segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2013

Feynman's double-slit experiment preserved

Mitch Hobish (@MitchHobish) tweetou às 8:49 PM on seg, Mai 13, 2013: Feynman's double-slit experiment preserved ( Adquira o aplicativo oficial do Twitter em

Build-up of quantum interference. a–e, Selected frames from a false-colour movie recorded with an Andor iXon 885 low-light EMCCD camera showing the build-up of the quantum interference pattern for PcH2 molecules. Images were recorded before deposition of the molecules (a) and 2 min (b), 20 min (c), 40 min (d) and 90 min (e) after deposition. Scale bars, 20 micrometers (a–e). The colour bar ranges from 25 to 120 photons in a–d and from 220 to 650 photons in e. The arrow pointing downwards indicates the direction of the gravitational acceleration g.

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