'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2020
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2020
https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap200919.html O que vemos e o está lá em cima...
sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2020
More possibilities (research funding)
Dear Colleagues,
Please announce among your contacts as appropriate.
FCT and LIP agreed to promote a program of PhD grants in high energy physics and related scientific and technological domains relevant for the Portuguese participation at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, CERN and/or the corresponding transfer of knowledge to society.
The 2nd Edition of the Call will open in September and two domains will be considered:
1) Particle and Astroparticle Physics and associated scientific domains;
2) Technologies associated to the Portuguese participation at CERN and their transfer to society.
The maximum number of grants to be awarded in the present call will be nine, six with priority to the first domain and three with priority to the second domain. The grants may be national or mixed grants, depending on whether the work program is carried out totally or partially at national institutions. The granting of the scholarship will depend on the receipt of all required documents and is subject to the availability of FCT funding.
Candidates who have previously received an identical type of FCT-funded fellowship or have been selected for a PhD grant in an FCT PhD Program may not apply.
PhD studentships will be granted to applicants that fulfil the requirements to join a study cycle that allows to obtain a PhD degree and wish to develop research work in high energy physics or related domains at a Portuguese University and hosted at LIP or at any national R&D centre with a protocol previously established with LIP under the Portugal - CERN PhD Grants Program. These grants will be supervised by a supervisor designed by the host institution and may be co-supervised by researchers from other institutions. In any case it is mandatory one of the supervisors has a link to a Portuguese University granting the academic degree, and in case of mixed grants one of the co-supervisors has to have a link to the foreign host institution.
If your institution doesn’t have such a protocol yet, please ask your Direction to contact LIP via idpasc.pt-cern@lip.pt to propose to establish one. A template of the protocol can be found at https://idpasc.lip.pt/files/
This program is integrated in the scope of the IDPASC Doctoral Program in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.
The call will be open from 21st September to 30th November 2020
● 1st Phase: Submission of thesis themes by the supervisors - 21st September to 16th October 2020, 17:00 (Lisbon time)
● 2nd Phase: Submissions of the applications by students – 19th October to 30th November 2020, 17:00 (Lisbon time)
For further information about submission of thesis themes and applications, please consult the Terms of the Call:
Should you need any other information, please send an e-mail to: idpasc.pt-cern@lip.pt
Best regards,
Natalia Antunes
LIP -- Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
pre (!!!) -announcement (grants)
quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2020
How Mathematical ‘Hocus-Pocus’ Saved Particle Physics
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2020
terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2020
From the NYT e obrigado, Jorge Buescu!!
To Beat the Coronavirus, Build a Better Fence
'where' online seminars?
sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2020
Secção Regional do Centro da Ordem dos Médicos (SRCOM) lançou o Manual “Viver em tempo de Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2”
Manual “Viver em tempo de Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2”
Caro(a) Colega,
A Secção Regional do Centro da Ordem dos Médicos (SRCOM) lançou o Manual “Viver em tempo de Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2”, no âmbito da campanha #RespeitoPelaVida.
Este manual visa ajudar a comunidade a manter a vigilância e os cuidados adequados a cada circunstância do dia a dia, para que possa prosseguir com todas as precauções nas tarefas quotidianas face ao risco de infeção com SARS-CoV-2. O manual é, pois, mais um contributo da SRCOM no âmbito da campanha #RespeitoPelaVida. Recorde-se que, face às novas circunstâncias e exigências em contexto de pandemia, a SRCOM assume a campanha #RespeitoPelaVida como um processo permanente, estando a levar a cabo ações descentralizadas junto da população da região Centro. Esta iniciativa visa sensibilizar os cidadãos para a adoção de comportamentos seguros no regresso ao quotidiano, no contexto social, laboral e familiar, assim como apelar à responsabilização coletiva.
As boas práticas de saúde pública e a adoção de comportamentos seguros são responsabilidade de todos nós. Cuidar de nós e cuidarmos dos outros é fundamental para ultrapassarmos este desafio sanitário. Estamos unidos neste esforço conjunto.
Poderão aceder ao manual aqui.
Agradecemos a partilha: este documento é de todos.
Nota: Este documento está sujeito a alterações, tendo em conta a atualização das melhores práticas e evidências científicas.
Dr. Carlos Cortes
Presidente da SRCOM
Secção Regional do Centro da Ordem dos Médicos Avenida Afonso Henriques, Nº 39,
Telefone: 239 792 920 · Email: o.medicos@omcentro.com
terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2020
Heaven can contact you....
Salut, les mecs! Ça, c'est moi! Allez!!

Don’t miss the ”la Caixa” Foundation Fellowships Calls online information session
Don’t miss the ”la Caixa” Foundation Fellowships Calls online information session