quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2021


The Honourable Schoolboy 


Astronomers image magnetic fields at the edge of M87’s black hole


The Honourable Schoolboy 



Paulo Moniz também apresenta candidatura a reitor

Paulo Moniz também é candidato a reitor da UBI. O docente do departamento de física da UBI e investigador do Centro de Matemática e Aplicações também apresentou candidatura ao cargo de reitor

Elementos em https://www.slideshare.net/PauloVargasMoniz/

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Cf. https://www.slideshare.net/PauloVargasMoniz/plano-v7

Partilho os elementos da minha candidatura a Reitor. 
'A UBI pode, nós conseguimos' é (em parte) o contexto que guia o conteúdo submetido. Os elementos estão disponiveis, em área pública, por via de https://www.slideshare.net/PauloVargasMoniz/plano-v7 
Mais informo que no dia 22 de Março, conforme registo efectuado nos CTT, enviei  os elementos, tendo  também enviado nessa data  para o endereço electronico (indicado no Edital, no ambito do regulamento (2017))] 
Obrigado pela atenção dispensada.
Votos de boa saúde e os melhores cumprimentos, 

quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2021

a superb, outstanding program

The Honourable Schoolboy 

This is awesome (imop). A conf (https://www.qgrav2021.com/)
with a superb, outstanding programme and lecturers (https://www.qgrav2021.com/program.html).
The organization includes CMA-UBI people, colleagues Sravan Kumar (former PhD, then at Gottingen, then Tokyo), Alexey Koshelev (FCT Researcher at CMA-UBI) 
and João Marto (long time colleague and also at CMA-UBI). A pleasure to see old friends and colleagues too, though at the distance. Top talks and a super amazing dazzling discussion between G t´Hooft and R Penrose. Who needs Netflix, HBO or the like? Net'what? HB'which? You mean h as in the Planck distribution? 
Mehr licht, said Goethe. Well, a bit here. Thanks to the organizers. Brightening up my and your day, really!


quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2021

Quantum Gravity, Higher Derivatives & Nonlocality (e-conf)

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Cf. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvncqOEKRzFkriEo6F7uO8w

Quantum Gravity, Higher Derivatives & Nonlocality

sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2021

more (CMA-UBI) PhD studentships (March, 1 – March 22; 2021)

The Honourable Schoolboy 

cf. http://wordpress.ubi.pt/cma/grants-and-jobs-march-1-march-22-2021/

2021 Call for PhD Research Studentships - Applications: 1 March to 31 March 2021, 17:00H (Lisbon time)

The Honourable Schoolboy 

cf. in https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/individuais2021.phtml.en

Nb. https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/docs/Bolsas_2021_FAQs_EN.pdf

  • Applications: 1 March to 31 March 2021, 17:00H (Lisbon time)

What is…? seminar March, 17 | 3 pm…Symbolic Dynamics?

The Honourable Schoolboy 


What is…? seminar


March, 17 | 3 pm  (Portugal time, GMT/UTC+0)

What is…Symbolic Dynamics?

Yuri Lima (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil)

What is the What is…? seminar?


The Center of Mathematics and Applications of University of Beira Interior (CMA-UBI) is promoting a What is…? seminar series.

The What is…? seminars aim to expose a variety of mathematical themes for a wide audience. The topics go from mathematical culture issues to new and challenging ideas in distinct areas of Mathematics. In the audience we expect mathematicians and graduate students which are not necessarily familiar with the theme. These topics will certainly enrich the mathematical culture of researchers, teachers and students, and spark their curiosity to new subjects.

Due to Covid-19 these seminars will run for the next sessions in an on-line format (ZOOM).


– talks will have from 30 to 45 minutes, plus some additional minutes to questions and comments;

– talks will take place preferably on Wednesdays, 3pm (Portugal time zone: UTC+0/GMT+0, wintertime), but adjustments on schedule can be made;

– talks will not be recorded, unless the speaker suggests; it is also possible to share the notes on the website of the seminar.