'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2021
segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2021
Um Novo Horizonte
qualquer lucro pessoal. E apenas sugiro, no fim, caso se entenda, auxiliar algumas instituições de apoio social. Não é preciso concordar com o 'ensaio' e aliás o objectivo
é estimular mais opiniões, mesmo que 'ortogonais', expandir debate. Apenas pedia, reitero, que se divulgue e
'distribua'. Obrigado.
Nb. Para abrir e ler, há que usar http://leyaonline.com/pt/
sobre como proceder para ler o "e-book" no dispositivo escolhido
(computador - pc\mac, android, apple, outro). Eu não sou 'tech-savvy' e socorro-me (!) de quem tem menos de 16 anos... (concretamente, tem 14 anos) mas se tiveres MUITAS tech-dificuldades, diz.
Pedindo desculpas pelo incomodo
Agradecendo e muito
terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2021
Nb. Theoretical Physics research plan (as bridging with mathematics subjects) is admissible.
sexta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2021
Upcoming Calls of the Individual and Institutional Scientific Employment Stimulus
News https://www.fct.pt/noticias/index.phtml.en?id=609&/2020/12/Upcoming_Calls_of_the_Individual_and_Inst
Upcoming Calls of the Individual and Institutional Scientific Employment Stimulus
FCT has published the notices of call for the submission of applications to the upcoming calls for the Scientific Employment Stimulus for Individual and Institutional modalities. The two calls correspond to the opening of more than 700 vacancies for contracts with PhD researchers. Both calls for Scientific Employment Stimulus are instruments to fund the hiring of researchers, introduced by FCT in 2017, following the publication of Decree-Law No. 57/2016, and which aim to stimulate scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge.
The applications submission for the 4th edition of the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulus Call (Individual CEEC) will occur between 29 January and 26 February 2021, for 400 contracts vacancies. The Individual CEEC is an annual call to directly support the hiring of PhD researchers in all scientific areas, who intend to carry out scientific research or technological development activity in Portugal, at institutions integrating the National System for Science and Technology.
The applications submission for the 2nd edition of the Institutional Scientific Employment Stimulus Call (Institutional CEEC) will occur between 17 February and 16 April 2021, for 300 contracts vacancies. The Institutional CEEC is a biennial call aimed at institutions to support the development of R&D activities through the hiring of PhD researchers, namely in careers.
All combined, the four editions of Individual CEEC Individual and the two editions of Institutional CEEC total up 2,200 vacancies for contracts with PhD researchers. For both calls, FCT funds contracts for up to 6 years.
Próximos Concursos Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual e Institucional
Notícias https://www.fct.pt/noticias/index.phtml.pt?id=609&/2020/12/Pr%C3%B3ximos_Concursos_Est%C3%ADmulo_ao_
Próximos Concursos Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual e Institucional
A FCT publicou os avisos para a apresentação de candidaturas aos próximos Concursos Estímulo ao Emprego Científico para as modalidades Individual e institucional. Os dois concursos correspondem à abertura de mais 700 vagas para contratos com investigadores doutorados. Estes Concursos Estímulo ao Emprego Científico são dois instrumentos de financiamento à contratação de investigadores introduzidos pela FCT, em 2017, na sequência da publicação do Decreto-Lei n.º 57/2016, e que pretendem estimular o emprego científico e tecnológico em todas as áreas do conhecimento.
As candidaturas à 4.ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual (CEEC Individual) decorrerão entre 29 de janeiro e 26 de fevereiro de 2021, dispondo este concurso de 400 vagas para contratos. O CEEC Individual é um concurso anual que apoia diretamente a contratação de investigadores doutorados, em todas as áreas científicas, que pretendam realizar a sua atividade de investigação científica ou de desenvolvimento tecnológico em Portugal, nas instituições que integram o Sistema Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (SNCT).
As candidaturas à 2.ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Institucional (CEEC Institucional) decorrerão entre 17 de fevereiro e 16 de abril de 2021 e o concurso apresenta 300 vagas para contratos. O CEEC Institucional é um concurso bienal dirigido às instituições para o apoio ao desenvolvimento de atividades de I&D através da contratação de investigadores doutorados, nomeadamente em carreiras.
No seu conjunto, as quatro edições do CEEC Individual e as duas edições do CEEC Institucional totalizam a abertura de 2.200 vagas para contratos com investigadores doutorados. Em ambos os concursos, a FCT financia os contratos até 6 anos.
FCT announces the 2020 Call for PhD Research Studentships
FCT announces the 2020 Call for PhD Research Studentships
(Only Available in Portuguese)
O aviso de abertura do Concurso da FCT para atribuição de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento 2021 já está disponível. Este ano o número de bolsas a atribuir é de 1450 e o prazo de candidaturas vai decorrer entre 1 de março e as 17h00 (hora de Lisboa) de 31 de março de 2021.
Todos os procedimentos de candidatura, avaliação, divulgação dos resultados, reclamação e/ou recurso e contratualização decorrem na plataforma eletrónica myFCT.
As Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento destinam-se a candidatos inscritos em ciclo de estudos conducente à obtenção do grau académico de doutor, ou candidatos que satisfaçam as condições necessárias para se inscreverem, e que pretendam desenvolver atividades de investigação conducentes à obtenção desse grau em todas as áreas do conhecimento.
As atividades de investigação poderão ser realizadas em qualquer ambiente de produção e difusão de conhecimento, nacional ou internacional, incluindo instituições de ensino superior, unidades de I&D, Laboratórios Associados, Laboratórios Colaborativos, Centros de Interface Tecnológico, Laboratórios do Estado e outras instituições públicas de investigação, hospitais e unidades de cuidados de saúde, outras entidades integradas na Administração Pública onde sejam desenvolvidas atividades de I&D, bem como instituições privadas sem fins lucrativos que tenham como objeto principal atividades de I&D.
Do mesmo modo, serão igualmente consideradas como instituições de acolhimento empresas, nomeadamente, aquelas cuja atividade haja sido reconhecida como de interesse científico ou consórcios em que participem quaisquer entidades referidas no parágrafo anterior.
Sublinha-se que as atividades de investigação podem ser realizadas em colaboração com diferentes instituições de acolhimento, públicas e privadas, incluindo empresas e administração pública, promovendo a colaboração institucional assim como a transdisciplinaridade e a interdisciplinaridade.
Call for PhD studentships (2; mathematics). A PhD studentship in physics will follow soon (i.e., it will be announced asap) as well as 2 more in math, later. A Post-Doc position is also about to be announced.
The Center of Mathematics and Applications of University of Beira Interior opens a Call for granting 2 (two) PhD studentships (BD) complying with the provisions of the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI).
The scholarships will be funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for Funding the Multiannual Plan for Research Scholarships for Doctoral Students, signed between FCT and the Center of Mathematics and Applications of University of Beira Interior (CMA-UBI), with reference UIDP/ 00212/2020.
1. APPLICATION The call is open from March 1st to 12:00 pm (Lisbon time) March 22th 2021. Applications, and all the supporting documents described in the RBI and in this Notice of the Call, must be sent by email to cma@ubi.pt.
2. TYPE AND DURATION OF STUDENTSHIPS The PhD studentships aim to support research activities leading to obtaining the PhD degree of the selected candidates within the scope of the following Doctoral Program: · PhD Program in Mathematics and Applications, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Beira Interior.
The research work will be carried out in the CMA-UBI. The duration of the scholarship is one year, renewable up to a maximum of four years (48 months). The renewal of the studentship always depends on applicant’s submission, within 60 working days prior to the renewal start date, of the following documents: a) Declaration issued by the supervisor(s) and by the host institution(s) attesting the work plan development and the evaluation of the respective activities; b) Updated document proving compliance with the exclusive dedication regime; c) Declaration demonstrating the enrolment renewal in the study cycle leading to the doctoral degree.
PhD studentships are aimed at applicants that comply with the requirements to enroll in the PhD Program in Mathematics and Applications, at the University of Beira Interior.
4. ADMISSIBILITY 4.1 APLICANTS’ ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The following citizens may apply to this call: a) National citizens or citizens from other member-states of the European Union; b) Third-party states citizens; c) Stateless individuals; d) Citizens holding a political refugee status. To apply for a PhD studentship it is necessary: e) Not to have benefited from a PhD or a PhD in industry studentship directly funded by FCT, regardless of its duration. 4.2 APPLICATION’S ADMISSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS It is essential, under penalty of not being admitted, to attach the following documents to the application: a) Identity card / citizen card / passport; b) Candidate’s curriculum vitae; c) Letter of interest explaining the reasons for her/his application, indicating the research areas of interest, presenting her/his academic/professional academic path and how these are related to the work plan; Write the application and all documents associated with it, including the letter of motivation, in Portuguese or English. Attach to your application supporting documents of the information referred to in the Curriculum Vitae.
5. WORK PLAN The work plan will fit in the scope of one of the main research areas of CMA-UBI: Differential Equations; Dynamic Systems; Differential Geometry; Algebra; Probabilities; Statistic. The selected candidates will be supervised by one of the integrated members of CMA-UBI (www.cma.ubi.pt).
6. SELECTION METHODS The assessment takes into account the candidate’s merit. Applications considered admissible will be scored on a scale of 0-20 in each of the following evaluation criteria: a) Criterion A – Curricular evaluation, weighting 80%; b) Criterion B – Letter of motivation, weighting 20%. For the purposes of deciding whether to award the scholarship, applicants will be ranked according to the weighted average of the classification obtained in each of the three criteria, translated by the following formula: If the jury considers it necessary, the candidate may be called for an interview to be held by video-conference. Research Grants will not be awarded to candidates with a Final Classification less than 14 points.
7. COMPOSITION OF THE JURY President: Rui Miguel Nobre Martins Pacheco, CMA-UBI. Effective member: Luísa Maria Jota Pereira Amaral, CMA-UBI. Effective member: Helder Soares Vilarinho, Professor Auxiliar, CMA-UBI. Effective member: Henrique José Freitas Cruz, Professora Auxiliar, CMA-UBI. Substitute member: Rui Manuel Pires Almeida, Professor Auxiliar, CMA-UBI. Substitute member: José Carlos Matos Duque, Professor Auxiliar, CMA-UBI.
8. FORM OF PUBLICATION/NOTIFICATION OF REULTS: The admitted and excluded candidates will be notified by email of the final ranking list, including the copy of the Preliminary Report of the jury.
9. DEADLINES AND PROCEDURES FOR PRELIMINARY HEARING, CLAIMS AND APPEALS After being notified, candidates have 10 working days to submit, if applicable, a formal rebuttal. After that period, the jury notifies the candidates of the Final Report.
Excluded applicants may complain about the jury’s final report for 15 working days after notification or appeal the jury’s decision to the CMA-UBI Board of Directors for 30 working days after notification.
AMOUNT OF THE MONTHLY MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE: The monthly amount of the grant 1064€ is in accordance with the values stipulated in the “Regulations for Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology” in force (https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2019.pdf ) and shall be rendered through a monthly bank transfer to an account held by the grantee.
10. RESEARCH GRANT COMPONENTS: The studentship includes additional allowances, according to RBI’s Article no. 18 and the values indicated in its Annex II. All the studentship holders have a personal accident insurance related to the research activities, which FCT will support. All studentship holders who are not beneficiaries of any social protection regime can use the right to social security through the voluntary social insurance regime, under the terms of the Contributory Scheme of the Social Security System. FCT will ensure the charges resulting from contributions under the terms and with the limits provided in Article no. 10 of the EBI.
11. LEGISLATION AND APPLICABLE REGULATIONS A fellowship contract will be celebrated according to: 1. Law 40/2004 of 18th of August (Scientific Research Fellow Status) and its successive amendments, including the amendments introduced by the Decree Law n. 123/2019 of 28 th of August: https://dre.pt/web/guest/legislacao-consolidada/-/lc/124281176/201912061112/73740605/diploma/indice?lcq=estatuto+do+bolseiro, 2. Regulations for Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology in force: https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/docs/RegulamentoBolsasFCT2019.pdf
For more details on the conditions for granting the scholarship, consult the Portuguese version of the notice at ERACAREERS (link). |
Vacant posts: 2 |
Type of contract: Temporary |
Job country: Portugal |
Job city: Covilhã |
Job company/institute: CMA-UBI |
Application deadline: 22 Março 2021 (The Application’s deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description) |