quarta-feira, 1 de março de 2017

FCT — Calls for R&D Projects

FCT — Calls for R&D Projects:

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2017 Call for SR&TD Project Grants

Latest news

24.02.2017 – The The Announcement of the Call for Proposals (ACP) and the Merit Referential (MR) for application submission for SR&TD project grants in all scientific domains – 2017 have been published.
All applications should be submitted in English through an electronic form at Balcão 2020.
The deadline for application submission is between 24 March, 2017 and 17 May, 2017 at 19h00(Lisbon time).
The electronic form and the guide for writing and submitting proposals will be available before 13 March, 2017.

Purpose and Overview

Through this call for scientific research and technological development (SR&TD) project grants, FCT will support innovative ideas that are relevant and make significant contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge.
Successful applications will be funded by European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), if applicable, through the Operational Programs involved (COMPETE, PORNorte, PORCentro, PORLisboa, PORAlentejo, PORAlgarve), and by national funds, through the Portuguese state budget allocated to FCT.
This call covers the regions of North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo, Algarve, Azores and Madeira.
Each approved proposal shall receive funding up to €240.000 and for a maximum period of 36 months.


The estimated overall budget for this call includes €58 million of ESIF funds, with a corresponding national state budget contribution of €32,1 million, plus €20 million of national funds for projects not supported by the ESIF.

Applicable Regulations

The Specific Regulation on the Domain of Competitiveness and Internationalization (RECI) and the Regulation on Projects Funded Solely by National Funds shall apply to the different stages of the call, including admissibility, eligibility of beneficiaries and projects, and management of funded projects, depending on the entities that will fund the projects.

How to apply

All applications must be submitted in English through an electronic form at Balcão 2020.
There will be no application submissions through FCT website.


FCT is responsible for evaluating the quality of the proposals submitted in this call, in particular criterion A and subcriteria B2, B3, and B4, as defined in the Merit Referential. Submitted proposals shall be evaluated by international review panels, specific to each research area. The final decision for ESIF funded projects is issued by the Managing Authorities involved in project financing (COMPETE 2020 and/or Regional Operational Programs). The final decision for projects funded exclusively by national funds is issued by FCT,I.P..

Contacts and Technical Support

All relevant information can be found at Balcão 2020, in the Simplified Access Platform (PAS) and, additionally, at FCT webpage. In addition to the Announcement of the Call and Merit Referential, candidates have access to:
  • other relevant items and information, such as applicable legislation and the application form;
  • technical support and assistance with application submission, during the period of the call; support and assistance are ensured by the Operational Programs and FCT, I.P., as the intermediate body with delegated functions by the Operational Programs. All enquiries regarding this call must be submitted through Balcão 2020;
  • the results of the call with the proposals recommended for funding.
The information on this page does not replace or override any of the requirements set forth in theAnnouncement of the Call and in the Merit Referential.

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