sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011

Here it is... the Higgs.

Got this 'officially' from my R&D center: ''...Most probably you know it by now, the Higgs particle has finally appeared in the ATLAS and CMS detectors of the LHC, CERN, after aroundfifty years since it has been theoretically advanced by Anderson,
Brout, Englert, Higgs, Guralnik, Hagen, and Kibble, and then predicted
within the Weinberg-Salam-Glashow electroweak unification.  The mass
of the particle  seen by the CERN detectors is around 125 GeV.
... tells me that on December 13 this will be officially
announced by CERN. ... indicate this site
cf. also

The Honourable Schoolboy

Ps. 125Gev is good for susy & strings!!!

Ps1. Attend live:

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