quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2024


The Honourable Schoolboy 

... para animar o debate académico em 2025... 


O ministro da Educação disse hoje que espera ter concluído até fevereiro de 2025 o processo de revisão do Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior (RJIES), uma medida que se ...

Revisão do Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Ao nível da governação das IES, propõe-se que os Reitores ou Presidentes passem a ser eleitos para um mandato único de seis anos, por eleição direta e alargada à comunidade, incluindo, de forma ponderada, docentes e investigadores, alunos, não docentes e não investigadores, e antigos alunos.
NB. O novo conteudo do artigo 17º está muito bem: "Artigo 17.º
Consórcios de ensino superior
1 - As instituições de ensino superior públicas podem estabelecer entre si e com instituições públicas
ou privadas de investigação científica e desenvolvimento tecnológico consórcios mediante os quais
se obrigam, de forma concertada, a prosseguir, designadamente, os seguintes objetivos:
a) A concretização de parcerias e projetos comuns;
b) A coordenação conjunta no desenvolvimento das suas atividades;
c) A articulação das suas atividades a nível regional ou internacional;
d) A coordenação da oferta formativa;
e) A gestão coordenada dos recursos humanos;
f) O incentivo à mobilidade de estudantes, de pessoal docente e investigador e de pessoal não
docente e não investigador;
g) A partilha de recursos humanos e materiais, equipamentos e serviços, inclusivamente no âmbito
da ação social escolar;
h) A articulação estratégica e a cooperação institucional entre as instituições.
2 – [Revogado.]
3 – [Revogado.]
4 – […]
5 – Desde que satisfeitos os requisitos dos artigos 42.º, 43.º-A e 44.º, o membro do Governo
responsável pela área do ensino superior pode autorizar a adoção pelos consórcios referidos no n.º
1, respetivamente, da denominação de universidade, de universidade politécnica ou de instituto
6 - Os consórcios de ensino superior podem seguir os termos previstos para o contrato de consórcio,
constantes do Decreto-Lei n.º 231/81, de 28 de julho.
7 – Sem prejuízo do disposto no número anterior, o regime jurídico aplicável a consórcios que tenham
por objetivo a partilha de recursos humanos e materiais, inclusivamente no âmbito da ação social
escolar, é fixado por decreto-lei."

quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2024

The Dark Wolf Nebula 😎🐺🍪☕

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Yes, it has been a while. But given Halloween is nearing (and Thanksgiving is looming), here is a post. 

ESO has informed  about https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2416/ namely 
''New ESO image captures a dark wolf in the sky''. You can read more in the link. 

Plus, if you want to see it, wait for summer (!) and look up in the sky about S-SE (or SW if late in summer)  at https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso2416c/, 
in the small red circle.

Curiously, the dark wolf is near the Sgr A* black hole (https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2208-eht-mw/)

in Sagittarius, in https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1835b/. 

Likewise, look SE-S in summer, and up there, you can see it in the small red circle—or maybe not. 

segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2024

FCT opens 1500 vacancies on Call of Studentships for PhDs 2024 \\\ Nb. Allow me to highlight the novelty of point 4.4-a).

The Honourable Schoolboy 

FCT opens 1500 vacancies on Call of Studentships for PhDs 2024


On March 1, the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) launched Notice of the Call and the Evaluation Guide for Call for the Award of Studentships for Doctoral Research in all Scientific Domains 2024, in the General Lineand in a Non-Academic Environment. Applications will be open between March 18 and April 18, 2024.

The 2024 edition of this Call increases the number of Studentships to be awarded in the specific application line for work plans developed in non-academic entities from 400 to 450 (compared to Call in 2023). The number of Studentships foreseen in the general line (1,050) remains the same as in 2023.

This will be the 3rd edition of Call of Studentships with a line for the Non-academic Environment, which includes: companies; collaborative laboratories; technology and innovation centers and other interface centers; public administration entities or third sector entities such as museums, hospitals, associations in various areas (environment, culture, sport); and non-governmental organizations. The aim is to strengthen the links between academia and the various social and economic players through research.

The FCT maintains an expression of interest for non-academic organizations to host doctoral students, a list of which is available for consultation and is constantly being updated.

The Studentships for doctoral studies are aimed at candidates enrolled, or who meet the necessary conditions for enrollment, in a study cycle leading to the degree of doctor and who intend to develop research activities leading to the degree.

The overall investment planned under this Call is 124 million euros (87 million euros for the general application line and 37 million euros for the Non-Academic Environment application line). Studentships Currently, there are more than 7,300 doctoral research projects directly funded by the FCT, of which around 1,300 are taking place in a non-academic environment.

FCT plans to launch another instrument to support doctoral students in 2024

At the beginning of April 2024, a new instrument will be launched to support doctoral students who work for a public administration entity and wish to dedicate themselves to research on topics of relevance to the institution where they work. The aim is to value and train public administration professionals, and these entities must commit to contributing protected time (at least 20%) to the research carried out by these professionals. The funding will cover doctoral fees and, in addition, a supplement will be awarded to the doctoral student corresponding to the fraction equivalent to the candidate's protected time dedicated to research, based on the FCT's Studentships doctoral fees. Detailed information and application forms for this program will be available soon.


Allow me to highlight the novelty of point 4.4-a).

. 4.4 Requirements for Application Elements for Assessment Purposes In order for the application elements to be scored, they must meet the following requirements:

The. Certificates of qualifications obtained in Portuguese higher education institutions must be submitted indicating the degree obtained and the final classification. In the case of academic degrees and higher education diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions, they must be accompanied by the respective recognition and grade conversion registration certificates. Failure to submit these documents will result in a score of “0” (zero) in sub-criterion A1-academic path.