
[Seminário] On the Heun equation

Oradora: Galina Filipuk, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, Poland Título: On the Heun equation Data, hora e local: 9 de julho de 2021, às 14h, na plataforma Zoom no seguinte endereço Resumo/Abstract: Heun equation is a Fuchsian equation with 4 singuarities. It appears in many areas of mathematical physics. It has a…


What is… Ramsey theory?

Manuel Silva, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal 23 de Junho de 2021, 16 horas no endereço Zoom: ID: 830 3058 0321 | Palavra chave: xyz Resumo/Abstract: In 1928 Frank P. Ramsey, motivated by philosophical considerations, proved a theorem in his paper “On a problem of formal logic”. This result can be viewed as a…