terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2021

If attempting to read the former, I suggested doing it assisted by the latter

The Honourable Schoolboy 

Nb. I only got the reviews from https://www.amazon.com/Hawking-Selling-Scientific-Celebrity/dp/1541618378 (and other 'sources'). I have NOT (yet) read Seife's book, but nevertheless,  I suggest the reading of this (following) one as well, which is, to me, a fair description (i.e,, one can feel  as being  there, really):  

Mlodinow's book is quite a fair description of what one could experiencing 'in situ'. The buildings and offices and doors and all that daily living dynamics are, to some extent, quite fair and realistic. Those that were there, at the time or 'near', may confirm, possibly. But I trust the remaining in the book to be as well a fair account. I have been reading Mlodinow's, slowly, starting, stoping, some other things come up, feeling too tired, getting old2. Hence, maybe this dual (Jung'wise) reading could be a suggestion to consider. 

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