A Workshop on Teacher Shortages and the Preparation of School Leavers for Further Study
The European Physical Society is pleased to announce sponsorship of a workshop at the forthcoming GIREP-EPEC conference (http://girep2015.ifd.uni. wroc.pl/), 6-10 July 2015, Wroclaw, Poland to address the issue of teacher shortages and preparation of school leavers for further study in physics. There is growing evidence that these are problems across most, if not all, of Europe and the aim of the workshop is to try to gather that evidence together and stimulate further discussion and collaboration. Ten travel bursaries of up to 200 Euros are available to participants who would like to provide evidence within Europe generally or within individual countries of one or more of the following:
1. Concerns about standards in physics and maths education supported by data (perhaps studies on PISA or TIMSS);
2. Data on the state of physics teaching and the supply of physics teachers
3. If there are shortages of physics teachers, what is happening to fill the gaps.
The workshop will be run in conjunction with Horizons of Physics Education (HOPE: http://www.eps.org/default. asp?page=edu_hope) and will aim to further our understanding of teacher shortages and their effects on pupils across Europe.
Applications for a travel bursary should be made to the Chair of the Physics Education Division of the EPS, David Sands (d.sands@hull.ac.uk) by Monday 1st June 2105 and should include your name, affiliation, the country in which you now work and the title with an abstract of 200-300 words describing your contribution. Awards will be made competitively in time for the last registration (15thJune) for GIREP-EPEC.
The European Physical Society
6 rue des Frères Lumière
F-68200 MulhouseTel/Fax: +33 (0)389 329 440 /-449

6 rue des Frères Lumière
F-68200 MulhouseTel/Fax: +33 (0)389 329 440 /-449
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