quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2016

EUA Webinar: Performance-based funding of Universities

EUA Webinar: Performance-based funding of Universities: "Higher education institutions across Europe face today a demanding and complex financial context. The level of public investment in universities is going down in many countries since the start of the financial and economic crisis in 2008. Only a few countries keep up or increase their financial contribution to the sector and even those who did so far, begin to struggle recently. In addition traditional modes of public funding have been transformed and continue to evolve. Linking public funding to institutional performance is becoming more frequent. This webinar will give an overview of “Performance-based Funding of Universities in Europe” and focus in particular on funding formulae with output indicators (such as numbers of graduates) and performance contracts. It will discuss the opportunities, risks and limits of performance-based funding and offer advice and good practice examples from across Europe. Thus it will be of particular interest to university leaders and managers with regard to their strategic planning and internal funding allocation at institutional level. For policy makers, public authorities and funders it will furthermore provide key recommendations for the design and implementation of sustainable and efficient university funding systems."


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About Jobs for the Boys & Girls. ..

From The Economist Espresso: Grab bag: Poland’s big companies http://econ.st/1XWaGMy

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

The Man Who Knew Infinity (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Man Who Knew Infinity (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

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A matemática pode ajudar a travar as resistências aos antibióticos? - PÚBLICO

A matemática pode ajudar a travar as resistências aos antibióticos? - PÚBLICO:

Nb. Idem sobre uma Bolsa Post Doc de 2 anos que se inicia em breve na UBI 



Química e Modelação/Programação em Matemática - 2016

Encontra-se aberto concurso para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Incentivo a Pós-
Doutoramento (BIPD), no âmbito do Protocolo celebrado entre a Universidade da

Beira Interior (UBI) e o Banco Santander/Totta, a decorrer na Faculdade de Ciências


1. Objetivo e Âmbito de Aplicação

O objetivo da bolsa BIPD/ICI-FC-BST-UBI é o de financiar candidatos, em regime de

dedicação exclusiva, para desenvolver projetos de pós doutoramento na Faculdade de

São aplicáveis as Normas para Atribuição das Bolsas de Investigação no âmbito do

Convénio de Colaboração Santander-Totta/UBI, de 10 de julho de 2015.

2. Requisitos de admissão a concurso

São requisitos para concorrer à bolsa:

a) Ser cidadão nacional ou estrangeiro com grau de Doutor na área científica de

Química ou áreas afins;

b) Apresentar um projeto de investigação, o qual deve incluir um supervisor da

área da Química e outro da área da Matemática, que têm que ser,

obrigatoriamente, docentes da Faculdade de Ciências da UBI e investigadores

doutorados em unidades de investigação da UBI, presentes no Conselho

c) Ser autor de, pelo menos, um trabalho original com arbitragem por pares, já

publicado ou aceite para publicação à data da candidatura, ou possuir um

indicador de realização equivalente;

d) O projeto a desenvolver tem que estar enquadrado no domínio de Química com

uma componente obrigatória de Modelação/Programação em Matemática.

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Doctoral Schools — Doctoral Schools — Ghent University

Doctoral Schools — Doctoral Schools — Ghent University: "Five Doctoral Schools support doctoral students during their research training at Ghent University.

The Doctoral Schools organise specialist courses and transferable skills seminars for PhD students. Doctoral Training The programme

The courses Course registration and recognition Funding for courses Annual progress report Final submission of the curriculum Jump-start your PhD Application and enrolment Stay connected with the Doctoral Schools Funding for research and mobility Research policy PhD completion bonus (login required) Preparing your career"

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EUA Webinar: The way forward for Doctoral Education

The Honourable Schoolboy

EUA Webinar: The way forward for Doctoral Education

 webinar “The way forward for Doctoral Education”  Wednesday,

 document “Taking Salzburg Forward” and asks experts in the field about where doctoral education is going, inviting all participants to a debate about the future for research training. For a more active participation, we encourage you to read beforehand the attached document “Taking Salzburg Forward”, which will be presented and discussed during the webinar.

Hydrothermal Systems Show Spectrum of Extreme Life on Earth - Astrobiology

Hydrothermal Systems Show Spectrum of Extreme Life on Earth - Astrobiology:

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O Santander Universidades oferece anualmente um prémio internacional de 1000 euros ao melhor desenho de investigação de doutoramento criado com o software Idea Puzzle® numa universidade licenciada (regulamento em www.ideapuzzle.com).

The Honourable Schoolboy

O Santander Universidades oferece anualmente um prémio internacional de 1000 euros ao melhor desenho de investigação de doutoramento criado com o software Idea Puzzle® numa universidade licenciada (regulamento em www.ideapuzzle.com). 

Porto Biomedical Journal

Porto Biomedical Journal:

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To b(r)e(xit) on not to be...

From The Economist Espresso: The Brexit effect: the British economy http://econ.st/1VzIBgf

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016

RNA physics. ...

Controlling RNA in living cells: Modular, programmable prote... http://phys.org/news/2016-04-rna-cells-modular-programmable-proteins.html via getcorgi.com

On bears and cherries....

Can mountain-climbing bears rescue cherry trees from global ... http://phys.org/news/2016-04-mountain-climbing-cherry-trees-global.html via getcorgi.com

Dark Side of the Horse Comic Strip, April 25, 2016 on GoComics.com

Dark Side of the Horse Comic Strip, April 25, 2016 on GoComics.com:

Dark Side of the Horse

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Red and Rover Comic Strip, April 25, 2016 on GoComics.com

Red and Rover Comic Strip, April 25, 2016 on GoComics.com:

Red and Rover

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Garfield Comic Strip, April 25, 2016 on GoComics.com

Garfield Comic Strip, April 25, 2016 on GoComics.com:


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Physics Today: The future of physics in 2116

Physics Today: The future of physics in 2116: "Essay Contest: Physics in 2116"

Physics Today 2116 contest

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This is your brain on physics

This is your brain on physics: "This is your brain on physics Functional MRI reveals how the human brain repurposes itself to learn abstract physics concepts."

This is your brain on physics - figure 1

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Watching biomolecules fold and unfold

Watching biomolecules fold and unfold: "Watching biomolecules fold and unfold High-resolution measurements capture brief but informative moments in a molecule’s structural evolution"

Watching biomolecules fold and unfold - figure 1
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What did ancient people eat?

What did ancient people eat?:

With the aid of confocal microscopy, bioarchaeologists can quantitatively assess tooth wear and determine diet.

image of Untitled

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domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Click learners: Apple may offer cheap degrees | The Sunday Times

Click learners: Apple may offer cheap degrees | The Sunday Times: "Apple may offer cheap degrees"

Existing universities have been criticised for failing to offer quality and value for money

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How two tiny dots defy the history of life and the solar system | New Scientist

How two tiny dots defy the history of life and the solar system | New Scientist:

solar system

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Celeriac, apple and sage | The Times

Celeriac, apple and sage | The Times:

Celeriac, apple and sage. Photographed by Romas Foord

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Joe Swift: It’s the perfect time to repot your plants | The Times

Joe Swift: It’s the perfect time to repot your plants | The Times:

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Exams: don’t make it any worse | The Times

Exams: don’t make it any worse | The Times:

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World University Rankings blog: a survey that you can rely on | Times Higher Education (THE)

World University Rankings blog: a survey that you can rely on | Times Higher Education (THE):

Thank you

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Measured improvement | Times Higher Education (THE)

Measured improvement | Times Higher Education (THE):


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sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Marcelo quer melhoria nos acessos ao interior | Económico

Marcelo quer melhoria nos acessos ao interior | Económico: "O Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, defendeu hoje que, com o pacote de fundos comunitários até 2020, Portugal deve apostar na melhoria das acessibilidades ao interior, sobretudo das ligações ferroviárias. "Quando se fala em coesão social e coesão territorial, a ferrovia é muito importante. A rodovia também, mas a morte da ferrovia foi a morte do interior", alertou o chefe de Estado."

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Cubs. Chicago. Takes time....

From The Economist Espresso: Northsiders rising: baseball’s favourites http://econ.st/1qGs0tW

Enzimas, enzimas. ...

From The Economist Espresso: Getting CRISPR: a genetic tool sharpens http://econ.st/1r4sryO

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

Digressão Ignite Astro - Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço

Digressão Ignite Astro - Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço:

"Covilhã Novembro 12, 21:30"

Vídeo de promoção da Digressão Ignite Astro

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Allez, allez!!

The Honourable Schoolboy

Há coisas que não mudam | Económico

Há coisas que não mudam | Económico: "Por vezes parece que a DGO é independente dos membros do Governo ou que o que faz é lançar balões de ensaio de medidas desagradáveis que ajudam a que depois as instituições aceitem umas medidas menos gravosas. O que não iliba de responsabilidade o titular das Finanças e o Primeiro-ministro pelo que a DGO faz. De qualquer forma, mesmo que se regresse à promessa de dar estabilidade orçamental às instituições, este episódio vem comprometer a confiança no Governo. E se o Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior está preocupado, mas não consegue que seja reposta a situação prometida, a sua autoridade fica comprometida. O recurso dos conselhos para o Primeiro-ministro já é um sinal nesse sentido."

NB. From the 'bard' wrt trust & bonds:
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” 
― William ShakespeareAll's Well That Ends Well

Pedro Lourtie

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terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2016

A serious campaign in the UK. Serious. Seriously.

The Honourable Schoolboy

A Portuguese lost opportunity to strike 'gold' in the sense of R&D leadership, Again. Another.

The Honourable Schoolboy


The Honourable Schoolboy

Pertinent reading. Maybe our MCTES'officials should read it. Likewise Santander Universidades wrt IberoAm stuff.

The Honourable Schoolboy

A warning from the ST.

The Honourable Schoolboy

A must read. First thing as I set my foot @ LHR. Nb. I remain to see anyone (M or F) to win at the same oympics gold for the 5000, 10000 and the marathon.

The Honourable Schoolboy

My summer (conf&workshops) travel seem to be getting interesting

The Honourable Schoolboy

Beer (personal!) fest. Nb. Not all at the same place, same time...(or day!)

The Honourable Schoolboy

Nope. Not taken in the Netherlands. Yes, from Amsterdan flower market. No, saw none when I went there (Delft): it was freezing, snowing and ice all over. And yes, Delft is that place where Vermeer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_Vermeer)

The Honourable Schoolboy

A 9 year old ''biotec'' project. The room is full of ants too!!!!

The Honourable Schoolboy