sábado, 31 de outubro de 2015

''Chez'' Lund -> Larger Crystals a Step Forward for Bioscience and ESS User Program | ESS

Larger Crystals a Step Forward for Bioscience and ESS User Program | ESS: "The first successful user experiment at ESS demonstrates the importance of neutrons to the life sciences, and shows the way forward for ESS as a user facility. Above: Photograph (left) of a large, single crystal of X-2 L110F in complex with XXXG mounted in a quartz capillary undergoing H/D exchange (dimensions are ~1.3 x 1.2 x 1.0 mm; 1.6 mm3); and (right) a representative monochromatic neutron diffraction image collected using BIODIFF at FRM-II. IMAGES: ESS LUND and GARCHING—The heavy machinery and rapid development of the European Spallation Source (ESS) construction site make it easy to see that the project is a reality on the ground. What is less visible is that ESS is already taking shape as a user facility. The first successful ESS user experiment began last fall in collaboration with researchers from the Lund University (LU) Department of Immunotechnology. The organization and management of that partnership is a preview of the large-scale user program that ESS will become over the next decade. It is also helping to spread the word in life sciences circles that ESS is already working to expand research options in this area."

'via Blog this' The Honourable Schoolboy

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