* Anna Hazare's (cf in google) campaign... Impressive
* John Harlow, Stimes: ET, long time no see, ahh, this is your home?
Pois, committee is looking a como levar seres humanos a … Alpha
centauri, 4.35 ly far out. Desde … 'Seed ships' (!), 'Frozen
crew', Wormholes (math mais interesting...), 'Genetic code' apenas...
(?), .... DARPA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA
) quite serious about it!!!!
* Cf. Sir Humphrey and 'Minister, that will be very courageous...',
Impressive mas a seguir com Muito (!) interesse, Ruth Davinson
), a escolha dos Tory p\ Scotland. Pq? Pq em cronica no Stimes,
temos possivel next US Pr as W on steroids...
* Who said boycotts do not work? Cf. Siak and Sumatra on the Palm oil
giants and you. And me. And her. And him. cf.
, http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/taxonomy/term/2127
* Niklas Zennstrom Ran Rolex fasnet …
… and Skype!!!!
The Honourable Schoolboy
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