terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013



In particular.

Binary system
R 1   The team recommends that government commit to raising the funding level of HE and research
to the EU average in the medium term.
R 2   The team recommends that government and stakeholders plan for a higher percentage of
secondary pupils to progress to HE, either directly or via bridging courses such as the Cursos de
Especialização Tecnológica (CET)
R 3   The team recommends that efforts be made to ensure maximum publicity of cross-over points
for university and polytechnic students, bridging courses, recognition of prior learning, and careers
counselling, and that these be embedded in internal quality assurance procedures.
R 4   The team recommends that these measures be part of a long-term implementation
programme, consisting of regular monitoring and impact assessment, and involving graduate
tracking, external stakeholder involvement, peer review and sustained government backing.
R 5   The team recommends that they also assure equality of access and progression, by putting in
place effective support systems at both secondary and HE levels. They should incentivise the
recruitment, by HEIs, of under-represented groups. They should closely monitor the performance of
access students, measuring the value added and adapting learning and teaching methods
R 6   The team recommends that universities and polytechnics in the same region be incentivised to
develop shared proposals regarding curriculum development at CET, Bachelor and Master levels,
within the EU regional and HE policy frameworks, such as will favour seriously disadvantaged areas.
Regional development
R 7   The team recommends that each region have an HE-focused facilitation authority to interface
between HE consortia and the Conselho Coordenador do Ensino Superior  (CCES) [cf. Part C below],
as well as to liaise with other relevant agencies such as national funding sources, private and public
sector bodies operating at national level, and municipal authorities.
R 8   The team recommends that the government introduce incentives for young academic staff and
early stage researchers to move from the coast to the interior and to the islands, for example, by
making a one-year post-doctoral grant conditional on two years of service in a designated higher
education institution.
R 9   The team recommends that the funding bodies increase the scope for interdisciplinary and
trans-binary research.
R 10   The team recommends that the Estatuto da Carreira do Pessoal Docente do Ensino Superior
Politécnico (ECPDESP) be fully implemented.49
R 11   The team recommends that universities consider developing the provision and award of
practice-based professional doctorates, in line with the lifelong learning imperative.
Foundations and mergers
R 12   The team recommends that, whatever change to the legal framework might be envisaged, the
degree of autonomy enshrined in current legislation be maintained and reinforced.
R 13   The team recommends that government commit to retaining a stable legal framework which
includes the existence of Foundations.
R 14   The team recommends that plans for further mergers and consolidations be set out in fouryear institutional strategic development plans, to be approved by CCES.
R 15   The team recommends that separate budget allocation bodies be set up for public universities
and public polytechnics, charged with receiving funding from government and allocating institutional
block grants as well as project-based awards, on a multi-annual basis in line with the national
strategy elaborated by CCES, as well as with the principles of transparency and parity of esteem.
R 16   The team recommends the drawing up of contracts between the State and public HEIs, based
on agreed inputs and outputs over a four-year period and premised upon a clear strategy developed
at institutional level, a strategy which is in turn negotiated with regional development agencies and
approved by the CCES.
R 17   The team recommends that the framework outlined in Recommendation 15 allow for
significant, sustainable and affirmative action in respect of HEIs located in the mainland interior.
R 18   The team recommends that the system of numerus clausus, as currently practised, be
R 19   The team recommends that the CCES investigate the adequacy of the volume and mechanics
of student finance.
Re-structuring of the HE system
R 20   The team recommends that the autonomies granted by RJIES be guaranteed by government
for a further five-year period, in order that viable strategic planning can take place at institutional,
regional and national levels, and that due impact assessment and wide consultation take place
before any changes to the law are made. (See also Recommendation 13 above.)
R 21   The team recommends that any re-structuring of HE be undertaken in conjunction with the
reform of secondary schooling.50
Lifelong learning
R 22   The team recommends that such provision be informed by an agreed and explicit national
strategy, developed by the CCES, set within the framework of a more flexible binary system, and
appropriately funded.
R 23   The team recommends that the lifelong learning strategy be informed by regional labour
market planning undertaken in the framework of the changes proposed in section A2 above.
R 24   The team recommends the setting up of on-course support and graduate tracking systems
focused on the 23+ entry cohort, in order to refine existing access mechanisms and introduce new
ones, as well as to improve careers counselling, to guide curriculum development at Master level,
and to publicise the full range of educational opportunities for mature students.
R 25   The team recommends that CCES set up a task force to review the scope for expanding
internal and external distance learning in conjunction with the measures to increase access to HE.
Learning and teaching
R 26   The team recommends that the CCES (see Part C) commission from A3ES a review of the
implementation of the Bologna reforms. The review should examine, in particular, the extent to
which learning outcomes have been: identified in curriculum design; aligned with the national and
European qualifications frameworks; absorbed into quality assurance procedures and practice;
translated into assessment methods; and – where appropriate – developed in consultation with
external stakeholders, notably professional bodies and employers.
R 27   The team recommends that learning outcomes be the primary instrument used to give
substance to the binary distinction, in other words, that the polytechnic or university character of a
particular module or course be determined at the curriculum design stage, and thereafter to be
implemented by the HEI in the context of an explicit institutional or consortial mission approved by
R 28   The team recommends that trainee teachers be well prepared to implement student-centred
learning techniques at secondary level, in terms of curriculum and assessment design, teaching
strategies and institutional organisation.
R 29   The team recommends that the incoming Estatuto do Estudante Estrangeiro apply to
universities and polytechnics alike.
R 30   The team recommends the speedy putting in place of legal conditions permitting the
recruitment of foreign students to courses delivered in English as well as in Portuguese, in all three
Bologna cycles.
R 31   The team recommends that HEIs, supported by government: take steps to increase the
numbers of international academics and researchers and to reduce the volume of in-breeding at
institutional and national levels; and ensure that all academics and researchers have operational
competence in English-language component skills (reading, writing, understanding, speaking).51
R 32   The team recommends that the lifelong learning task force (cf. Recommendation 25 above)
consider the potential for developing a lusophone MOOC platform.
Quality assurance
R 33   The team recommends that HEIs energetically support the efforts of A3ES to move from
programme accreditation to the fostering of internal quality cultures developed at institutional level,
as an expression of academic autonomy, and reviewed externally in line with the European
Standards and Guidelines.
Rationalisation of the course portfolio
R 34   The team recommends that institutional leaderships examine as a matter of urgency how to
manage their human resources in support of student-centred learning (as per section B2 above),
eliminating duplication of provision and shifting the academic focus from input to output, while at
the same time ensuring optimal linkage between learning, teaching and research.
R 35   The team recommends that the sub-sectoral representative bodies establish a list of first and
second cycle course titles, consistent with the Classificação Nacional das Áreas de Educação e
Formação (CNAEF),
The Conselho Coordenador do Ensino Superior (CCES)
so as to clarify the educational offer and the exact meaning of diplomas.
R 36   The team recommends that the CCES be convened and set to work as soon as possible.
R 37   The team recommends that student organisations amalgamate to the point at which they
have national membership.
R 38   The team recommends that the CCES co-opt the teachers’ unions – the Federação Nacional de
Professores (FENPROF) and the Sindicato Nacional do Ensino Superior (SNESup) – on a permanent
R 39   The team recommends that the CCES be responsible for elaborating a long-term national
strategic higher education plan, on the basis of extensive consultation with all stakeholders.
R 40   The team recommends that the CCES be charged with drafting proposals on the remits and
interfacing of polytechnic and university funding bodies.
R 41   The team recommends that the CCES be responsible for identifying the data gaps which inhibit
strategic planning at institutional, regional and national levels, and for advising the government on
how to eliminate them.
R 42   The team recommends that the CCES, in approving strategic plans, use the following criteria:
quality; innovative student-centred pedagogy; labour market projections and employer involvement;
complementarity with distance learning provision; international collaboration and attractiveness.
R 43   The team recommends that CCES coordinate measures to intensify Portuguese efforts to
approach the EU target of graduation of 40% of the 30-34 age band by 2020.

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