quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2018


The Honourable Schoolboy

Número total de visualizações de página




Over 250,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(a quarter of a million...) 

[Please allow me to repeat\adapt the words about the 100,000 threshold... (https://thehonourableschoolboy.blogspot.pt/search?q=100,000 )]

Dear followers,

It has came as a surprise that in the Blog 'The Honourable such and so' we reached over than 250,000 readings. Wow!!
I can only thank all those who read and, in that sense, share the blog's posts.

I tend to avoid comentaries and personal log, elaborated 'thoughts into written words'.
Possibly... .

Meanwhile, let me  prepare, set myself for the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ashes#2005_to_present & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017%E2%80%9318_Ashes_series

(after RGarros, W, well yes, ... only in 2019 https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/may/01/england-and-australia-to-start-world-test-championship-with-2019-ashes) ; hope I would attend a few ... !

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