quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2021



O Professor Mário Raposo é o novo Reitor da UBI, hoje eleito pelo Conselho Geral. Já o felicitei e aqui apresento de forma pública as minhas felicitações e votos de felicidade e amplo sucesso ao Mário Raposo.

Termino, agradecendo IMENSO a todas e todos que me incentivaram, ajudaram e apoiaram. Bem hajam. 

sexta-feira, 9 de abril de 2021

Fractional Calculus: Quantum Cosmology - II

The Honourable Schoolboy 


Broadening quantum cosmology with a fractional whirl

    We start by presenting a brief summary of fractional quantum mechanics, as means to convey a motivation towards fractional quantum cosmology. Subsequently, such application is made concrete with the assistance of a case study. Specifically, we investigate and then discuss a model of stiff matter in a spatially flat homogeneous and isotropic universe. A new quantum cosmological solution, where fractional calculus implications are explicit, is presented and then contrasted with the corresponding standard quantum cosmology setting.

    Fractional Calculus: Quantum Cosmology - I

    The Honourable Schoolboy 


    From Fractional Quantum Mechanics to Quantum Cosmology: An Overture

    by  1,* and 2


    Fractional calculus is a couple of centuries old, but its development has been less embraced and it was only within the last century that a program of applications for physics started. Regarding quantum physics, it has been only in the previous decade or so that the corresponding literature resulted in a set of defying papers. In such a context, this manuscript constitutes a cordial invitation, whose purpose is simply to suggest, mostly through a heuristic and unpretentious presentation, the extension of fractional quantum mechanics to cosmological settings. Being more specific, we start by outlining a historical summary of fractional calculus. Then, following this motivation, a (very) brief appraisal of fractional quantum mechanics is presented, but where details (namely those of a mathematical nature) are left for literature perusing. Subsequently, the application of fractional calculus in quantum cosmology is introduced, advocating it as worthy to consider: if the progress of fractional calculus serves as argument, indeed useful consequences will also be drawn (to cite from Leibnitz). In particular, we discuss different difficulties that may affect the operational framework to employ, namely the issues of minisuperspace covariance and fractional derivatives, for instance. An example of investigation is provided by means of a very simple model. Concretely, we restrict ourselves to speculate that with minimal fractional calculus elements, we may have a peculiar tool to inspect the flatness problem of standard cosmology. In summary, the subject of fractional quantum cosmology is herewith proposed, merely realised in terms of an open program constituted by several challenges.

    Fractional Calculus

    The Honourable Schoolboy 

    Fractional Calculus for Scientists and Engineers


    Authors: Ortigueira, Manuel Duarte

    In recent years fractional calculus has been rediscovered by scientists and engineers and applied in an increasing number of fields, such as electromagnetism, control engineering, and signal processing. The increase in the number of physical and engineering processes that are best described by fractional differential equations has motivated its study.

    quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2021

    The mighty muon!

    The Honourable Schoolboy 


    SUSY...on the (Quantum) Cosmology side. Maturing, getting flavor....

    The Honourable Schoolboy 

    The fact (yes, the fact...) that SUSY has not yet (not yet!!...) been spotted (e.g., by the LHC lake'' shores or so), one can still look up, keep seeing the stars, pondering and hoping that SQC (aka, Supersymmetric Quantum Cosmology) one day will emerge as relevant. Meanwhile, quite a handful of readers among volumes\chapters. Thanks indeed. Meanwhile, 6-12/2020 data eagerly waited, plus say 2021. 

    Nb. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-642-11575-2
    Link to the book "Quantum Cosmology - The Supersymmetric Perspective - Vol. 1" with #Springer http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-11574-5 via @SN_Authors [Twitter] ;
    Link to my book "Quantum Cosmology - The Supersymmetric Perspective - Vol. 2" with #Springer http://www.springer.com/978-3-642-11569-1 via @SN_Authors [Twitter]

    Will it ''...knock, knock, knocking on SUSY's door...''?! So far, today, there is a 4.2-sigma tension for the SM prediction versus run-1. Interesting...to promising!!!

    The Honourable Schoolboy 



    Muon g-2 (pronounced gee minus two) uses Fermilab's powerful accelerators to explore the interactions of short-lived particles known as muons with a strong magnetic field in "empty" space. Scientists know that even in a vacuum, space is never empty. Instead, it is filled with an invisible sea of virtual particles that in accordance with the laws of quantum physics pop in and out of existence for incredibly short moments of time. Scientists can test the presence and nature of these virtual particles with particle beams travelling in a magnetic field.

    The Muon g-2 experimenters examine the precession of muons that are subjected to a magnetic field. The main goal is to test the Standard Model's predictions of this value by measuring the precession rate experimentally to a precision of 0.14 parts per million. If there is any inconsistency, it could indicate the Standard Model is incomplete and in need of revision.

    Texto (entrevista) @ Fórum da Covilhã

    The Honourable Schoolboy 

    O link do texto conforme enviado está disponivel em 


    O link da noticia publicada (mais elegante no formato) em 

    Cf. mais em https://pt.slideshare.net/PauloVargasMoniz/plano-v7

    texto (entrevista) @ Noticias da Covilhã

    The Honourable Schoolboy 

    O link do texto conforme enviado está disponivel em 


    O link da noticia publicada (mais elegante no formato) em 

    Cf. mais em https://pt.slideshare.net/PauloVargasMoniz/plano-v7

    terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2021


    If attempting to read the former, I suggested doing it assisted by the latter

    The Honourable Schoolboy 

    Nb. I only got the reviews from https://www.amazon.com/Hawking-Selling-Scientific-Celebrity/dp/1541618378 (and other 'sources'). I have NOT (yet) read Seife's book, but nevertheless,  I suggest the reading of this (following) one as well, which is, to me, a fair description (i.e,, one can feel  as being  there, really):  

    Mlodinow's book is quite a fair description of what one could experiencing 'in situ'. The buildings and offices and doors and all that daily living dynamics are, to some extent, quite fair and realistic. Those that were there, at the time or 'near', may confirm, possibly. But I trust the remaining in the book to be as well a fair account. I have been reading Mlodinow's, slowly, starting, stoping, some other things come up, feeling too tired, getting old2. Hence, maybe this dual (Jung'wise) reading could be a suggestion to consider.