The Honourable Schoolboy
No worries. Don't mention it. And, btw, keep rocking it. And rolling it. & all that jazz!
'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2020
sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2020
FCT Call for SR&TD Project Grants
The Honourable Schoolboy
Call for SR&TD Project Grants
(Available only in Portuguese)
Em Destaque
30.01.2020 - Disponibilizado o Guia de Candidatura e o formulário no Portal de Concursos de Projetos de I&D.
28.01.2020 - Disponibilizado Guião CIÊNCIAVITAE e documento com informação relativa a Áreas Científicas e Painéis de Avaliação.
29.11.2019 - Foi publicado o Aviso de Abertura de Concurso (AAC) e o Guide for Peer Reviewers para submissão de candidaturas a projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos.
Ao abrigo deste AAC, o prazo para apresentação de candidaturas decorre entre o dia 30 de janeiro de 2020 e o dia 31 de março 2020 (17 horas).
O formulário de candidatura, bem como o guião de candidatura, serão disponibilizados no dia 30 de janeiro de 2020.
Todas as candidaturas devem ser apresentadas em língua inglesa através de formulário eletrónico no Portal de Concursos
28.01.2020 - Disponibilizado Guião CIÊNCIAVITAE e documento com informação relativa a Áreas Científicas e Painéis de Avaliação.
29.11.2019 - Foi publicado o Aviso de Abertura de Concurso (AAC) e o Guide for Peer Reviewers para submissão de candidaturas a projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos.
Ao abrigo deste AAC, o prazo para apresentação de candidaturas decorre entre o dia 30 de janeiro de 2020 e o dia 31 de março 2020 (17 horas).
O formulário de candidatura, bem como o guião de candidatura, serão disponibilizados no dia 30 de janeiro de 2020.
Todas as candidaturas devem ser apresentadas em língua inglesa através de formulário eletrónico no Portal de Concursos
- Aviso de Abertura
- Regulamento de Projetos FCT
- Guia de Candidatura
- Ethics Self-Assessment Guide
- Guide for Peer Reviewers
- Áreas Científicas e Painéis de Avaliação
- Data limite para candidaturas: 31 de março 2020 até às 17:00 (hora de Lisboa)
- Data limite para submissão da Declaração de Compromisso: 15 de abril 2020, 17h (hora de Lisboa)
Visão Geral e Objetivos
A consolidação e o reforço do Sistema Científico e Tecnológico Nacional (SCTN) constituem prioridades da política de ciência e tecnologia nacional. Estas prioridades visam aumentar a competitividade nacional e internacional da ciência e tecnologia, e o seu contributo para a inovação e transferência de conhecimento assim como contribuir para a realização das aspirações globais definidas nos Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) das Nações Unidas. Neste contexto, assume particular relevância a promoção e o reforço de competências das instituições científicas e tecnológicas através da participação das suas equipas em projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (IC&DT). É com estes objetivos que a FCT abre este concurso a financiamento de projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos.
O concurso apoiará projetos pelo período máximo de 36 meses (prorrogável, no máximo, por mais 12 meses, em casos devidamente justificados).
O limite máximo de financiamento de cada projeto é de 250 mil euros.
Para este concurso está prevista uma dotação orçamental de 75 milhões de euros. Os projetos aprovados serão financiados por fundos nacionais através do orçamento da FCT.
Destinatários e Eligibilidade
Podem candidatar-se, individualmente ou em copromoção, a financiamento equipas de investigação das seguintes entidades portuguesas:
- Entidades não empresariais do Sistema de I&I, nomeadamente:
- a. Intituições do ensino superior, seus institutos e unidades de I&D;
- b. Laboratórios do Estado ou internacionais com sede em Portugal;
- c. Instituições privadas sem fins lucrativos que tenham como objeto principal atividades de I&D;
- d. Outras instituições públicas e privadas, sem fins lucrativos, que desenvolvam ou participem em atividades de investigação científica.
- Empresas de qualquer natureza e sob qualquer forma jurídica, desde que inseridas em projetos de IC&DT liderados por entidades não empresariais do Sistema de I&I.
O/A Investigador/a Responsável (IR) da candidatura:
- Deverá identificar um corresponsável pelo projeto que será Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR), e que o/a substituirá nas suas faltas, ausências e impedimentos;
- Apenas poderá submeter uma candidatura, na qualidade de IR, no presente concurso.
Como concorrer
As candidaturas devem ser apresentadas, em língua inglesa, em formulário próprio e submetidas eletronicamente através do Portal de Concursos de Projetos de I&D no período compreendido entre o dia 30 de janeiro e as 17h00, hora de Lisboa, do dia 31 de março de 2020.
A digitalização da Declaração de Compromisso de cada candidatura (assinada pelo IR e instituições beneficiárias) terá de ser submetida obrigatoriamente num único documento PDF no Portal de Concursos de Projetos de I&D até às 17h00, hora de Lisboa, do dia 15 de abril de 2020.
Para mais informações recomenda-se a leitura da documentação do concurso nomeadamente: o Regulamento de Projetos FCT, o Guia de Apoio ao Preenchimento do Formulário de Candidatura, o Guide for Peer Reviewers e o Ethics Self-Assessement Guide.
Prazos e datas importantes
O período de apresentação de candidaturas decorre entre 30 de janeiro de 2020 e as 17h00 (horas de Lisboa) de 31 de março de 2020.
A data limite para submissão da Declaração de Compromisso é o dia 15 de abril de 2020, 17h00 (hora de Lisboa).
A avaliação será efetuada por painéis internacionais de peritos independentes, afiliados a instituições estrangeiras e de reconhecido mérito e idoneidade, constituídos por domínio científico, área científica e subárea científica. Cada proposta será avaliada segundo os seguintes critérios:
- Mérito científico e caráter inovador do projeto numa ótica internacional;
- Mérito científico da equipa de investigação;
- Exequibilidade do programa de trabalhos e razoabilidade orçamental;
- Contributo para a acumulação de conhecimentos e competências do SCTN
Mais informações sobre o concurso:
FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 3rd Edition
The Honourable Schoolboy
Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 3rd Edition
Latest News
30.12.2019 - Applications for the Individual Call for Scientific Employment - 3rd Edition opens 30 January 2020.
- Notice of the Call
(em Português) - Evaluation Guide
- Application Guide
- Ethics Guide
- Scientific Employment Stimulus Regulation (in portuguese)
- Application Form
- Regulation of Scientific Employment:
- Regulation n.º 607-A / 2017
- Regulation n.º 985-B / 2019
- Applications: 30 January 2020 to 26 February 2020, 5 p.m. (Lisbon time)
The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in any scientific area who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal.
Applicants should indicate the host institution where they will develop their research plan. The selected doctorates are directly hired by the identified host institution, through FCT funding.
The following reference levels are considered:
- Junior Researcher: PhD holders for 5 or less years, with limited experience in post-doctoral research or without a scientific curriculum after their PhDs in the scientific area to which they are applying.
- Assistant Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, but with limited scientific independence.
- Principal Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, with a relevant curriculum in the scientific area to which they are applying, demonstrating scientific independence over the past 3 years.
- Coordinating Researcher: PhD holders for over 5 years, holding the title of habilitado ou agregado in Portugal, with a curriculum of elevated merit in the scientific area to which they are applying, showing scientific independence and with evidence of leadership in the scientific area to which they are applying.
The call is open from 30 January 2020 until 5 p.m. (Lisbon time) on 26 February 2020.
Applications are submitted electronically, in English, through the electronic platform to be made available in due course.
For further information about the Individual Support Call, please contact us at
Previous Edition:
FCT PhD Research Scholarships (open during March 2020)
The Honourable Schoolboy
FCT announces the 2020 Call for PhD Research Scholarships
(Only Available in Portuguese)
The notice of opening of the FCT Call for the Award of Research Scholarships for Doctorate 2020 is now available. This year the number of scholarships to be awarded is 1350 and the application deadline will run from March 2 to 31, until 5 pm (Lisbon time).
This year applications are submitted on the myFCT portal, which is the new online system to manage the application process, evaluation and approval of scholarships. Last year FCT had already introduced the CIÊNCIAVITAE curriculum platform, a novelty that streamlined the process of organizing and submitting candidates' curricula.
PhD Research Grants are grants awarded competitively to support the training of scientists in all areas of knowledge in obtaining the academic degree of PhD. They allow researchers to dedicate themselves exclusively to their research, thus contributing to the country's scientific and technological development. FCT currently supports around 5,000 PhD scholarships.
The research activities to be carried out by candidates in the scope of the grants to be awarded in this competition can be carried out in any environment for the production and dissemination of knowledge, national or international. Host institutions can be higher education institutions, R&D units, Associated Laboratories, Collaborative Laboratories, Technological Interface Centers, State Laboratories and other public research institutions, hospitals and health care units, other entities within the Public Administration where R&D activities are developed, private non-profit institutions whose main object is R&D activities, companies whose activity has been recognized as of scientific interest or consortia in which any of these entities participate.
The Honourable Schoolboy
It may become (gradually) possible, it is still being planned, that the following grants may open.
It is not fully certain (until the calls become into Public Notices) but it is getting 'closer' and any interested party
should either consider or even start assembling and preparing. Because FCT (either dir€ctly or indir€ctly) is very, very ... , very much competitive indeed.
So, in order that you may share or may start to gather documents as well as planning research
programs, during this current year (2020), towards the end of the semester, namely the month of May or June, CMA-UBI
( could
open 2 (two) PhD grants for mathematics and applications ( AND
1 (one) PhD grant to open (at the same time, say May or June) in theoretical physics (
Two (2) more PhD grants in mathematics and applications ( will open in 2021.
Furthermore, it is possible a (junior) post-doctoral may be open in CMA-UBI, during 2021.
Please have a look at and
Please also note that this message constitutes a personal, informal sharing via social media and any formal, official, realistic and rigorous information should
be sought from the Directive Board (
Coordinator: Rui Pacheco (
Vice-coordinator: António J. G. Bento (
Principal researcher of PMMG: Ana Paula Martins (
Principal researcher of MG: Helder Vilarinho (
So, you if you are interested, you should be starting gathering data as well as a research plan: it will be important that you have a research plan, that your ability clearly shows plus you argue for what you are aiming to work on, in terms of your graduation for a PhD or towards research in a post-doc function.
Please note that additional PhD grants and a possible post-doc, from other (!) funds, may eventually be provided but this is less pre-established, it at all. But in any case, prepare.
Please do note that any of the above will be EXTREMELY competitive and the more time you dedicate to the preparation and writing, the better.
Best regards,
It may become (gradually) possible, it is still being planned, that the following grants may open.
It is not fully certain (until the calls become into Public Notices) but it is getting 'closer' and any interested party
should either consider or even start assembling and preparing. Because FCT (either dir€ctly or indir€ctly) is very, very ... , very much competitive indeed.
So, in order that you may share or may start to gather documents as well as planning research
programs, during this current year (2020), towards the end of the semester, namely the month of May or June, CMA-UBI
( could
open 2 (two) PhD grants for mathematics and applications ( AND
1 (one) PhD grant to open (at the same time, say May or June) in theoretical physics (
Two (2) more PhD grants in mathematics and applications ( will open in 2021.
Furthermore, it is possible a (junior) post-doctoral may be open in CMA-UBI, during 2021.
Please have a look at and
Please also note that this message constitutes a personal, informal sharing via social media and any formal, official, realistic and rigorous information should
be sought from the Directive Board (
Coordinator: Rui Pacheco (
Vice-coordinator: António J. G. Bento (
Principal researcher of PMMG: Ana Paula Martins (
Principal researcher of MG: Helder Vilarinho (
So, you if you are interested, you should be starting gathering data as well as a research plan: it will be important that you have a research plan, that your ability clearly shows plus you argue for what you are aiming to work on, in terms of your graduation for a PhD or towards research in a post-doc function.
Please note that additional PhD grants and a possible post-doc, from other (!) funds, may eventually be provided but this is less pre-established, it at all. But in any case, prepare.
Please do note that any of the above will be EXTREMELY competitive and the more time you dedicate to the preparation and writing, the better.
Best regards,
quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2020
The Honourable Schoolboy

Update on this rather interesting reading: Taken_on_Trust Very interesting, albeit a bit, sometimes, 'over Anglican', a bit on the British biography report of life. But...there was a sentence that captured the reader (me, namely) right at the start: '' He produced a strip of curtain material and covered my eyes. It wasn´t the change of car that worried me or the blindfold. I had expected both. It was the lie. '' And this, about the lie, is the darkness through the narrative. Very interesting (perhaps the following link will clarify the context:

Update on this rather interesting reading: Taken_on_Trust Very interesting, albeit a bit, sometimes, 'over Anglican', a bit on the British biography report of life. But...there was a sentence that captured the reader (me, namely) right at the start: '' He produced a strip of curtain material and covered my eyes. It wasn´t the change of car that worried me or the blindfold. I had expected both. It was the lie. '' And this, about the lie, is the darkness through the narrative. Very interesting (perhaps the following link will clarify the context:
terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2020
a very (thought) provocative paper. But worth a thought. Or two. ...
The Honourable Schoolboy
a very (thought) provocative paper. But worth a thought. Or two. ...
a very (thought) provocative paper. But worth a thought. Or two. ...
domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2020
call for grants at fct
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