sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2021

Inverno demográfico ....

. Inverno demografico; vide 'Diagnóstico' -

quinta-feira, 29 de julho de 2021

FCT PhD grants


H + H -> He....


Nb. ☕🍪♻️💐

sexta-feira, 23 de julho de 2021


. from a basement in London  creating pioneer code for 'space invaders' ML towards uncovering human proteins. Wow. 

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2021

.ECDU - > ECDU ' ...

ECDU - > ECDU ' 

... distinguir os processos de progressão na carreira dos relacionados com o recrutamento de novos docentes.... a ser permitida aos que obtiverem melhor avaliação de desempenho. 

sábado, 17 de julho de 2021


Nb. cf in, 2...

Bolsas reembolsáveis.... 



Partilho aqui esta imagem que tirei de uma página da internet,  porque a pergunta que está colocada
atrás da produtora e\ou apresentadora do programa é pertinente. Isto para quem trabalha em e\ou com 
sistemas dinâmicos e sobretudo se interessa, tem curiosidade e interesse
no âmbito de caos, classico e ''quântico''  (e em cosmologia).

São temas que me são (recentemente) muito caros,  que eu gosto muito. Dito isto,
  talvez a pergunta fosse reformulada em
''como é que o caos pode 'aparecer' ...'' e\ou ''porque é que caos aparece...'' i.e.,
talvez perguntas
mais fundamentais. Saliento isto porque o caos não existe definido de uma forma inequivoca
e, ambito quantico (i.e., o que é caos quantico, se é que 'existe' ou pode ser....', pois
há quem diga que
não existe mesmo). A 'progressão'
do  quântico para clássico sobre o fenómeno do caos tem sido motivo de muita e
aturada investigação nesta última metade do século XX e ainda no início deste século. E é
algo que me fascina, que me tem fascinado desde uma palestra que assisti em 1997,
faz muitos anos, sobre a aplicação de métodos clássicos mas como extender para
cenarios... quanticos. Como definir,  se é que é algum modo podemos,
definir caos ou não em tonalidades
quanticas. Gosto pois e bastante da provocação colocada naquela frase.

terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2021

Broadening the meaning about the black-hole surface upon using fractional calculus


Somewhat almost coincidently, our paper in (soon to appear published in
got accepted for publication in a date very close to  the one in,
which we
actually cited in a rush, see [12] in, page 12.
Our work is exciting and rewarding, if we can say it. On the one hand, it bridges with works
from respected colleagues and friends as the paper [3] by the late J Barrow, on the other
hand it opens the possibility to test with cause,  about
black hole thermodymanmics, namely ther area theorem that
given the range of our parameter 'alpha' for the allowed deviations; we actually include the
standard case as a particular limit.

Our work maintains the structure of either GR or quantum mechanics, we merely introduce a new
and interesting feature that causes
modifications that may be tested in black hole physics, including gravitational radiation as we also point to:
fractional calculus, an old idea back to Leibniz, worked by
Riemmann, Abel, Liouville and many other mathematical grandees,
is now of  current use in many applications in engineering and material science. And fractional
quantum mecanics, too: The idea is to use derivatives of...fractional order, which have been of sucess in difusion
processes and others, path integrals as well, but then extend it to quantum mechanics (Feynman).

present an analysis of the thermodynamics of a "fractal" induced (by fractional quantum mechanics = FQM)
Schwarzschild black hole,
using a fractional calculus modified version of the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation.
Let us emphasize that the surface area of the black hole ie a measure of its entropy, but we show that in FQM it
can increase beyond the standard  calculation, and thus the Bekenstein-Hawking bound
may need  to be broaden  into an area power law.

Thus, from the geometrical black hole surface, we may
admit that there may be more to unveil. In particular, we
may speculate that a behavior, suggesting a broader
dimensional dynamics at the horizon, can be explored
in the wider ranges of gractional quantum mechanics (and
calculus), actually supporting the conjecture proposed by J Barrow in [3], see page 12
therefore, be allowed to speculate about the possibility that at some realistic observable scale,
a broader surface area of a black hole
can be considered, encompassing the standard value
from Bekenstein-Hawking, because of the ''fractional'' structure of the horizon.
In this context, we propose a broader equation, for  how
the entropy varies and how the Bekenstein-Hawking expressions fits in, and fitting too
It brings an interesting perspective
such that the entropy of a black hole
could instead be proportional to a power of its  surface,
depending on the choice of 'alpha' and, for 1<alpha<2 (alpha=2 the stadard case of
and vindicating J Barrow's elegant bold but elegant conjecture.

segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2021

already or soon to appear: calls for post-doc research grants

It has been recently announced
or it will be further announced in the near future, about
calls for post-doctoral programs, through several funding agencies as cited herewith, among a few.
Please check this blog\mailings and\or other means e.g. sites of those cited agencies or others
that I use and share, e.g., at Facebook, Instagram or Tweeter, Linkedin
for either recent or not so recent
but  with the structural framework of the application for you to follow. Thanks.
In case of doubt or difficulty, please persevere and do search. You know how it is
, ''seek and you will find'',  Matthew 7:7 or so or close by.

Moreover and
this is a very important information. If you are interested in working in the EU (and Portugal in
particular, with a contract for research in R&D) please
do read the guidelines and the regulations e.g., in the FCT site\link. It is very
important that you have  your PhD diploma or certificate
as  approved for equivalent legal stand, otherwise your application will be
immediately rejected on  administrative
arguments. So please, to  apply to work  it will be very important that you have all the documents and
in particular a legal equivalent certificate (e.g., by an embassy or any other agency within Portugal or the
European Union) that allows you to work in the European Union.

Please, see also the possible announcements that I will gradually put here
(possibly only by late August onward, after my summer break / holidays and corresponding absence).
I reiterate that it is VERY important,  besides the whole
amount of technical and R&D content,
that  the administrative document as mentioned is attached.

Moreover, given the extremely ferocious competitive selection for funding, and shortage of
funds due to cuts,
that you ought also start to work as soon as possible within the scientific program.