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An expanding collection of Challenges for both beginners and experienced programmers. Find a track that fits your interests in coding, math, word puzzles, computational thinking and more…
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Number Triangles »
Write a function that stacks successively longer lists of integers on top of each other.
Categories: Lists Start Here
Maximum Roman Numeral Length »
Write a function that finds the maximum length of any Roman numeral up ton.
Categories: Mathematics Start Here
Words Beginning and Ending with a Given Letter »
Find all words that begin and end with a given letter.
Categories: Start Here Words and Linguistics
Valid Parentheses »
Determine if a string of only parentheses is properly closed.
Categories: Words and Linguistics
One-Finger Distance »
Given a linear keyboard of the letters of the alphabet, how many letters in total does your finger have to jump over in order to type a given word?
Categories: Sequences
Most-Occurring Weekdays in a Year »
Find the weekdays that occur the most in a given year.
Categories: Calendar
Antipode above or below Sea Level »
Find whether the antipode of a point on Earth is above sea level.
Categories: Computational Knowledge Geography
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