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Kinetic inflation in deformed phase space Brans–Dicke cosmology
- a
- Departamento de Física, Universidade da Beira Interior, Rua Marquês d’Avila e Bolama, 6200-001 Covilhã, Portugal
- b
- Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CMA - UBI), Universidade da Beira Interior, Rua Marquês d’Avila e Bolama, 6200-001 Covilhã, Portugal
- c
- DAMTP, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK

domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2019
FCT PhD grants
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
FCT › Support › Graduate Education and Training › Calls › Call for Individual Grants 2019
2019 Call for PhD Scholarships
Applications: 28 February to 28 March 2019, 5pm (Lisbon time)
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Purpose and Overview
The 2019 Call for PhD Scholarships aims to support researchers, in all areas of knowledge, who wish to develop research work leading to a PhD degree.
Scholarships support graduates who comply with the requirements to apply for PhD studies and wish to carry out research towards this degree.
Research work may be carried out in any knowledge intensive environment, namely in collaboration with companies. Host institutions may be: R&D Units, State Labs, Associated Labs, Collaborative Labs or Technological Interface Centres (CIT).
The work programme may be entirely or partially carried out in a national institution (national or mixed scholarships, respectively), or in a foreign institution (overseas scholarships). For mixed scholarships, the period of the work programme that takes place in a foreign institution cannot exceed a total of two years.
As a rule, scholarships are annual, and can be renewed for the number of moths for which they have been requested. No scholarships are granted for periods of less than three consecutive months or more than 48 months.
Read about changes in relation to previous calls here.
Who Can Apply
Portuguese citizens, citizens of EU member states and citizens from third-party states with which Portugal has reciprocity agreements may apply. Citizens of other countries who are not residents in Portugal can also apply. They must, however, hold a residence permit by the time set for their scholarship to begin.
Applicants need to:
Not have held any prior FCT-funded PhD or PhD in Companies scholarship of any duration.
Be long long-term residents in Portugal if the work programme is to be carried out totally or partially at foreign institutions. This requirement applies to both Portuguese and foreign nationals.
Selected applicants will be awarded monthly stipends and supplementary support, which may include tuition fees, relocation costs, travel awards and health insurance, whenever applicable, as detailed in the Regulations.
The scholarships to be awarded in this call will be funded by the Portuguese state budget, through the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education and, whenever applicable, by the European Social Fund within the Framework of PORTUGAL2020, namely through Programa Operacional Capital Humano (PO CH), Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE 2020), Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (Centro 2020) and Programa Operacional Regional do Alentejo (Alentejo 2020).
How and when to apply
The call for applications is open from 28 February to 28 March 2019 (5pm, Lisbon time).
Applications should be submitted online. Only one proposal per applicant is allowed.
For further information on how to apply and detailed guidance notes, applicants are advised to download the Notice of Call, the Evaluation Guide, Research Fellowship Holder Statute, and the Regulations.
The information on this page does not replace or override any requirements set forth in the Regulations or the Notice of Call.
Career Development
Studentships and Fellowships
Legislation, regulations and norms
Approval of Regulations for Research Fellowships
Fellowships in the framework of
Projects and Institutions: Norms FAQ
Scientific Community Support Fund
Research Infrastructures
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©2019 · Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia