desenvolver o seu plano de investigação. Os doutorados selecionados são diretamente contratados pela instituição de acolhimento identificada, através de financiamento da FCT.
Consideram-se as seguintes categorias de referência:
- Investigador júnior: doutorados com reduzida experiência de investigação pós-doutoral ou sem currículo científico após o doutoramento na área científica a que se candidata.
- Investigador auxiliar: doutorados há mais de 5 anos, com currículo relevante na área científica a que se candidata, sem exigência de demonstração de independência científica.
- Investigador principal: doutorados há mais de 5 anos, com currículo relevante na área científica a que se candidata, demonstrando independência científica nos últimos 3 anos.
- Investigador coordenador: doutorados há mais de 5 anos, detentores do título de habilitado ou agregado, com currículo de mérito elevado na área científica a que se candidata, demonstrando independência científica e com evidência de liderança na área científica a que se candidata.
As candidaturas são submetidas eletronicamente, em língua inglesa, através da plataforma eletrónica a disponibilizar oportunamente.
Para informação adicional acerca do Concurso de Apoio Individual, contacte-nos através do e-mail info.ec@fct.pt
With Google translator:
14.12.2018 - Notice of Opening is available. See the news.
Important Documents
Notice of Opening
Evaluation Guide
(coming soon)
Ethics Guide
(in English)
Regulation of the Scientific Employment
Candidacy form
(coming soon)
United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030
Important dates
Application period: from January 17 to February 20, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. (Lisbon time)
The Individual Competition is intended for PhDs of any nationality or stateless holders in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal, integrated in R & D units financed by FCT.
Applicants will first identify the host institution where they will develop their research plan. The doctorates selected are directly contracted by the identified host institution through FCT funding.
The following reference categories are considered:
Junior researcher: PhDs with reduced postdoctoral research experience or no scientific curriculum after the PhD in the scientific area to which they are applying.
Auxiliary researcher: PhDs for more than 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which he / she is applying, without a requirement of demonstration of scientific independence.
Principal Investigator: PhDs for more than 5 years, with relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which he / she is applying, demonstrating scientific independence in the last 3 years.
Coordinating researcher: Doctors for more than 5 years, holders of the qualification of skilled or aggregate, with a high merit curriculum in the scientific area to which he is applying, demonstrating scientific independence and with evidence of leadership in the scientific area to which he is applying.
The contest is open from January 17, 2019 until 5:00 PM (Lisbon time) on February 20, 2019.
The applications are submitted electronically, in English, through the electronic platform to be made available in a timely manner.
For further information about the Individual Support Contest, contact us at info.ec@fct.pt