'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2017
segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2017
domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017
Ensino Superior - PCP quer acabar com modelo "mercantilista" das fundações
Ensino Superior - PCP quer acabar com modelo "mercantilista" das fundações:
Nb. Assumo a minnha neutralidade ao genero isomorfico do Dr G House, ie, estou open mind mas se um lado argumenta (aparentes) beneficios, seria de o outro trazer soluções para o problema, no fim do dia... a disponibilidade a longo termo de gerir financiamento. Mas há mais. E é onde andará aquel tipo daquela experiancia do JCM (o Maxwell, quando estudava a entropia...).
Pessoalmente, acho que faz falta e tem feito MUITA falta um amplo debate.

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Nb. Assumo a minnha neutralidade ao genero isomorfico do Dr G House, ie, estou open mind mas se um lado argumenta (aparentes) beneficios, seria de o outro trazer soluções para o problema, no fim do dia... a disponibilidade a longo termo de gerir financiamento. Mas há mais. E é onde andará aquel tipo daquela experiancia do JCM (o Maxwell, quando estudava a entropia...).
Pessoalmente, acho que faz falta e tem feito MUITA falta um amplo debate.
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Temas de Educação: Precários da Ciência
Temas de Educação: Precários da Ciência:
Nb. No ambito e dinamica corrente em redor e intra o DL-57/2016, recomendo leitura deste artigo critico. É um problema (muito!) sério: o numero de graduados com PhD parece exponencial no evoluir, por ano, e e ode abertura de lugares de tenure-track, algo linear.
Em visitas que fiz, no quadro da CDE - EUA, este tema sempre presente e não há um silver bullet. Em paises como DK, N, B, NO ''impoe''-se que qualquer investigador numa escola de apoio a doutorandos (sim, escola doutoral....) assuma alguns ECTS (ou equiv...), eg em disciplinas de skills e transversais, mas, que também, seja lá a área que for, desde topologia algebrica à 'nanobiologia' 'quantica' das algas, tem de ter um projecto ou componente de integração numa industria, numa empresa, numa aplicação.
Como referi, problema (muito!) sério: o numero de graduados com PhD parece exponencial no evoluir, por ano, e e ode abertura de lugares de tenure-track, algo linear. O DL-57/2016 fica muito aquem em operacionalidade e potencial<->eficiencia estimavel.
Em suma, recomendo leitura deste artigo critico. O assunto é (cada vez mais) sério.

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Nb. No ambito e dinamica corrente em redor e intra o DL-57/2016, recomendo leitura deste artigo critico. É um problema (muito!) sério: o numero de graduados com PhD parece exponencial no evoluir, por ano, e e ode abertura de lugares de tenure-track, algo linear.
Em visitas que fiz, no quadro da CDE - EUA, este tema sempre presente e não há um silver bullet. Em paises como DK, N, B, NO ''impoe''-se que qualquer investigador numa escola de apoio a doutorandos (sim, escola doutoral....) assuma alguns ECTS (ou equiv...), eg em disciplinas de skills e transversais, mas, que também, seja lá a área que for, desde topologia algebrica à 'nanobiologia' 'quantica' das algas, tem de ter um projecto ou componente de integração numa industria, numa empresa, numa aplicação.
Como referi, problema (muito!) sério: o numero de graduados com PhD parece exponencial no evoluir, por ano, e e ode abertura de lugares de tenure-track, algo linear. O DL-57/2016 fica muito aquem em operacionalidade e potencial<->eficiencia estimavel.
Em suma, recomendo leitura deste artigo critico. O assunto é (cada vez mais) sério.

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Strengthening universities – Lessons from Europe - University World News
Strengthening universities – Lessons from Europe - University World News: "Recent data from Norway’s statistical office revealed that 50% of all jobs will require a masters degree in the next 10 years, while unskilled jobs will shrink to 5%. This means universities will have a growing impact on development, argues Peter Maassen of Norway's University of Oslo – and that ensuring their success will become increasingly important. What lessons in strengthening universities may be learned from Europe?"

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Competitive science: is competition ruining science? - PubMed - NCBI
Competitive science: is competition ruining science? - PubMed - NCBI:

"Format: AbstractSend to Infect Immun. 2015 Apr;83(4):1229-33. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02939-14. Epub 2015 Jan 20. Competitive science: is competition ruining science? Fang FC1, Casadevall A2. Author information Erratum in Correction for Fang and Casadevall, Competitive Science: Is Competition Ruining Science? [Infect Immun. 2015] Abstract Science has always been a competitive undertaking. Despite recognition of the benefits of cooperation and team science, reduced availability of funding and jobs has made science more competitive than ever. Here we consider the benefits of competition in providing incentives to scientists and the adverse effects of competition on resource sharing, research integrity, and creativity. The history of science shows that transformative discoveries often occur in the absence of competition, which only emerges once fields are established and goals are defined. Measures to encourage collaboration and ameliorate competition in the scientific enterprise are discussed. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved."
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"Format: AbstractSend to Infect Immun. 2015 Apr;83(4):1229-33. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02939-14. Epub 2015 Jan 20. Competitive science: is competition ruining science? Fang FC1, Casadevall A2. Author information Erratum in Correction for Fang and Casadevall, Competitive Science: Is Competition Ruining Science? [Infect Immun. 2015] Abstract Science has always been a competitive undertaking. Despite recognition of the benefits of cooperation and team science, reduced availability of funding and jobs has made science more competitive than ever. Here we consider the benefits of competition in providing incentives to scientists and the adverse effects of competition on resource sharing, research integrity, and creativity. The history of science shows that transformative discoveries often occur in the absence of competition, which only emerges once fields are established and goals are defined. Measures to encourage collaboration and ameliorate competition in the scientific enterprise are discussed. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved."
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sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2017
sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017
FCT — Projectos — Concursos 2017
FCT — Projectos — Concursos:
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Projetos de IC&DT em todos os Domínios Científicos 2017
Em destaque
24.02.2017 – Foi publicado o Aviso de Abertura de Concurso (AAC) e o Referencial de Mérito (RM) para submissão de candidaturas a projetos de IC&DT em todos os domínios científicos - 2017.
Ao abrigo deste AAC, o prazo para a apresentação de candidaturas decorre entre o dia 24 de fevereiro de 2017 e o dia 17 de maio 2017 (19 horas).
O formulário de candidatura, bem como o guia de apoio ao preenchimento do formulário, serão disponibilizados até ao dia 13 de março de 2017.
Todas as candidaturas devem ser apresentadas em língua inglesa através de formulário eletrónico noBalcão 2020.
Ao abrigo deste AAC, o prazo para a apresentação de candidaturas decorre entre o dia 24 de fevereiro de 2017 e o dia 17 de maio 2017 (19 horas).
O formulário de candidatura, bem como o guia de apoio ao preenchimento do formulário, serão disponibilizados até ao dia 13 de março de 2017.
Todas as candidaturas devem ser apresentadas em língua inglesa através de formulário eletrónico noBalcão 2020.
Visão Global e Objetivos
- Regulamento Específico do Domínio de Competitividade e Internacionalização (RECI)
- Regulamento de Projetos Financiados Exclusivamente por Fundos Nacionais
- Aviso para Apresentação de Candidaturas
- Referencial de Mérito
- Balcão 2020 – formulário eletrónico / esclarecimento de dúvidas
- Data limite para candidaturas: 17 de maio de 2017
Através deste concurso para projetos de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico em todos os domínios científicos, pretende-se apoiar ideias inovadoras que sejam relevantes e contribuam de forma significativa para o avanço do conhecimento na respetiva área científica.
Os projetos aprovados serão financiados por Fundos Europeus Estruturais e de Investimento (FEEI), quando aplicável, ao abrigo dos Programas Operacionais envolvidos (COMPETE, PORNorte, PORCentro, PORLisboa, PORAlentejo, PORAlgarve), e por fundos nacionais, através da FCT, I.P.
O concurso abrange todas as regiões do Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo, Algarve, Açores e Madeira.
O concurso apoiará projetos pelo período máximo de 36 meses e com um orçamento máximo de 240.000 €.
Para este concurso está prevista uma dotação orçamental de 58 M€ de fundos FEEI, com uma contrapartida nacional OE de 32,1M€. A dotação orçamental da FCT,I.P. para projetos não apoiados pelos FEEI é de 20M€.
Regulamentos Aplicáveis
Às diversas fases do concurso, incluindo admissibilidade, elegibilidade de beneficiários e projetos, e gestão de projetos financiados, aplicam-se, consoante as entidades que venham a financiar os projetos, oRegulamento Específico do Domínio de Competitividade e Internacionalização (RECI) e o Regulamento de Projetos Financiados Exclusivamente por Fundos Nacionais.
Como concorrer
Todas as candidaturas devem ser apresentadas em língua inglesa através de formulário eletrónico doBalcão 2020.
Não haverá submissão de candidaturas através do site da FCT.
A FCT é responsável pela avaliação da qualidade das propostas apresentadas neste concurso, em particular pelo critério A e pelos subcritérios B2, B3 e B4 definidos no Referencial de Mérito. A decisão final para projetos com financiamento FEEI é da responsabilidade e é proferida pelas Autoridades de Gestão envolvidas no financiamento dos projetos (COMPETE 2020 e/ou Programas Operacionais Regionais). A decisão final para projetos financiados por fundos exclusivamente nacionais é da responsabilidade da FCT, I.P..
Contactos e Suporte Técnico
No Balcão 2020, na Plataforma de Acesso Simplificado (PAS) e, adicionalmente, na Página da FCT, para além do Aviso e Abertura e do Referencial de Mérito, os candidatos têm acesso:
- A outras peças e informações relevantes, nomeadamente legislação enquadradora e formulário de candidatura;
- Ao suporte técnico e ajuda ao esclarecimento de dúvidas, no período em que decorre o concurso; este suporte é assegurado pelos Programas Operacionais e pela FCT, I.P. enquanto Organismo Intermédio com competência delegadas pelos Programas Operacionais. Todos os pedidos de esclarecimentorelativos a este concurso devem ser submetidos através do Balcão 2020;
- Aos resultados do presente concurso para projetos propostos para financiamento.
Nenhuma informação contida nesta página substitui ou se sobrepõe ao estipulado no Aviso para Apresentação de Candidaturas e Referencial de Mérito.
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Laboratórios Colaborativos são um «passo novo na afirmação da relevância e criação de valor económico» -> PROGRAMA INTERFACE - Home

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O Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Manuel Heitor, afirmou que os Laboratórios Colaborativos são um «passo novo na afirmação da relevância e criação de valor económico», durante a apresentação do Programa Interface, em Lisboa, que também teve uma intervenção do Primeiro-Ministro António Costa.
O objetivo destes laboratórios será «criar emprego qualificado e emprego científico em estreita colaboração entre as instituições universitárias, académicas e científicas e os empregadores».
Manuel Heitor referiu a necessidade de criar mais redes em colaboração entre as instituições científicas e empresas, para além de desenvolver e reforçar os centros tecnológicos. Para isso, serão criados «arranjos colaborativos que complementem o papel das unidades de investigação para densificar o território em termos de atividades baseadas no conhecimento».
«A valorização social e económica do conhecimento tem como último objetivo a criação de emprego», disse, acrescentando que nesse sentido o País tem de ter mecanismos próprios de difusão de conhecimento.
O Ministro afirmou a confiança nos cientistas e empresas de Portugal «para criar emprego e garantir a modernização face ao contexto europeu», enumerando os benefícios que poderão ser conseguidos na valorização de produtos naturais, na área biomédicas, na computação científica avançada e computação quântica, bem como no desenvolvimento de ações para as novas indústrias do espaço e indústrias de satélite.
«A ideia de sermos ambiciosos é o que desejamos. Desenvolver laboratórios colaborativos com instituições de interface que colaborem mais com a ciência, cientistas e trabalhadores, e que possamos dar às futuras gerações mais e melhor emprego em Portugal», concluiu.
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quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2017
eLearnAfrica: Africa's trusted source for on-line education.
eLearnAfrica: Africa's trusted source for on-line education.
At eLearnAfrica, we believe that access to education is a human right. We know that education is the key to life-long success and satisfaction.
Our Mission
eLearnAfrica will be the premier resource and launch site for millions of highly educated Africans. We are confident that we will become the premier on-line aggregator of content for eLearning, professional and business development, and recruitment capacity. Our students will build a better future for Africa.
We serve Universities
Course Hosting is available for partners with existing content so that they can take advantage of the eLearnAfrica portal and mobile application to reach millions of students and professionals. The system can manage any number of courses, in any language. Courses hosted on eLearnAfrica can be downloaded for off-line study.
Content Digitalisation enables partners to take their existing educational materials and digitalise them, so that they can be used in online learning on the portal.
Course Development support is available for those universities and training organisations that wish to develop and deploy their materials on the eLearnAfrica portal.
Learning Management System development and deployment allows partners at all educational levels to manage their online educational systems, fully integrating classroom learning and distance learning. Administrators, teachers, and parents can monitor progress to improve the educational outcomes of students.
Website Design is available for some partners that wish to create an intuitive, manageable website that can take advantage of the latest advancement in design, interface, social media integration, and content management.
Website Hosting on our fully monitored and actively maintained servers is available to some clients at highly competitive rates. We can assist our clients in collecting, understanding, and taking advantage of usage analytics to increase the visibility and effectiveness of their websites.
Maintenance and support contracts can be included in any of our service suites.
eLearning Consulting is available for all partners interested in better understanding, improving and expanding their eLearning offerings for their students, staff, and the general population. Our consulting services cover all aspects of elearning: basic considerations of online learning; strategy, development, and evaluation processes; content design and development; management and administration tools; market research and optimization, and up-scaling operations.
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SciVal's new reporting functionality saves you time and effort
SciVal's new reporting functionality saves you time and effort:

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Introducing SciVal’s new reporting functionality!
Create personalized, tailored reports in no time at all.
Jan 2017
With our new reporting functionality we are able to save you even more time by allowing you to create and save reports, tailored to your specific needs. The turnaround time in which you receive your data for your self-defined entities has been sped up from 48 to just 6 hours. We have also refreshed the look and feel of the SciVal platform to give you a more consistent experience as you navigate between SciVal, Scopus and other Elsevier platforms.
- Reporting – Save your favorite, recurring reports and access them quickly at any time
- Enhanced SciVal design & layout – Improved interoperability between SciVal and other Elsevier platforms
- Faster Processing of self-defined entities – Reducing processing time from 48 hours to just 6!
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terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017
Quantum gravity in the sky? | CQG+
Quantum gravity in the sky? | CQG+: "Quantum gravity in the sky?"

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sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2017
I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:
Gravity probe exceeds performance goals - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-38897697
sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2017
FCT — News : Be curious. Learn. Think science. Choose Portugal.
FCT — News:
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Study & Research in Portugal, "A land of knowledge, a place to experience"
The launch of the initiative Study & Research in Portugal - Portugal, A land of knowledge, a place to experience, illustrates Portugal’s commitment to knowledge, creativity and innovation. The platform is dedicated to both students and researchers, companies and institutions of science and technology worldwide.
Higher education, science and technology internationalisation in Portugal has been going through an unprecedented growth process in recent decades, particularly by increasing students and researcher’ mobility, but also in what concerns opening up its scientific activity and knowledge production to worldwide recognised networks, such as the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). Study and Research in Portugal is a key tool to promote the country internationalisation in terms of scientific diplomacy, tourism, mobility, economy, heritage, language and culture.
The Study and Research in Portugal programme has a promotional video and digital platform with additional information, which is being progressively updated. The programme was launched by the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education, together with the General Direction of Higher Education, the Foundation for Science and Technology, the Secretary of State for Tourism, and the Tourism of Portugal.
10 reasons
Portuguese Higher Education Institutions host hundreds of clubs and associations that foster sports, arts and cultural activities which allow you to meet people who are excited about sharing their interests.
The country is ideal for outdoor activities. Its beaches are ideal for surfing, sailing, and swimming, while the interior holds stunning landscapes for hiking or cycling.
If it is arts and culture you are interested in, music, literature or drama, you’re sure to find a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Many music and cinema festivals, book fairs, museums, theatres and other cultural venues across Portugal, offer a diversity of activities and events throughout the whole year.
Portugal’s oldest university dates from 1290 and is the ninth oldest university in the world.
In recent years, Portuguese Higher Education Institutions feature in world top rankings, offering quality education and innovative learning experiences.
Driven by accuracy, curiosity, and a learn-by-doing approach for knowledge, partnering with a wide range of international Higher Education Institutions and Research Centres, such as the MIT, CMU, Austin Texas, our institutions and researchers are recognised and respected worldwide. Study options
Build your research career with top level researchers.
Portugal is running cutting edge international research centres and infrastructures, exploring forefront knowledge fields, from social sciences, to engineering or life sciences.
Together with Higher Education Institutions, these promote research and knowledge exchange for a better understanding of the world. Research options
Feel connected to the world.
In the last five years, the number of foreign students in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions increased by 95%. Thousands of foreign students and researchers of over 200 nationalities contribute to a diverse ecosystem. Many academic courses and programmes are conducted in English.
When living in Portugal you can have a real European adventure or hop on a direct flight to many locations in the world, and still feel at home.
Portugal is an old European country with a rich history of travellers, which has shaped the world as we know it today. Understanding the future is a challenge. Portuguese Higher Education Institutions and Research Centres understand crossing knowledge as a way of breaking down barriers for opening up to new paths to progress and modernity.
Open Science practices bring together science and society. Together with digital resources, there are now opportunities for co-creation of knowledge and real sharing.
Scientific knowledge is a public asset, which should be inclusive, accessible and available to the benefit of all.
We believe that studying and researching in Portugal is a way of being involved with society, by doing science.
Portugal´s Higher Education Institutions are greatly connected and the country encourages innovation in general. Not only its infrastructures but also its partnerships with entrepreneurial organisations promote creativity and future thinking.
Several products and start-ups, which are recognised across the world, were incubated in a stimulating Higher Education Institution environment, in Portugal.
Here is the place to create and experiment.
Did you know that Portuguese is the 4th most spoken language in the world? And the most spoken language in the Southern Hemisphere. Portuguese is also the 5th language with the highest number of users in the Internet and official or working language in 32 international organisations.
Living in Portugal is a fun, effective way to learn and explore the language, culture, economy, and history of 261 million people spread across the globe.
Portugal has an open culture which connects people.
The country’s human scale is reflected in its welcoming, friendly and respectful population, who are famous for an unusual openness and tolerance to diversity and multiculturalism (and keen on speaking in English, too). We are the world’s second country with better integration capacity of immigrants (Migrant Integration Policy Index).
Also, it’s safe to go around. We are the sixth most peaceful country in the world (global peace index 2016).
Approximately 3000 hours of sun per year, 850km of sanded beaches, an incredible diversity of natural resources and living landscapes, the heritage of a rich past; All these combined with a worldwide recognised food and wine culture, define Portugal’s excellent work-life balance.
Portugal is also one of the European countries with most affordable quality accommodation and living costs.
Be curious.
Think science. Choose Portugal.
Learn science in society on your day-to-day life.
The sea, the mountains and the beaches; the castles and the streets, all of these will be your living labs for science, culture, creativity and knowledge.
The worldwide recognised network of Higher Education Institutions and Research Centers, fosters international connectivity, openness and innovation.
The ability to think ahead is our commitment. We aim for innovative ideas and creative thinking, based on solid values, co-creation and collaboration.
Bring your own!
Knowledge can help us to read and understand the world.
And the world sometimes starts in Portugal.

Increase by 95% the number
of foreign students in the
last 7 years[1]

74% Growth of the doctorates between 2000 and 2010


(R&D) Centres

39 580
country with the highest average annual growth rate of publications (2001-2014)

2nd EU
Start-Ups founded between 2007 and 2015
31 000 new start-ups / year
130% increase of the technology-based firms between 2007 and 2010
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Mensagens (Atom)