IOP Conferences: "Welcome A multidisciplinary meeting to showcase and discuss recent discoveries that are radically changing the picture of gene and chromatin regulation, as system-level organisational mechanisms emerge to play key roles. This meeting, now in its third edition, aims to highlight new biological breakthroughs in such an important research area, and the crucial contribution from quantitative approaches both in experiment and modelling. It will provide a unique opportunity to bring together researchers working in such a vast, yet strategic, field, in disciplines ranging from biology and medicine to chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics and physics. Topics will include cellular decision-making (cell division, death, differentiation, plasticity), single cell and population physiology, chromatin & protein machines (molecular focus), stem cells, development (tissues and organism), high-throughput genomics, large-scale views of the regulatory code, chromatin and epigenetics."
'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy
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