sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2016

Over 100,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Honourable Schoolboy

Dear followers,

It has came as a surprise that in the Blog 'The Honourable such and so' we reached over than 100,000 readings. Wow!!
I can only thank all those who read and, in that sense, share the blog's posts.

I tend to avoid comentaries and personal log, elaborated 'thoughts into written words'.

Possibly, and I emphasize the 'possibly'..., since UBI as awell as IES\HEI (locally in this small garden by the seaside ~ west Atlantic ocean (EU) coast ) will change (a bit?) in terms of context and content, format or 'phase space'
'eigen vectors, eigen functions, eigenvalues...' , I could, possibly will, maybe I should, or somewhat should say, share, something about it.

Meanwhile, go on and prepare, set yourself for the &

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