sábado, 22 de maio de 2021

For Her Good Estate: The Life of Elizabeth de Burgh

The Honourable Schoolboy 

and as a nice reading as summer evenings loom...

For Her Good Estate: The Life of Elizabeth de Burgh, Lady of Clare

If you know a bit of how the 100 years war came about and, before that, the civil war of the early 14th century, and noticing that '' a treasure trove of records illuminating the contrasting reigns of her uncle Edward II and cousin Edward III'', this is interesting reading as she must have been quite savvy to survive plus succeed. See also in https://barnes1.net/FHGE/. Mind you, this Edward III was an old pre-Lancastrian (can I say it?), father of a John Gaunt who then was the father of  Philipa of Lancaster (yes, 'our 'Queen' as in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippa_of_Lancaster). In addition, Philipa was the sister of the future Henry IV and therefore the aunt of Henry V. I could go on from Plantagenet to Lancaster versus York and then Tudor. Ah, and it seems true that 'mum's the word' and it seems that it was mum who told his young Prince Henry (the one with the funny hat looking west from Sagres in the Algarve;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Henry_the_Navigator) that he should venture into building ships and more ships. And more ships. And navigate. Get a school (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagres_school) for that, too. So, interesting: ''aunt-aunt-aunt...'' Clare was also creating places for scholars in the south-east of England and her descendant Henry likewise about 150 years so afterwards. Path integral, that is what this is all about. 



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