'Fog's rollin' in off the East River bank, Like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street, Fills the alleys where men sleep, Hides the shepherd from the sheep.'
quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015
quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015
EUA - DEFINE - a research project and a stock-taking exercise which will provide recommendations to policy-makers and universities in order to improve the design of funding efficiency measures in higher education.
The Honourable Schoolboy
What is DEFINE?
Higher education institutions across Europe face today a demanding and complex financial context in which traditional modes of funding have been transformed and continue to evolve. Moreover, public sources are not as generous as they often were in the past and frequently become more demanding and competitive. The changes are particularly significant in Europe due to the traditional reliance on public funding. The current economic and financial crisis has exacerbated even further these problems, with growing pressures upon the sustainability of funding regimes of public higher education and the pressure mounting to explore new sources of income.
Research & Innovation - Horizon Prizes - Home
Research & Innovation - Horizon Prizes - Home:

and many many more:
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
and many many more:
The Prizes
- Better use of antibiotics
- Breaking the optical transmission barriers
- Materials for clean air
- Collaborative spectrum sharing
- Food scanner
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terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015
Bolsas de Estágio Santander
Bolsas de Estágio Santander: "PROGRAMA DE BOLSAS DE ESTÁGIO
Através de uma parceria única com as Instituições de Ensino Superior, o Santander Universidades criou um programa que une finalistas, empresas e instituições de ensino superior de Portugal. Desta forma alunos finalistas e recém-diplomados usufruem de uma bolsa de estágio de três meses, inteiramente suportada com fundos disponibilizados pelo Banco, em várias áreas de atividade e pontos do País.

'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Através de uma parceria única com as Instituições de Ensino Superior, o Santander Universidades criou um programa que une finalistas, empresas e instituições de ensino superior de Portugal. Desta forma alunos finalistas e recém-diplomados usufruem de uma bolsa de estágio de três meses, inteiramente suportada com fundos disponibilizados pelo Banco, em várias áreas de atividade e pontos do País.
- http://bolsasdeestagiosantander.pt/#
- http://empregopt.santanderadvance.com/procurar-trabalho-emprego/canal/4369/canal_destacado/0
- http://www.becas-santander.com/
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Wearable Teaching? College to Experiment With Apple Watch as Learning Tool – Wired Campus - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Wearable Teaching? College to Experiment With Apple Watch as Learning Tool – Wired Campus - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education: "Wearable Teaching? College to Experiment With Apple Watch as Learning Tool"

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'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
"A new start for Europe: Opening up to an ERA of Innovation."
EUSurvey - Survey: "A new start for Europe:
Opening up to an ERA of Innovation."

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'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
The force awakens ---> will it be SUSY @ the LHC, soon this year or next?!
The Honourable Schoolboy

will it be SUSY @ the LHC, soon this year or next?!

will it be SUSY @ the LHC, soon this year or next?!

EUA worthy reading on Doctoral Education, Schools, so forth and so on...
The Honourable Schoolboy
EUA-CDE publications -> inc on\about Doctoral Schools

Indeed, a valuable reading. There are many 'templates', different approaches, quite a few within a Doctoral School trend, within different variants. A bit like a chess opening (e.g., the Queen's gambit [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen%27s_Gambit] or an Indian defense [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Defence] , all with many variations within a common strategy)
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
EUA-CDE publications
Below you will find a selection of key EUA publications concerning doctoral education. They are the result of projects and events organised by EUA since 2003 when doctoral education was defined, in the Bologna Process, as the third cycle of higher education. A large number of universities from different European countries actively took part in the projects and contributed to the contents of the reports and to the recommendations.
EUA-CDE publications
The objective of the Council for Doctoral Education is to continue preparing publications on current developments of doctoral education that could help its member institutions to develop and implement good practices.
CODOC – Cooperation on doctoral education between Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe in English 
Salzburg II Recommendations:
European universities' achievements since 2005 in implementing the Salzburg Principlesin English
European universities' achievements since 2005 in implementing the Salzburg Principlesin English
EUA DOC-CAREERS Report: Collaborative Doctoral Education
in English
in English
Doctoral Programmes in Europe’s Universities: Achievements and Challenges
in English
in English
Indeed, a valuable reading. There are many 'templates', different approaches, quite a few within a Doctoral School trend, within different variants. A bit like a chess opening (e.g., the Queen's gambit [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen%27s_Gambit] or an Indian defense [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Defence] , all with many variations within a common strategy)
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
Doctoral Education Current Projects - EUA - FRINDOC
Doctoral Education Current Projects: "DOCTORAL EDUCATION CURRENT PROJECTS Print EUA-CDE is currently involved in one project on doctoral education: 1) Framework for the Internationalisation of Doctoral Education (FRINDOC): aims at providing a comprehensive overview of good practices and valuable experiences for universities. The project will develop a framework containing a statement of good practice on internationalisation and an online tool for universities to aid planning and implementation of internationalisation strategies for doctoral education. The project consortium consists of EUA, the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Stellenbosch University (SU), Imperial College London (ICL), the University of Bergen (UiB) and the University of Camerino (UNICAM)."
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segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2015
GIREP 2015 | Girep 2015
GIREP 2015 | Girep 2015:
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A Workshop on Teacher Shortages and the Preparation of School Leavers for Further Study
The European Physical Society is pleased to announce sponsorship of a workshop at the forthcoming GIREP-EPEC conference (http://girep2015.ifd.uni. wroc.pl/), 6-10 July 2015, Wroclaw, Poland to address the issue of teacher shortages and preparation of school leavers for further study in physics. There is growing evidence that these are problems across most, if not all, of Europe and the aim of the workshop is to try to gather that evidence together and stimulate further discussion and collaboration. Ten travel bursaries of up to 200 Euros are available to participants who would like to provide evidence within Europe generally or within individual countries of one or more of the following:
1. Concerns about standards in physics and maths education supported by data (perhaps studies on PISA or TIMSS);
2. Data on the state of physics teaching and the supply of physics teachers
3. If there are shortages of physics teachers, what is happening to fill the gaps.
The workshop will be run in conjunction with Horizons of Physics Education (HOPE: http://www.eps.org/default. asp?page=edu_hope) and will aim to further our understanding of teacher shortages and their effects on pupils across Europe.
Applications for a travel bursary should be made to the Chair of the Physics Education Division of the EPS, David Sands (d.sands@hull.ac.uk) by Monday 1st June 2105 and should include your name, affiliation, the country in which you now work and the title with an abstract of 200-300 words describing your contribution. Awards will be made competitively in time for the last registration (15thJune) for GIREP-EPEC.
The European Physical Society
6 rue des Frères Lumière
F-68200 MulhouseTel/Fax: +33 (0)389 329 440 /-449

6 rue des Frères Lumière
F-68200 MulhouseTel/Fax: +33 (0)389 329 440 /-449
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Centro 2020: O foco nos resultados
Centro 2020: O foco nos resultados:

''Our road map'', plenty of bridge-crossing...
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
''Our road map'', plenty of bridge-crossing...
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
And, now for that big surprise at number 10....
The Honourable Schoolboy
It is just a set of curious elements. It is in n.10 and the fight for the next elections in the UK is to see who gets into n.10 (the D street, obviously)
Then you have ''red'' army exercices by the south coast near Cornwall...
Then you have strange interventions on Sky (satélite...) by UKip and SNP claiming ´´power'' in the near future (I am reading it wrongly?)
It is just a set of curious elements. It is in n.10 and the fight for the next elections in the UK is to see who gets into n.10 (the D street, obviously)
Then you have ''red'' army exercices by the south coast near Cornwall...
Then you have strange interventions on Sky (satélite...) by UKip and SNP claiming ´´power'' in the near future (I am reading it wrongly?)
A sort of ''conspiracy theory'' ( but not so?!) coming soon to a theater near you...
who actually did it?
Read about the ...
America’s $40m bone to pick with the ‘Hound of Hounslow’ | The Sunday Times:
The Honourable Schoolboy
Not that I am very keen on ...
The Honourable Schoolboy
... namely because I have no driving experience. Really. But a friend former high school friend is a devoted admirer of this...
... namely because I have no driving experience. Really. But a friend former high school friend is a devoted admirer of this...
domingo, 26 de abril de 2015
I am open to get feedback on this...
The Honourable Schoolboy
How relevant or worthy is the above wrt following:

and or

I mean no criticism on the ''Game of ...'' as I actually never seen a single episode, but has anyone seen a bit of (at least) all the above? Game of ... seems fantasy driven, at least in terms of the graphic line. As far as I have heard some students commenting it.
Anyway, open to get different views on the viewing of either of the above...
How relevant or worthy is the above wrt following:
and or
I mean no criticism on the ''Game of ...'' as I actually never seen a single episode, but has anyone seen a bit of (at least) all the above? Game of ... seems fantasy driven, at least in terms of the graphic line. As far as I have heard some students commenting it.
Anyway, open to get different views on the viewing of either of the above...
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