sábado, 22 de maio de 2021

https://www.collinsdictionary.com/pt/dictionary/english/devil-may-care --- It seems 'September''2020 and... you need no rocket science degree to think what may come if ... not care about it. Take care!!!

The Honourable Schoolboy 
Nb. Whereas the linear data\plot may seem to some, 'who cares?', oh & behold,  the log data/file. Maths is actually a (some would say) God sent tool for us to discern about whatever around us. So, take care!!! It seems 'September''2020 and... you need no rocket science degree to think what may come if ... not care about it. Take care!!! Cf. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/pt/dictionary/english/devil-may-care. 

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