Just a small section of
- https://atlas.cern/updates/physics-briefing/hunting-origin-top-quark-mass
- https://atlas.cern/updates/physics-briefing/further-progress-quest-susy-particles
follows :
'' An intriguing small excess of collision events with the characteristics of a supersymmetric signal has been found in the selection with one lepton (see Figure 1). However the mild statistical significance of three standard deviations makes the excess compatible with a background fluctuation. With ATLAS physicists looking at many different selections in search for new phenomena, it is expected that some of them will have a somewhat larger rate than predicted. It’s like rolling two dice over and over – sometimes you’ll roll a double six. ''
It is 'mild' (nb. three standard deviations~fluctuation... ) but if I would be looking for SUSY, I would go this route: top-quark. If one is looking for unicorns ie some new strange yet unseen beasts, better have something to constrat with. And use as guide.
My 'educated guess' is that the ' the mild statistical significance of three standard deviations makes the excess compatible with a background fluctuation. ' will vary, indeed fluctuate but will NOT go way in absolute. Something will stay there. It makes some sense (from SUSY's point of view). However, to make this a 6 to 7 or 8 sigma evidence (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) will take a lot lot really a lot and long time and data....

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