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'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014
University mergers: will others follow the Welsh model? | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional
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The Vega Science Trust - Richard Feynman Video - The Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures - Part 1
The Sir Douglas Robb Lectures - University of Auckland 1979 with Richard Feynman. This video lecture series and his QED book were aimed at an educated public audience and don't require too much Mathematics.
The Videos:
Photons - Corpuscles of Light: http://goo.gl/SVR2p
Fits of Reflection and Transmission: http://goo.gl/soKYQ
Electrons and their Interactions: http://goo.gl/P08s1
New Queries: http://goo.gl/9lW5F
The Book:
QED:The Strange Theory of Light and Matter: http://goo.gl/WCd4e
This quote on what might be called the beauty of simplicity is a bit more Mathematical and is from Richard Feynman's 1965 Nobel Lecture.
I would like to interrupt here to make a remark. The fact that electrodynamics can be written in so many ways - the differential equations of Maxwell, various minimum principles with fields, minimum principles without fields, all different kinds of ways, was something I knew, but I have never understood. It always seems odd to me that the fundamental laws of physics, when discovered, can appear in so many different forms that are not apparently identical at first, but, with a little mathematical fiddling you can show the relationship. An example of that is the Schrödinger equation and the Heisenberg formulation of quantum mechanics. I don't know why this is - it remains a mystery, but it was something I learned from experience. There is always another way to say the same thing that doesn't look at all like the way you said it before. I don't know what the reason for this is. I think it is somehow a representation of the simplicity of nature. A thing like the inverse square law is just right to be represented by the solution of Poisson's equation, which, therefore, is a very different way to say the same thing that doesn't look at all like the way you said it before. I don't know what it means, that nature chooses these curious forms, but maybe that is a way of defining simplicity. Perhaps a thing is simple if you can describe it fully in several different ways without immediately knowing that you are describing the same thing.
More here: http://goo.gl/zx2E8
Ps thanks to A Tomé for pointing this
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A new state of beauty and charm

Thanks to A Tomé for pointing this
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Michio Kaku and Morgan Freeman Explain Entropy
I am grateful to my colleague A Tomé for sending me these links herein posted
"I know all about entropy," said Adell, standing on his dignity.
"The hell you do."
"I know as much as you do."
"Then you know everything's got to run down someday."
"All right. Who says they won't?"
The Last Question by Isaac Asimov © 1956
Boltzmann’s Entropy Equation
The entropy and the number of microstates of a specific system are connected through the Boltzmann’s entropy equation:
Where k – is the Boltzmann’s constant which is equal to 1.38062e-23 J/K
W – is the number of ways of arranging the molecules (or microstates)
For a closed system, entropy can only increase, it can never decrease. For an irreversible process the entropy increases. For a reversible process the change in entropy is zero.
In more technical terms, entropy is a specific value that measures how much energy is released in a system when it settles into the lowest potential energy. Entropy assesses the amount of disorder, understood as a change in heat, from an earlier point to a later point in time. This must happen in a "closed" system, where no energy leaks in or out. Theoretically, that can be measured, but practically it is very difficult to create an absolutely closed scenario
Michio Kaku and Morgan Freeman Explain Entropy
What is Entropy?
Isaac Asimov - The Last Question
The Honourable Schoolboy
Sir Patrick Stewart shows celebrities how the ALS ice bucket challenge should be done - People - News - The Independent
Guess that with a nice cup of tea would do, as well. However, Sir Patrick does not discloses what is choice of whiskey...
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How the Jaguar Saved My Life [Excerpt] - Scientific American
Or ... I can see you now...
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Mother fed her daughter tapeworms to make her skinny for pageant - Health & Families - Life and Style - The Independent
On reading this I remembered this episode of House (curiously, called 'insensitive' which actually applies to what this piece of news points to...; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insensitive_(House))
Hrmmmm bt way, where's my vicodin?
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Oficina de C&T + Design Textil no pavilhão do conhecimento.
Academics Anonymous: break down barriers between disciplines | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional
or the importance of 'those' synergy meetings...
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Campus close-up: Coventry University | News | Times Higher Education
It is all on the €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€
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Top universities opt for public bonds to plug the funding gap | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional
A tentative trend? Can a university go to a sort of ''stock market''? In any EU country?
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Iraq crisis: How Saudi Arabia helped Isis take over the north of the country - Comment - Voices - The Independent
A mix of Clancy & LeCarré but a thriller (real) indeed...
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just a bit more than a month to go....
of interest...
- http://s3platform.jrc.ec.
europa.eu/documents/10157/ 412938/Universities_S3.pdf - http://ec.europa.eu/research/
index.cfm?pg=events&eventcode= 3DB045C8-E6FE-6D79- D831F9EC8964E102 - http://www.eua.be/Libraries/
Publication/EUA_Seville_ Report_web.sflb.ashx - http://s3platform.jrc.ec.
europa.eu/universities - http://www.espon.eu/export/
sites/default/Documents/ Publications/ ScientificReports/ SecondFebruary2014/ESPON_ SCIENTIFIC_REPORT_2.pdf
sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014
A different winter?
[1408.4875] Illustrating SUSY breaking effects on various inflation mechanisms
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Endowing the Standard Model with a new r-symmetry (World Scientific)
Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0217751X14440084
The Honourable Schoolboy
Mass hierarchy and physics beyond the Standard Theory (World Scientific)
I. Antoniadis, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 29, 1444001 (2014) [13 pages] DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X14440011
discuss the status of the mass hierarchy problem and prospects for beyond the Standard Model physics in the light of the Higgs scalar discovery at the LHC and the experimental searches for new physics. In particular, I will discuss in this context low energy supersymmetry and large extra dimensions with low string scale.
Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0217751X14440011
The Honourable Schoolboy
APOD: 2014 August 21 - Venus and Jupiter at Dawn
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quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014
Maths and space science
terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014
Fundos para a Ciência em 2014-2020 d
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E quem avalia os avaliadores? - PÚBLICO
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domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014
quarta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2014
The Rise of the Post-Post-Postdoc
terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014
HE budget. Tough.
Novo corte no financiamento do ensino superior pode chegar aos 14 milhões de euros O investimento directo do Estado no ensino superior vai voltar a descer no próximo ano. O Governo prepara-se para cortar até 14 milhões de euros nas transferências para as universidades e politécnicos no Orçamento de Estado (OE) de 2015. A decisão foi tornada pública esta terça-feira pela tutela, antes mesmo de ser transmitida às instituições, o que acabou por apanhar os reitores de surpresa. Além da forma, as críticas são também dirigidas ao conteúdo da proposta: esta verba deixa as contas do sector “para lá da capacidade” de funcionamento. Ver mais em http://publico.pt/1666255
De "cidadania activa" um artigo opiniao de P T Pereira Publico este Domingo....
Regenerar o país, no público e no privado, levará assim anos, e exige assumir um modelo realista da natureza humana (nem santos nem pecadores), escolher líderes capazes, desenvolver a ética pessoal e normas de cooperação, reforçar as exigências de transparência e prestação de contas, e desenhar estruturas de governança que alinhem os interesses entre os que delegam o seu voto ou o seu capital e os que, através deles, exercem respetivamente o poder político ou económico. Se o caminho é longo e moroso porque não começar já?
segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2014
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014
Window. Nano. On the brain...
Curry as a life saver. It is great food, super meals as well
Not a waterfall. Quite the opposite, really...
sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014
6 lessons learnt from the first evaluation (that are also tips for the applicants) ...at H2020. As i mentioned , do please consider to think as a nordwand challenge.... feasible, sure.
- Too much focused on the project and not enough on the business opportunity;
- Not convincing when describing the company (you have to explain why your company will succeed and not your competitor);
- Not providing enough information on competing solutions;
- Having a too low level of innovation, planning to develop a product that already exists on the market;
- Proposing just an idea without any concept for its commercialisation;
- Just trying their luck (the SME Instrument is not a lottery!).
Rosetta pics. a w e s o m e.......
So here it is something ours ccdr N or C or so could also provide for..... or try to... or think to consider to provide to try for...
Kepler 186f. Home. Sort of. Or almost....
terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014
Courses -> modules. From MIT.
segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2014
Dois cafés e a conta com Maria Nazaré - Jornal O Globo
Catadora de lixo ficou 30 anos sem estudar e enfrentou depressão e problemas físicos até chegar à faculdade de Direito
Leia mais sobre esse assunto em http://oglobo.globo.com/rio/dois-cafes-a-conta-com-maria-nazare-13464036#ixzz39Qi7nB52
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IOP Conferences from proteins and peptides, to DNA, glycopolymers and carbohydrates

This meeting will bring together physicists, chemists and biologists to focus on the recent developments in experiment, modeling and theory of self-assembling biopolymeric systems. Such systems will range from proteins and peptides, to DNA, glycopolymers and carbohydrates.
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