segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2021

18th MultiDark Consolider Workshop

The Honourable Schoolboy 

18th MultiDark Consolider Workshop

October 18-20, 2021, La Rábida, Huelva (conditioned to the Covid pandemic situation)


Up to now science has failed to identify what makes up to 85% of the matter of the Universe. Elucidating the nature of dark matter constitutes a key challenge in modern physics. MultiDark is a Consolider Network supported by the Spanish Research Agencyin which theoretical and experimental groups with particle physicists, astrophysicists and cosmologists from 18 Spanish universities and research institutes, experts in astroparticle physics, join efforts to take up this task from a multidisciplinary perspective.

sábado, 18 de setembro de 2021

Quando leram acerca de (sugestões construtivas...😎🍪🍵🚲🌄)...

😎🍪🍵🚲🌄The Honourable Schoolboy 

de investir em 'Agricultura' (cf. agora recente 

E .... em Direito post-grad....

Ordem aprova alteração que exige mais do que licenciatura para exercer advocacia.

Please have a look: Would consider applying to one of these, with us at CMA-UBI?

The Honourable Schoolboy 


Please have a look at these:

»»»»»»»» ««««««

Would consider applying to one of these, with us at CMA-UBI?

quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2021

quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2021

CERN 29 de outubro de 2021

The Honourable Schoolboy 

29 de outubro de 2021

Projetos de IC&DT no âmbito do acordo de cooperação entre Portugal e o European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) - 2021

terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2021

I'm game, 2...

The Honourable Schoolboy 

A student talks about his experience of how living in a boat cut down his expenses significantly – to £1,000 a year.

During his final year at university, Mantas Pastolis sailed the length of London on his boat, hosted parties, and gained a first-class degree in natural sciences.

To top it off his bills only cost £1,000 for the whole year.

segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2021

first of a series of Training Schools organized by the European COST Action CA18108 - “Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach”(, an initiative funded by the COST Association (

The Honourable Schoolboy

first of a series of Training Schools organized by the European COST Action CA18108 - “Quantum Gravity Phenomenology in the Multi-Messenger Approach”(, an initiative funded by the COST Association (

About PhD - Nb.2 - Calls for FCT grants will start (?) by early March 2022

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Tentative text: 

Purpose and Overview

The 2022 Call for PhD Studentships aims to support researchers, in all areas of knowledge, who wish to develop research activities leading to a PhD degree.

PhD studentships are aimed at applicants enrolled in, or that comply with the requirements to enrol in PhD studies, and who wish to carry out research activities towards this degree, in any scientific domain.

Research activities may be carried out in any environment of production and dissemination of knowledge, national or international, including higher education institutions, R&D units, Associated Laboratories, Collaborative Laboratories, Technological Interface Centres, State Laboratories and other public research institutions, hospitals and healthcare units, other Public Administration entities with R&D activity, as well as private non-profit institutions developing R&D activities.

Similarly, companies acknowledged for their scientific interest or consortia that include any of the mentioned institutions will be considered as host institutions.

Of note, research activities may be performed in collaboration with different host institutions, public or private, including companies and Public Administration, promoting institutional cooperation, as well as transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. The work plan may be entirely or partially carried out in a national institution (national or both in Portugal and abroad studentship, respectively), or in a foreign institution (abroad studentship).

As a rule, studentships are annual, and can be renewed for the number of months for which they have been requested. No studentships are granted for periods of less than 3 consecutive months or more than 48 months.

In case of a “in Portugal and abroad” studentship, the period of the work plan that takes place in a foreign institution cannot exceed 24 months.

Who Can Apply

Portuguese citizens, citizens of EU member states and citizens from third-party states, stateless citizens and citizens beneficiaries of political refugee status.

Applicants need to:

  • Be a citizen permanently and usually living in Portugal, in case the work plan will be carried out entirely or partially at foreign institutions (both in Portugal and abroad or entirely abroad); this requirement applies to both national and foreign citizens.
  • Not have held any prior PhD or PhD in Industry studentship directly funded by FCT, of any duration;
  • Not to hold a doctoral degree.


Selected applicants will have monthly allowances and supplementary support, which may include tuition fees, relocation costs, travel awards and health insurance, whenever applicable, as detailed in the Regulations.

The studentships granted in this call shall be financed by the FCT with funds from the State Budget and, whenever eligible, by the European Social Fund (ESF) within the framework of PORTUGAL2020, namely through the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE 2020), Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (Centro 2020) and the Programa Operacional Regional do Alentejo (Alentejo 2020), or any other funding schemes that might be approved, according with the legal requirements to the regulatory provisions applicable for this purpose.

How and when to apply

Applications should be submitted online, using the respective application form, in the myFCT portal. Only one proposal per applicant is allowed.

Before application submission, FCT recommends the careful reading of the following documents: Notice of CallAnnex I (Evaluation Guide)Application GuideResearch Fellowship Holder Statute and the FCT Regulation for Students and Fellowships.


Proposals will be assessed by evaluation panels specifically set up for this call, involving experts of acknowledged experience and scientific merit. Applications will be graded using scores from 0 (0,000 minimum score) to 5 (5,000 maximum score), for each of the following three criteria:

  1. merit of the applicant;
  2. merit of the work plan;
  3. merit of the hosting conditions.

The relative weights of three criteria are 40%, 40%, 20%, respectively.

The merit of the applicant will be evaluated based on two sub-criteria: academic career, with a relative weight of 50% and personal curriculum, also with a relative weight of 50%.

Applicant personal curriculum will be analysed in an integrated manner, considering a global view of scientific and professional achievements.

Evaluation of the work plan and of the host institution conditions will be based on a duly substantiated assessment decision by the review panel.

Applications will be ranked according to the weighted average of the scores for each three criteria.

The information on this page does not replace or override any requirements set forth in the Regulation (in Portuguese)Notice of CallEvaluation Guide (Annex I of the Notice of Call), and the Application Guide, applicable to this call.

About PhD - nb.1 Deadlines for the academic year 2021/2022: 4th Phase - From September 27th to OCTOBER 15th

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Please see below if interested 

3rd Cycle of Studies | 
Application for 3rd Cycle of Studies/Doctorate | School Year 2021/2022

Documentation required for application:

1. Personal Identification Document/Passport

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Course letter/Diploma or Master's completion certificate, with final grade**

4. Detailed certificate of curricular units and classification**

** The documents in paragraph 3 and 4 must have the Hague Apostille or be certified by an Embassy or Consulate of Portugal.


Application fee:

Value: 15€

* The application is official after paying the application fee;


Deadlines for the academic year 2021/2022:

4th Phase - From September 27th to OCTOBER 15th

quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2021

Scientific Employment for PostDoctoral - Announcing December 2021, call opens from January 2022 until late February 2022 - CEEC- Individual – 5th Edition

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Nb1. Scientific Employment for PostDoctoral -  Announcing December 2021, call opens from January 2022 until late February 2022 -  CEEC- Individual  5th Edition  

cf. & 

  1. Scientific Employment Stimulus - Individual Call - direct support for the hiring of PhD researchers in all scientific areas through annual calls promoted by FCT, aiming to facilitate the continuous and systematic integration of new PhD holders in institutions. 
Nb2. You need to have an administrative 'equivalence certificate document, bearing a stamp that allows you to take a researcher (post-doc with salary) in the EU\PT; if you do NOT have this document (please see ), 
your 'application' will NOT even become an application for the scientific appraisal; it will be rejected without further analysis upon administrative grounds and bylaws. Please be wise and check pages 12 and 13 in, namely read the following: 

A.9.4 Do you hold a document attesting that your PhD in recognized in Portugal? If you obtained the PhD out of Portugal it is mandatory to recognise this title in Portugal. In order to comply with what is foreseen in the applicable Portuguese legislation concerning the recognition of foreign qualifications, all the rights inherent to PhD degrees granted by foreign higher education institutions is duly recognised to the holders of these degrees, subject to the presentation of proof of recognition of PhD degrees, requested from the Vice-Chancellor of a public Portuguese University, from the Head of a public Polytechnic Institute or from the Director-General for Higher Education (process regulated by Decree Law No. 66/2018, of 16 august).

Applicants are advised to visit the website of the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) for further information: 

A.9.5 If “yes” please upload the document If you do not hold a document attesting that your PhD is recognized in Portugal, your application will be conditionally accepted. Please notice that, if recommended for funding, you must deliver the recognition of your PhD degree in Portugal when signing the work contract with your host institution. 


Schedule of FCT funding schemes - 2020-2022

(English version available soon)

Nesta página a FCT disponibiliza o calendário de concursos previstos para os anos de 2020 a 2022. A informação é atualizada regularmente de modo a refletir qualquer alteração, quer nos instrumentos de financiamento, quer nas datas previstas.

Poderão existir outros concursos específicos ou temáticos não incluídos nesta lista. Para informação sobre os concursos da FCT abertos consultar

Calendário de Concursos da FCT 2020-2022
ConcursoPeriodicidadeData de Publicação do Aviso de Abertura
Emprego Científico
CEEC IndividualAnualdezembro
CEEC InstitucionalBienalabril
Formação Avançada
Bolsas de DoutoramentoAnualjaneiro
Estágios CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL, NASAAnual4º trimestre
Projetos I&D
Todos os domínios científicosAnualnovembro
Ciência dos Dados e Inteligência Artificial na Administração Públicaúltima edição em 2020março
Go Portugal (MIT, CMU, UTA – Portugal, projetos exploratórios)Anual4º trimestre
Projetos no âmbito da cooperação com CERNBienal2º trimestre

quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2021