quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

(Mais) Obama

O Presidente Obama em sobre o que the US (land of the brave, home of the free, …) precisa p\ global marketplace: "We've got to do such a better job when it comes to STEM education...That's how we're going to stay competitive for the future."

Pois. Ele tem razão. E está bem aconselhado.

STEM? Ah, sim: science, technology, engineering, mathematics.

Ele diz e aponta, ''If we could just tighten standards and lean harder on the STEM disciplines--science, technology, engineering, mathematics--we'd better our rigorous rivals in India and China, and get our economy firing on all cylinders.''

Rivais? Afinal n\é o Canadá (Hoquei e 90% living near the border)? Ou Cuba (NBL)?

O que é que o B.Dylan dizia? ''Time's changin'' ou isso? E por cá?

The Honourable Schoolboy

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