Nb. Not even in the worst of any ''War of the Roses'' stage...
This is why British politics is so exciting, whereas in Portugal is so sooooo.. tame.
In any case, this puts as I read, the House of Cards as soft variant of Teletubbies..
Good morning,
This time four weeks ago we were just waking to the EU referendum result. Four weeks. That's all. And then this happened:
David Cameron resigning. Boris Johnson playing cricket. Michael Gove playing Monopoly. Tom Watson's silent disco. Hilary Benn being sacked. The shadow cabinet resigning. Lindsay Lohan offering to turn on Kettering's Christmas lights. Brexiteers abandoning promises. Petitions. Marches. Nicola Sturgeon's threats. George Osbornedeflated. Boris Johnson's column. Nigel Farage shouting at Jean-Claude Juncker.For heaven's sake man, go. Theresa May telling jokes. Sarah Vine sending emails. Be your stubborn best. Stephen Crabb sending texts. Seumas, I don't think this is a good idea.Dominic Raab backing Johnson and Gove within minutes. Michael Gove knifing Johnson. Theresa May launching her campaign. Boris Johnson abandoning his. You have waited faithfully for the punchline. Sam Coates' face on BBC News. Jeremy Corbynlikening Israel to Isis. Andrea Leadsom's CV. What do we want? Leadsom for leader!May-niacs versus Leadbangers. Nigel Farage resigning. Reconcileoke. Bloody difficult woman. Pat Glass's 48 hours as shadow education secretary. Paul Flynn. The junior doctors' contract. Tony Blair's marathon defence of Iraq. Liam Fox eliminated. Stephen Crabb quitting. Michael Gove eliminated. Being a mum means you have a real stake in the future. Andrea Leadsom quitting. Robert Peston, where are you? Michael Crick?John McDonnell's "f***ing useless" plotters. Doo doo doo doo, right, good. Larry the Cat. I was the future once. A new PM. George Osborne sacked. Boris Johnson reborn as foreign secretary. Angela Eagle's bafflement. Michael Gove punished. Liam Foxrewarded. Trident renewed. Owen Smith's Viagra. An unusually long history of wild exaggerations and outright lies. John Kerry's face. Remind him of anyone?
Three weeks ago I declared there was Too. Much. News. But the news didn't listen and kept on coming.
The Honourable Schoolboy
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