sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2021

Outstanding performance by Alexey S. Koshelev (CMA – Centro de Matemática e Aplicações)!!!

The Honourable Schoolboy 

''...o mérito científico (por ordem alfabética) de Alexey S. Koshelev (CMA – Centro de Matemática e Aplicações), ...''

see in

See more in 

Investigator staff new competitions and offers

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Investigator staff new competitions and offers

some in Physics 

Investigator staff new competitions and offers

Doctoral Staff

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-149-SGRH/2021)

Scientific area of Design

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-150-SGRH/2021)

Scientific area of Design

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-155-SGRH/2021) (two positions)

Scientific areas of Biomedical Sciences

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-157-SGRH/2021)

Scientific areas of Physics

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-143-SGRH/2021)

Scientific areas of Physics

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-147-SGRH/2021)

Scientific areas of Biology, subarea Ecology and Biodiversity, specialization in Ecotoxicology

First Level Doctorate Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-154-SGRH/2021)

Scientific areas of Mechanical Engineering, subarea of Applied and computational Mechanics

Doctorate Researcher equivalent to Assistant Researcher (CDL-CTTRI-156-SGRH/2021)

Scientific areas of Physics

procedure for applying for an application

applications for competition

Investigator Staff

Principal Reseacher (CI-CTTI-174-SGRH/2021)

Scientific area of Physics

procedure for applying for an application

applications for competition

> back

terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2021

30 fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in any research domain in Spain or Portugal.

30 fellowships for early-stage researchers of any nationality to pursue their PhD studies in any research domain in Spain or Portugal. cf in 

30 PhD fellowships to pursue PhD studies in any research domain and any university or research center in Spain or Portugal.

All knowledge areas.

Maximum duration: 3 years.

Total maximum allocation: €122,592.

Training programme in transversal skills.

16 February 2022
Deadline for submitting applications.

2 March 2022
Deadline for submitting the language certificate.

23 May 2022
Communication of the shortlist results and arrangement of interviews.

14, 15 and 16 June 2022
Face-to-face interviews in Barcelona.

30 June 2022
Communication of the final results.

Research experience: Candidates must be in the first four years of their research career and must not have previously obtained a PhD degree or be in a position to apply for one.

Academic records: Applicants must hold a higher education degree that makes them eligible to enrol in a doctoral programme in Spain/Portugal when starting at their host institutions. The verification of the level of studies equivalent to those mentioned above will be carried out by the host university during the admission procedure.

Mobility: Candidates must have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain/Portugal for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the deadline for applications. In addition, candidates who are finally awarded a fellowship must carry out the PhD at a university that is different from where they took up their bachelor's studies.

Level of English: Candidates must accredit an advanced level of English (B2 or higher).

Access to the applications platform of ”la Caixa” Foundation fellowships programme.

Register to be notified when the next call for applications is open

The Honourable Schoolboy 

If looking for 

PhD grant 


Post-doctoral (either short term or long term) 

please cf. in (see also 





And there will be more eventually a few years within and 

If interested contact us at ( 

The most relevant info is, however, the following [besides that in most cases funding can ONLY be provided iif you apply through FCT (see above links within this blog) or your own funding...]: 

1. [Please read carefully] 3rd Cycle of Studies | 

Documentation required for application:

1. Personal Identification Document/Passport

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Course letter/Diploma or Master's completion certificate, with final grade**

4. Detailed certificate of curricular units and classification**

** The documents in paragraphs 3 and 4 must have the Hague Apostille or be certified by an Embassy or Consulate of Portugal.


2. {Please read carefully}  For post-doc candidates, You need to have an administrative 'equivalence certificate document, bearing a stamp that allows you to take a researcher (post-doc with salary) in the EU\PT; if you do NOT have this document, 
your 'application' will NOT even become an application for the scientific appraisal; it will be rejected by FCT  without further analysis upon administrative grounds and bylaws. Please be wise and check pages 12 and 13 in, namely read the following: 

A.9.4 Do you hold a document attesting that your PhD in recognized in Portugal? If you obtained the PhD out of Portugal it is mandatory to recognise this title in Portugal. In order to comply with what is foreseen in the applicable Portuguese legislation concerning the recognition of foreign qualifications, all the rights inherent to PhD degrees granted by foreign higher education institutions is duly recognised to the holders of these degrees, subject to the presentation of proof of recognition of PhD degrees, requested from the Vice-Chancellor of a public Portuguese University, from the Head of a public Polytechnic Institute or from the Director-General for Higher Education (process regulated by Decree Law No. 66/2018, of 16 august).

Applicants are advised to visit the website of the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) for further information: 

A.9.5 If “yes” please upload the document If you do not hold a document attesting that your PhD is recognized in Portugal, your application will be conditionally accepted. Please notice that, if recommended for funding, you must deliver the recognition of your PhD degree in Portugal when signing the work contract with your host institution. 

sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2021

Grants (for 2022) from FCT to open (for submission and competiton) in the next weeks \ month(s) (some still in 2021)

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Dear all

if either interested or know someone who might be (and therefore, please share, thanks very much),
please cf. the information in the 2021-2002-2023 agenda in the link, in the image attached below. 

Nb. See also in --- CMA-UBI  should be your destination to study or research. Find out what makes us different and
why creative people choose CMA-UBI. 
Here you will be inspired.
Here you will excel.
Here you will feel at home.

Here you will be happy.

Nb (also)

--- Please note that the call for PhDs under FCT will open in a few weeks and remain open until mid-January only! 

--- Please note that several Post-doc calls (ie different types, according to your experience) will open by January 2022 up to mid-February, ie in a short time too. 

See also in for a somewhat identified selection of areas or 'time regions' to apply.

If looking for 

PhD grant 


Post-doctoral (either short term or long term) 

please cf. in (see also 





And there will be more eventually a few years within and 

If interested contact us at ( 

The most relevant info is, however, the following [besides that in most cases funding can ONLY be provided iif you apply through FCT (see above links within this blog) or your own funding...]: 

1. [Please read carefully] 3rd Cycle of Studies | 

Documentation required for application:

1. Personal Identification Document/Passport

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Course letter/Diploma or Master's completion certificate, with final grade**

4. Detailed certificate of curricular units and classification**

** The documents in paragraphs 3 and 4 must have the Hague Apostille or be certified by an Embassy or Consulate of Portugal.


2. {Please read carefully}  For post-doc candidates, You need to have an administrative 'equivalence certificate document, bearing a stamp that allows you to take a researcher (post-doc with salary) in the EU\PT; if you do NOT have this document, 
your 'application' will NOT even become an application for the scientific appraisal; it will be rejected by FCT  without further analysis upon administrative grounds and bylaws. Please be wise and check pages 12 and 13 in, namely read the following: 

A.9.4 Do you hold a document attesting that your PhD in recognized in Portugal? If you obtained the PhD out of Portugal it is mandatory to recognise this title in Portugal. In order to comply with what is foreseen in the applicable Portuguese legislation concerning the recognition of foreign qualifications, all the rights inherent to PhD degrees granted by foreign higher education institutions is duly recognised to the holders of these degrees, subject to the presentation of proof of recognition of PhD degrees, requested from the Vice-Chancellor of a public Portuguese University, from the Head of a public Polytechnic Institute or from the Director-General for Higher Education (process regulated by Decree Law No. 66/2018, of 16 august).

Applicants are advised to visit the website of the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) for further information: 

A.9.5 If “yes” please upload the document If you do not hold a document attesting that your PhD is recognized in Portugal, your application will be conditionally accepted. Please notice that, if recommended for funding, you must deliver the recognition of your PhD degree in Portugal when signing the work contract with your host institution. 

seminar CMA-UBI On our way to describe the unseen: dark energy, black holes and wormholes

The Honourable Schoolboy 

On our way to describe the unseen: dark energy, black holes and wormholes

Oradora: Mariam Bouhmadi-López, Ikerbasque and University of the Basque Country

Título: On our way to describe the unseen: dark energy, black holes and wormholes

Data, hora e local: 16 de novembro 2021, às 11h15m, na Sala de Reuniões do Departamento de Matemática.

Seminário/Talk 16/11/2021 | 11h15min Local: Sala de reuniões do Departamento de Matemática (Bloco VI) On our way to describe the unseen: dark energy, black holes and wormholes Mariam Bouhmadi-López Ikerbasque and University of the Basque Country 

Resumo/Abstract: In the current talk, we will first revise the well known wcdm model for several ranges of the equation of state parameter of the dark energy sector encoded on the parameter w. We will then present some phantom dark energy models that fully fit the available observational data. Those models are harmless from a quantum point of view, in the sense that the singularities or abrupt events they might induce are cured at the quantum level. In addition, some of those models can support regular blackholes as well as wormholes that do not require matter with a wrong kinetic term. The talk is based on several works I did in recent years with colleagues from CMA-UBI (Portugal), Cologne University (Germany), Complutense University (Spain), NTU (Taiwan), Oujda University (Morocco) and Yangzhou University (China).